英语人>词典>汉英 : 膝行 的英文翻译,例句
膝行 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
knee  ·  knees  ·  gonybatia

更多网络例句与膝行相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus prepared the guest will silently approach the sanctuary, and, if a samurai, will leave his sword on the rack beneath the eaves, the tea-room being pre-eminently the house of peace.


From May 2007 to May 2008, 15 cases of osteoarthritis and 11 cases of rheumatoid arthritis, a total of 34 knees involved, including 7 males and 19 females, aged 52-67 years, were admitted to Depratment of Knee Joint, Luoyang Hospital of Orthopaedics and Traumatics. All patients underwent primary total knee replacements using Corin rotaglide knee replacement system.

回顾性分析2007-05/2008-05河南省洛阳正骨医院膝部损伤科收治的骨性关节炎患者15例及类风湿性关节炎患者11例(共34膝),男7例,女19例,年龄52~67岁;均为初次行膝关节置换,所用假体为英国Corin Rotaglide全膝关节假体。

The third is lubricous degree, symmetry and unsymmetry of knee and ankle joint track.

摘 要:在次最大强度下改变骑行变量坐角与坐高,结果表明:恢复阶段的曲柄角速度及膝、踝关节轨迹特征的理论论证与实际结果具有很好的一致性;参与本次实验的自行车运动员坐角不应小于72°、坐高不低于106%th的定位较为合理;初步确认了踏蹬技术的三种运动学诊断指标即提拉阶段的曲柄角速度、不同组合下踏蹬时上、下死点区域的大小,膝、踝关节中心轨迹的重叠程度、光滑程度、对称性与非对称性。

Infections of 3 cases were controled after treatment with the wound dressing and compression bandaging after local inflammation organic resection, oral Xinhuang Tablets of proprietary Chinese medicines and antibiotics; 9 cases were treated with arthroscopic joint clean-up washing , 2 case of them were treated with incision debridement combined by synovectomy arthroscopic due to inability to complete debridement ; 3 case of them were treated with temporary prosthesis replacement surgery on the infection after total knee debridement due to recurring knee swelling and rupture , filling bone cement containing sensitive antibiotics, convection to wash on the articular cavity, and second phase renovation in stable condition, finally they recoveried postoperatively and discharged.

结果:对22例出现炎症性反应的TKA术后患者,经抗感染、关节腔对流冲洗、清创和Ⅱ期再置换并配合口服中成药新癀片等处理。10例轻微肿痛病人经单纯药物治疗,症状改善。12例患者应用外科干预, 3例行局部炎症组织切除后伤口换药并加压包扎,口服中成药新癀片及抗生素治疗后控制感染;9例在关节镜下行关节清理冲洗,其中2例在行关节镜下手术时因无法彻底清创行切开清创合并滑膜切除; 3例因反复出现膝关节红肿、疼痛、甚至破溃予全膝置换术后感染清创临时假体置换术,用含敏感抗生素骨水泥填充,对关节腔进行对流冲洗,待关节情况稳定后行Ⅱ期翻修,术后痊愈出院。

Osteoarthritis models were established by anterior cruciate ligment transection in the model group and treatment group; while arthrotomy was performed in sham operation group.


Methods:The great adductor muscle tendon and bone and skin comound flaps pedicled with the descending genicular artery were used to repair the Achilles tendon accompanying with defect of skin and calcaneus at one-stage operation.


ObjectivesOsteoarthritis of the knee, also named as hyperplasive gonarthritis, or osteoarthrosis of the knee, is a common degenerative articular disease, characterized with pain and stiffness of the knee, and fractional sound when the knee is moving.

一。研究目的膝骨性关节炎(Osteoarthritis of the knee,KOA),又称增生性膝关节炎、膝骨关节病等,是一种常见的退行性关节疾病,临床上以膝关节疼痛、僵硬、活动受限、活动时可有摩擦响声为特征,是一种累及骨、滑膜及关节周围支持结构的疾病。

Seven patients were admitted into this department in acute phase of trauma, repair of popliteal artery in 2 patients and repair of PMC and MCL in 4 patients were performed in this phase. Arthroscopic combined reconstruction of ACL and PCL with autografts was performed in all patients from 4 to 12 weeks after trauma, reconstruction of PLC with the posterior half of biceps femoris tendon tenodesis in 3 patients and reconstruction of PMC and MCL with femoral fascia in 1 patient were completed simultaneously.

