英语人>词典>汉英 : 自由形态的 的英文翻译,例句
自由形态的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与自由形态的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With the flexible and varied narrative angle of view,the author a- dopted contraposition and open narrative structure and metaphorical symbol method in the novel,and a concert form of ex- pressing the spirit of life has been found,the works modern aesthetic character with uniquely feature and the narrative strategy has been embodied.


With this coordinate axis, the dissertation analyses the common and different characteristic between the traditional media public opinion and the public opinion on Internet.


They entrench complex patterns of discrimination among trading partners that are as much a hindrance to liberal trade as a help.


But now Future Systems, the firm they built during 15 years of marriage, is to split, and the break-up is being seen as a defining moment for "blob" architecture, the design movement which prizes free-flowing forms for which Kaplicky has drawn inspiration from anything from stealth bombers to the curve of a Brazilian sunbather's thong.

但现在,Future Systems,这家在15年婚姻长跑中建立起的公司,将告破裂。而这次拆分,也将成为对BLOB建筑(崇尚自由流动形态的设计运动)的一次定型。在这场BLOB风潮中,Kaplicky从自隐形战机至巴西日光浴中的人群的任何东西中汲取灵感。

On the flexibility of tactics after more than a pass is flexible and I am not here to say, I will talk about the main points: 1, if a D does not increase blood bears do not return to open the same violent avoid opening kill, and disappear, lost to blind DZ, equipment can only say that a bit far worse; 2, if the Bears D to open violent response, you should not continue to attack and should attack you = reply to the HP, do not control, even if not control him, and he will not stay in the number of anger, not much damage output; Bears D on a human five seconds halo skills CD for 30 seconds, if the DZ had tried to avoid being hit, the general gambling Bear D will not take the skills, if HP Xiong D is less than 50% when using this skill, take one's time to lift the recommendations to see if he is a change or continue to bear form, the early lifting of the Bears D changed their tactics, then, and fight back, you will be injured, if he changes were increases in blood or take the skills, you will be the speed of response, and who is in the form of the XD is too fragile, and this time a counter-attack by DZ, the basic die is disabled. 3, proposed by the drug for the treatment and slow down (do not underestimate the slowdown, though XD turned the speed of the lifting of restrictions on DEBUFF, but turned when it is more dangerous, and at the same time suggest that a variety of turned to see Wang XD) Of course, bring their own drugs slow down the damage can be free with the.


As one blesses the milk cows or free-range egg chickens, one calls Buffalo and Hawk to ensoul the associated forms.


Hence I focused on biomorphic abstraction as a vehicle to express my emotions and free myself form the confused world. Biomorphic form provided free references to meditate and create sculptural form without any boundaries and has the symbolic meaning of freedom for me, while allowing the representation of subconscious material.


Its structural pattern of"three keylines guidesand five criteria" which was used in building its own system can be used for reference inbuilding the system of our socialist contract culture. m tring to use " the three key-lines-"freedoni to hulnan","equality to society","democracy to polities-as ...


Its structural pattern of"three keylines guidesand five criteria" which was used in building its own system can be used for reference inbuilding the system of our socialist contract culture. m tring to use " the three key-lines-"freedoni to hulnan","equality to society","democracy to polities-as themai...


Results showed that TECAM only extracted the freely dissolved HOCs and the presence of DOC in water reduced the availability of HOCs to both TECAM and Japanese medaka. The effect of DOC on the accumulation profiles of the three target compounds in TECAM and medaka was similar.


更多网络解释与自由形态的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


独创武将自由捕捉、热血军团攻城大战、轻松自动打怪升级三大系统. 四大职业助阵封测,四大属性相生相克,百余骑宠随您驾驭,千名武将任您差遣,万种造型凸显个性! "拟人化"(Anthropomorphism)是一种拟人法的外在表现方式,指将人类的形态、外观、特征、


皆为反式(Trans isomers)异构物的形态,与生物体相容性与安全性最佳,但成本高. 而我们所配合的日本知名大厂KANEKA正是采用此法制造出天然型Co-Q10. 减少细胞被自由基(free radical)攻击的损失. 减少心血管疾病(cardiovascular)的风险.

Free-form figure drawing tools:自由形态的绘画工具

Generate Java code from models 模块获得代码 | Free-form figure drawing tools 自由形态的绘画工具 | Direct edit of Node and Connection details via Hot-Zones 节点直接编辑

Free for All:自由竞赛

free-falling 自由落下的 | free-for-all 自由竞赛 | free-form 自由形态的

free energy:自由能量

当思想形态被修正到新的方向朝向道的基础思想形态后,建立在自由能量(free energy)或自由爱(free love)原则基础上的新纪元将自然而然展开. 在自由爱(free love)原则里,将永远充足,将永远完满,将永远被爱. 大多数人类心灵渴望这样,


OBJ3.0格式支持多边形(Polygon),直线(Lines),表面(Surfaces),和自由形态曲线(Free-form Curves). 直线和多角形通过它们的点来描述,曲线和表面则根据于它们的控制点和依附于曲线类型的额外信息来定义. 这些信息支持规则和不规则的曲线,


柱头虫的卵小,卵黄含量也少,受精卵为均等全裂,胚体先发育成柱头幼虫(tornaria),然后经变态为柱头虫. 柱头幼虫体小而透明,体表布有粗细不等的纤毛带,营自由游泳生活,它们不论在形态或生活习性方面均酷似棘皮动物海参的短腕幼虫(bipinnaria)(图13-6).


可以用思想改变形态"就像在河湾或湖泊边的阿米巴变形虫(Ameba) 一样"(364-3) . 渴望去感受大海,风,森林,以及花中蕴含的美丽,和它们混合在一起,通过这些来表现他们自己. 他们也和动物混溶,生成模仿它们的样式. 有了自由意志,

Paper Mache:纸

这一系列的如水滴自由般形态的椅子由玻璃...Evolution 椅子来自 Nacho Carbonell,在 Milan 2008 上展出,用混凝纸( paper mache )搭建在铁丝架上做成,这一系列椅子看上去有点奇怪,将洞穴和坐具相结合,探讨公共和私密行为,


free-form 自由形态的 | free-hearted 坦率的 | free-lance 自由契约的