英语人>词典>汉英 : 自由党 的英文翻译,例句
自由党 的英文翻译、例句


liberal party
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In 1921 the British signed the Anglo-Irish Treaty establishing an Irish Free State with dominion status with a separate government in the Protestant-dominatd Northern Ireland.


After 1870, in France, Spain, Italy, and Quebec, as well as in much of Latin America, politics polarized as the church and most clergy sided with the right against liberals, republicans, and socialists who built anticlericalism into their programs.

之后, 1870年,在法国,西班牙,意大利,和魁北克省,以及在许多拉丁美洲,政治两极化,作为教会和神职人员最片面的与反对的权利,自由党,共和党,和社会主义者谁建anticlericalism纳入其计划。

Before the First World War, he served as President of the Board of Trade, Home Secretary and First Lord of the Admiralty as part of the Asquith Liberal government.


The first Lord Kilbracken had been a protégé of a Liberal prime minister, Gladstone, but was a Conservative; and the second, Wynne's father Hugh, also a Tory, had been madly in love with Violet Asquith, the daughter of another Liberal prime minister.


We have voted for the Liberal Party of Canada for most of our lives and for many years, regarded it as the most effective federal party for realizing our dream of a united and tolerant nation where all citizen all together in the best interests for everyone in the country. However, the party abandoned these principles when it comes to increasing membership by recruiting new members on the basis of their ethnic background.


In politics, it divided Conservative, split Liberal Unionist, and re-united Liberals.


This mismatch is mainly accounted for by the fact that the Liberal Party falls below the 4% threshold that guarantees automatic representation in the Storting, implying the party would win only a couple of MPs from the constituency lists.


The war destroyed the power of the liberal party, which had been in office for eight years when fighting started .during that time it had done much to tax the rich and to help the poor, especially the old and the workless .it had introduced insurance against illness and industrial accidents ,and it had arranged regular medical examination of children .local councils were given more power but less independence ;they were helped by government money but they suffered government interference.


Tisza directed the Liberal government until 1890, and for fourteen years thereafter a number of Liberal prime ministers held office.


Draen Budia became the leader of the Croatian Social Liberal Party Croatian Social Liberal Party Croatian: Hrvatska socijalno liberalna stranka HSLS is a liberal party in Croatia.

德拉任布迪沙成了克罗地亚社会自由党克罗地亚社会自由党领袖(克罗地亚:赫尔瓦socijalno liberalna施特兰卡首次置业贷款计划是在克罗地亚的自由党

更多网络解释与自由党相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

of whom Prime Minister Asquith said, "If you want to get the job done:曾被阿斯奎斯首相(英国自由党 政治家)赞誉为:"想找事做吗

our honourable guest speaker... | of whom Prime Minister Asquith said, "If you want to get the job done,|曾被阿斯奎斯首相(英国自由党 政治家)赞誉为:"想找事做吗?" | "get Twisdon. " Mr Tommy Twisdon.|"跟着...

Martha Hall Findlay:加拿大国会成员和自由党积极成员

Gordon O'Connor-加拿大前任国防部长 | Martha Hall Findlay-加拿大国会成员和自由党积极成员 | Jim Flaherty-加拿大财政部部长

Liberal Party:自由党

当他早年还是"自由党"(Liberal Party)一员时,便已认识到哈布士堡王朝(Hapsburg Monarchy)与罗德希尔(Rothschild)的奥地利铁路系统支配权之间,有密切的关联性.

business-oriented Liberal Party:侧重商界的自由党

高明地平衡党内各派系balancing internal factions skillfully | 侧重商界的自由党business-oriented Liberal Party | 偏向中产阶级的middle-class-affiliated


Serial No.订明团体名称 Names of Prescribed Bodies | 1 自由党 LIBERAL PARTY 1 | 2 旺角区蔬菜批发商会有限公司 MONGKOK VEGETABLE WHOLESALE MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION COMPANY LIMITED1

The Liberal Party:自由党

辉格党人指的是反对绝对王权,支持新教徒,推崇宗教自由的人,辉格党即现在的英国自由党(the Liberal Party)前身;而托利党支持世袭王权,不愿意废除国王,是保守党(the Conservative Party)的前身.

Serbian Liberal Party:塞尔维亚自由党

Seljacka Stranka Srbije,塞尔维亚农民党,SSS, | Serbian Liberal Party,塞尔维亚自由党,SLS, | Srpska Liberalna Stranka,塞尔维亚自由党,SLS,

Italian Liberal Party:意大利自由党

意大利社会民主党 Italian Democratic Socialist Party | 意大利自由党 Italian Liberal Party | 意大利人民党 Italian Popular Party

Liberty Party:自由党

9.自由党(Liberty Party)成立于1840年,在北方有强大影响. 成员主要是对奴隶制度毫不妥协的废奴主义者. 它不仅反对奴隶制度的进一步扩张,甚至要求尽快消灭奴隶制. 它主张:禁止联邦再接纳奴隶州;终结首都哥伦比亚特区的奴隶制度;

Hrvatska Socijalno-Liberalna Stranka:克罗地亚社会-自由党(克社自党),HSLS,克社自党

Croatian Social-Liberal Party,克罗地亚社会-自由党(克社自党),H... | Hrvatska Socijalno-Liberalna Stranka,克罗地亚社会-自由党(克社自党),HSLS,克社自党 | Croatian Party of Rights,克罗地亚权利党(克权利党),H...