英语人>词典>汉英 : 臀区 的英文翻译,例句
臀区 的英文翻译、例句


upper field
更多网络例句与臀区相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods To take 130 (male 112,female 18) adult lower limbs,where carry out dissecting layer by layer to observe and measure the thickness between the skin and hypodermis as well as the thickness between the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius;watch the branched type of arteria glutaea superior as well as the caliber of arteria glutaea superior and the nerve,giving individual stab observation.


There are many skin folds in human body which are adapted to the need of movementand also the important marks to divide anatomic regions.i.e.the groin is the skin fold whichexists between lower abdomen and anterior thigh,the gluteal-thigh sulcus is skin fold whichexists between buttocks and posterior thigh.Correspondingly,the skin fold which existsbetween pudendum and superior-medial thigh is named pudendal-thigh sulcus,and flapsharvested from pudendal-thigh territories can be called the pudendal-thigh flaps.

人体体表有许多皱褶,这些皱褶是为了适应运动的需要,同时也是解剖学分区的重要体表标志,如存在于下腹部与股前区的皮肤皱襞称为腹股沟,存在于臀部与股后区的皮肤皱襞称为臀沟,相应地,存在于大腿内上方与会阴部之间的皮肤皱褶可称之为阴股沟(pudendal-thigh sulcus),在阴股沟区切取的皮瓣即称为阴股沟皮瓣(the pudendal-thighflap)。

According to a completely randomized block design, 54 pigs (Larger White×Landrace) with an average weight of 53kg were assigned to three treatments. The diets contained the same amino acid pattern (TDLys : TDMet : TDThr : TDTrp=100 : 34.6 : 71.7 : 19.2) and digestibile energy levelDE 3200 kcalkg^(-1 with different crude protein levels (CP 10%, 18% and 26%, respectively). The trial lasted for 67 days before slaughter, and longissimus dorsi, psoas major, semaitendinosus, semimembranosus, arm triceps, glutaeus medius, the area, diameter and density of the muscle fibers were measured.

采用完全随机区组设计,54头53kg大×长生长猪随机分为3个处理(每处理3个重复),饲喂等氨基酸(TDLys:TDMet:TDThr:TDTrp=100:34.6:71.7:19.2)、等消化能DE 3200kcalkg^(-1和不同蛋白水平(CP 10%,18%和26%)的3种饲粮,饲喂期67d之后屠宰采样,测背最长肌、腰大肌、半腱肌、半膜肌、臂三头肌、臀中肌的肌纤维面积、直径和密度。

Methods:To observe the courser and adjacent relationship of the vascular nerve in gluteal region, vastus lateralis region and deltoid region on 20 infant corpses and 4 fault specimens.


There are 24 famous spots and many natural fairylands. It was divided into five scenic places. As below: korean


Objective To determine surface projection of suprapitiform foramen, infrapiriform foramen and sciatic nerve in anal triangle, so as to provide anatomical data for the clinical application.


更多网络解释与臀区相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

axillary region:腋区

新翅类的昆虫为了适应翅的折叠与飞行,翅上常有 3 条褶线将翅面分为 4 区.翅基部具有腋片的三角形区 域称腋区(axillary region);腋区外边的褶称基褶(basal fold);从腋区的外角发出的臀褶(vannal fold) 和轭褶(jugal fold)将翅面腋区以外的部分分为 3 区:臀前区(remigium),

Margaret Lockwood:玛格丽特.洛克伍德

透露着贵族气质的中性风格英气十足,肥臀的骑马裤与上衣的收腰设...>>进入新浪纪录片频道 看更多精彩内容> 导演 阿尔弗雷德 希区柯克 (Alfred Hitchcock) 演员 玛格丽特 洛克伍德 (Margaret Lockwood) ......


斑衣蜡蝉(Lycorma delicatula White) 属蜡蝉科(Fulgoridae),大、中型,体色美丽. 头圆,触角3节,短,末端1节针毛状,着生于复眼下. 翅膜质,翅脉多分支,多横纹,造成网状,后翅臀区翅脉也呈网状. 体上常有白蜡状的物质. 前翅基部有鳞片状小片.

gluteal sulcus:臀沟

02116 臀区 gluteral region | 02117 臀沟 gluteal sulcus | 02118 自由下肢 free lower limb


Pygeumtopengii臀果木 | pygidial臀板的 | pygidialarea臀板区

pygidial area:臀板区

pygal plate 臀板 | pygidial area 臀板区 | pygidial gland 臀腺


绵鳚科(Zoarcidae)约80种长形海产鱼类的统称,见於冷水,盛产於南北极区. 体鳗状,唇厚,背、臀、尾鳍相连,近鳃处或有小的腹鳍. 底栖,从浅水到深水均有分布. 体长可达90公分(3呎)上下,但一般最多45公分. 有些种类卵生,其他,