英语人>词典>汉英 : 自以为 的英文翻译,例句
自以为 的英文翻译、例句


flatter oneself · lay claim to · set up for · in one's own conceit
更多网络例句与自以为相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Quandj'ai vu trops de films,le pire,cest que je me croit aussi vivre dans les films:jeme réalise moi-meme,je me joue toute seule,jeme critique aussi moi-meme,etje me crée un atmosphère dontjene veux plus me retiré,je me croisque c'estma vie.mais en fait c'est seulement un souvenir ou un songe.je vit dans un mensoge dontje suismoi-mème la menteuse,c'estironique.


From that, a person who thinks of him as important or possessing power is described as the cock of the walk.

从而,一个自认为重要,自以为权威的人,就被形容为 The cock of the walk。

From 6 years in December, potato net costs 1.2 million RMB every months to be used at pornographic video window to play, still use undertake jumping turning through other page, harm others to benefit oneself, flatter oneself without anybody knowing it.


There is another thing:- young men of the richer classes, who have not much to do, come about me of their own accord; they like to hear the pretenders examined, and they often imitate me, and examine others themselves; there are plenty of persons, as they soon enough discover, who think that they know something, but really know little or nothing: and then those who are examined by them instead of being angry with themselves are angry with me: This confounded Socrates, they say; this villainous misleader of youth!


The sins of Babylon, such as self-glorification, blasphemy, and the way she felt herself to be invincible, as well as trusting in astrology, are prevalent sins today.


Self-justification is really a denial of our sinfulness; and it can lead us to presume that we can save ourselves.


Masked under the guise of an externally sanctioned, absolute authority-----such as the "gods"-----or an internally sanctioned absolute authority----such as "mystical" experience----the unphilosophical mind deceives itself into thinking it has arrived at some final, certain knowledge, when in truth the mind has not arrived because there is no arrival; there is no authority; there is just the ever-evolving, living path called wisdom.


Occasionally, but seldom, he played at whist, and then care was taken to select partners worthy of him--sometimes they were ambassadors, sometimes archbishops, or sometimes a prince, or a president, or some dowager duchess. Such was the man whose carriage had just now stopped before the Count of Monte Cristo's door. The valet de chambre announced M. de Villefort at the moment when the count, leaning over a large table, was tracing on a map the route from St. Petersburg to China.


A man who thinks himself is adorable is the most odious , but a man who thinks himself odious is the most pleasant.


Hence we conclude that there is positively no real Atman; that there are only various consciousnesses which, since before the beginning of time, have followed one another, the subsequent one arising with the disappearance of the antecedent, and thus a continuous series of causes and effects (karmic seeds-actual dharmas-karmic seeds) is formed; and that, by the perfuming energy of false thinking, an image of a pseudo-Atman arises in the consciousness, and it is this pseudo-Atman which the ignorant take for a real Atman.

因此可以确定的说:一定毫无实实在在的我;只有诸识在自己无始开始存在以来,於分段生死中相续不断,自己的存在无始以来前灭后生,在因因果果、果果因因中相续不断,因著业力的虚妄熏习,出现假我的种种现象,就误以为有我,故无知的愚者自以为有ㄧ个实我。(韦达在此将《成唯识论》的「诸识」翻成「几种不同的识」,指的是种子识、末那识、眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意等八个识,在不同时空分段生死中,所起的外延与内涵、作用不同,所以才用「不同的」various一词。其次,他把「无始时来」翻成「since before the beginning of time」,就尚德对佛法的了解而言,佛法所指的「无始」不是指「时间的本身」,而是指众生生命开始的那个时刻,叫做「无始」。----------译者

更多网络解释与自以为相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Know it all,smart aleck:自以为无所不知的人

Knight in shining armor (尤其指对妇女)像中世纪骑士般彬彬有礼的男子 | Know it all,smart aleck 自以为无所不知的人 | Kraut,Genman 德国人


ascendant 占优势的 | descendants 后代 | condescension 自以为

Crafty men contemn studies:自以为聪明的人看不起学问

much at large, except they be 范围和约束. | Crafty men contemn studies, 自以为聪明的人看不起学问, | simple men admire them, 幼稚的人崇拜学问,


Indie-rocker 唱片独立制片人,摇滚乐手----------- | Intellectual,egghead 知识分子,学问者,自以为有大学问的人 | Interrogator 讯问者,质问者,审问者

flatter oneself that:自认为; 自以为

252. follow that decision 作出此决定后 | 253. flatter oneself that 自认为; 自以为 | 254. except that where conj. 但如果

have a swelled head:自以为了不起

get the big head 自以为了不起 | have a swelled head 自以为了不起 | have the big head 自以为了不起

get a swelled head:自以为了不起

put sth. out of one's head 不去想, 设法把...忘记 | get a swelled head 自以为了不起 | get the big head 自以为了不起


wisdomknowledgesapiensapiencesapiencysapientiawits 智慧 | wiseacre 自以为聪明者 | wiseacre 自以为懂事的人


wiseacre 自以为聪明者 | wiseacre 自以为懂事的人 | wiseandfarsightedsagaciousness 睿智


wise-crack /妙语/ | wiseacre /自以为聪明者/自以为懂事的人/ | wisecrack /俏皮话/