英语人>词典>汉英 : 臃肿 的英文翻译,例句
臃肿 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

too fat to move
更多网络例句与臃肿相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The biggest area was 18cm×13cm,and the smallest was 4.5cm×10cm.there were 6 cases osteomyelitis with bone exposure,4 cases muscle tendonexposure.donor-area direct suture or plant skin.resultsall flaps survived,several cases flap were fat and clumsy and need make them thin in second intention.conclusionthe clinical result of repairing soft tissue defects in lower part of shank, the foot, with antidromic island flap providing blood supply by suralis nerver is reliable.the operation is sinple, without sacrifice of major arteries, low infection to foot, convenient for application.


Because I am not having my wedding during a gross Baltimore winter...


Blackie: I say, you're looking swell, Jim.


Bloat: Bloat is another word for "I can't have everything I want!".


I've always noticed that my stomach was always bloated, but I didn't know why.


One of the common perceptions about Linux is that it is too bloated to use for an embedded system.


I used Azureus for a long time, and it just kept getting more and more bloated.


I don't understand it, such a dandy fellow, now he is all bloated up.


Most of us overeat from time to time, and we may feel bloated or excessively full as a result.


The obesity of Qu's figures is also suggestive. Overweight figures with stereotypic Chinese facial characteristics have expressively represented the insignificant multitude, and their intolerable mediocrity is an irony of the divinity they believe in. Such a sardonicism has existed in both the eastern and western worlds for a long time, but the artist did not merely appropriate it, instead, he transforms it .


更多网络解释与臃肿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bullet-proof vest:防弹背心

这种材质对于躯干以外其它需要活动自如、操作方便的部位,如手臂、双腿和颈部来说,就显得过于臃肿和坚硬;并且防弹背心(Bullet Proof Vest)及其Kevlar材料在防护刺戳和榴霰弹等方面亦并非特别有效.


opulence 富裕 | corpulence 肥胖,臃肿 | flatulence 肠胃气胀

doesn't count:不指望

Pulling out your credit card for the latest release拔出你的信用卡为最新版本 | doesn't count!不指望! | In A 'Smoke & Mirrors' Industry Full Of Bloated在'烟&镜子'业充满臃肿

Gluttony Incarnate:饕餮之实体

23.Wood Wraith 树灵 | THOUSAND POUNDER/无比臃肿之物(第一个Boss,Pounder这个词用的经典) | Gluttony Incarnate 饕餮之实体

THOUSAND POUNDER:无比臃肿之物(第一个Boss,Pounder这个词用的经典)

23.Wood Wraith 树灵 | THOUSAND POUNDER/无比臃肿之物(第一个Boss,Pounder这个词用的经典) | Gluttony Incarnate 饕餮之实体


tumbler 不倒翁 | tum 臃肿 | tumid 臃肿


tum 臃肿 | tumid 臃肿的 | limpid 清澈的

I'm not fat. It's all this fur.It makes me look poofy:我不胖,是因为这毛皮让我显得...臃肿

I think you're stressed, so you eat too much.It's hard t... | I'm not fat. It's all this fur.It makes me look poofy.|我不胖,是因为这毛皮让我显得...臃肿 | All right, you have fat hair.But when you're re...

overstaffed organization:机构臃肿

灰色收入 income from moonlighting | 机构臃肿 overstaffed organization | 积德 perform good deeds without let-up

overstaffed government organization:机构臃肿

政府机构, Government institutions | 机构臃肿, Overstaffed government organization | 人浮于事, Have more hands than needed