英语人>词典>汉英 : 臀板 的英文翻译,例句
臀板 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pygidium  ·  uropatagium

podical plate · pygal scute
更多网络例句与臀板相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was walking stiffly, too, holding himself inflexibly; pride might be holding back his shoulders and holding up his head, but there was some other reason for his not bending at the hips.


The genotype has no significant correlation with other traits, but the results of LSD analysis show that there have differences between genotypes for percentage of leaf fat, percentage of intramuscular fat, dressing percent, Ham and LMA.


The correlation between live traits and carcass traits was determined mainly by the close correlation between girth of paunch, dock width, live backfat thickness and leaf percentage; close correlation between heart girth, dock width, dock length and dressing percentage and bind hock proportion, and correlation between body lunch, heart girth and lean meat percentage.

湖北 白猪活体性状与胴体性状之间的相关主要是由:腹围、臀宽及活体膘厚与板油率密切相关,胸围、臀宽、臀长、臀围与屠宰率及后腿比例密切相关,体长、胸围与瘦肉率和肥肉率间的较强相关所决定的。

更多网络解释与臀板相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


第7节背板后缘两侧各有一组粗壮的鬃,称臀前鬃(antepygidial bristle),保护着其后第8节上的臀板(pygidium). 臀板为感觉器官,略呈圆形,板上有若干杯壮凹陷并且各具一根细长鬃和许多小刺. 蚤发育为全变态,生活史包括卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫4个阶段.

pygidium:[动]尾板 臀板

countershaft (机器中的)副轴, 间轴 | pygidium [动]尾板 臀板 | pedimentation [地]山麓夷平作用,宽谷形成过程


阎魔虫属於翅鞘缩短的类型,绝大部分种类臀板(Prygidium)与前臀板(Propygidium) 不被覆盖而突出於翅鞘外;触角末端4节膨大,组成一个钮状的圆球,触角第一节相当修长,因而整个触角呈现屈膝状的外貌,同时在前胸背板下方经常有一个凹槽,

pygal plate:臀板

臀;臀皮后方的 pygal | 臀板 pygal plate | 臀盾 pygal scute


Pygeumtopengii臀果木 | pygidial臀板的 | pygidialarea臀板

pygidial gland:臀腺

臀板繸;臀板须边 pygidial fringe | 臀腺 pygidial gland | 臀板侧缘 pygidial margin

pygidial margin:臀板侧缘

臀腺 pygidial gland | 臀板侧缘 pygidial margin | 臀板毛 pygidial setae

pygidial area:臀板区

pygal plate 臀板 | pygidial area 臀板区 | pygidial gland 臀腺

pygidial shield:臀板

pygidial margin 臀板侧缘 | pygidial shield 臀板 | pygmy lamp 小型灯

pygidial setae:臀板毛

臀板侧缘 pygidial margin | 臀板毛 pygidial setae | 臀鲶科 PYGIDIIDAE