方法]自2001年9月~2005年2月,13例病人(13膝)经关节镜检查证明ACL和PCL均断裂,其中5膝伴后内侧角、内侧副韧带损伤,4膝伴后外侧角损伤,2膝伴外侧半月板破裂,1膝伴内侧半月板损伤,3膝伴动脉损伤,2膝伴腓分神经损伤。7例病人于损伤后急性期入院,2膝于急性期行血管探查修复,4膝行膝后内侧角、内侧副韧带修复。13例病人于伤后4~12周在关节镜下行自体移植物单束ACL和PCL联合重建术,其中4例同期后1/2 股二头肌腱重建后PLC,1例同期阔筋膜PMC、MCL重建。

Seven patients were admitted into this department in acute phase of trauma, repair of popliteal artery in 2 patients and repair of PMC and MCL in 4 patients were performed in this phase. Arthroscopic combined reconstruction of ACL and PCL with autografts was performed in all patients from 4 to 12 weeks after trauma, reconstruction of PLC with the posterior half of biceps femoris tendon tenodesis in 3 patients and reconstruction of PMC and MCL with femoral fascia in 1 patient were completed simultaneously.

]自2001年9月~2005年2月,13例病人(13膝)经关节镜检查证实ACL和PCL均断裂,其中5膝伴后内侧角、内侧副韧带损伤,4膝伴后外侧角损伤,2膝伴外侧半月板破裂,1膝伴内侧半月板损伤,3膝伴动脉损伤,2膝伴腓总神经损伤。7例病人于损伤后急性期入院,2膝于急性期行血管探查修复,4膝行膝后内侧角、内侧副韧带修复。13例病人于伤后4~12周在关节镜下行自体移植物单束ACL和PCL联合重建术,其中4例同期后1/2 股二头肌腱重建后PLC,1例同期阔筋膜PMC、MCL重建。

Method]from sept 2001 to feb 2005, 13 knees with combined acl and pcl tear in 13 patients were verified with arthroscopy. of them, 5 knee were combined with rupture of the posteromedial coner and medial collateral ligament, 3 combined with disruption of the posterolateral corner, 2 with lateral meniscus tear, 1 with medial meniscus tear, 3 associated with popliteal vascular injury and 2 with peroneal nerve injury. seven patients were admitted into this department in acute phase of trauma, repair of popliteal artery in 2 patients and repair of pmc and mcl in 4 patients were performed in this phase. arthroscopic combined reconstruction of acl and pcl with autografts was performed in all patients from 4 to 12 weeks after trauma, reconstruction of plc with the posterior half of biceps femoris tendon tenodesis in 3 patients and reconstruction of pmc and mcl with femoral fascia in 1 patient were completed simultaneously.

方法]自2001年9月~2005年2月,13例病人(13膝)经关节镜检查证实acl和pcl均断裂,其中5膝伴后内侧角、内侧副韧带损伤,4膝伴后外侧角损伤,2膝伴外侧半月板破裂,1膝伴内侧半月板损伤,3膝伴动脉损伤,2膝伴腓总神经损伤。7例病人于损伤后急性期入院,2膝于急性期行血管探查修复,4膝行膝后内侧角、内侧副韧带修复。13例病人于伤后4~12周在关节镜下行自体移植物单束acl和pcl联合重建术,其中4例同期后1/2 股二头肌腱重建后plc,1例同期阔筋膜pmc、mcl重建。

更多网络解释与膝行相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

rheumatoid arthritis:类风湿性关节炎

男性多于疼痛可向膝部或大腿内侧放射. 疼痛明显时,可出现下蹲困难内收肌及髂腰肌挛缩. 晚期(III-IV)疼痛可明显减轻或无痛性跛行,髋关节功能基本正常. 2.类风湿性关节炎:(Rheumatoid arthritis)系全身性结缔组织疾病,主要表现为全身性自身免疫性疾

retrograde gonarthritis:退行性膝关节炎

反凝析污染:retrograde condensation damage | 退行性膝关节炎:retrograde gonarthritis | 鼻内镜手术:Endoscopic sinus surgery

The tree was felled and limbed:樹給砍下來, 削去枝葉

to limb 肢解/削枝 | :: The tree was felled and limbed 樹給砍下來, 削去枝葉 | to knee 膝行/膝撞