英语人>词典>汉英 : 腺阻塞 的英文翻译,例句
腺阻塞 的英文翻译、例句


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The doctor will also check the size of the adenoids to see if they are unusually enlarged and blocking the Eustachian tube.


One hand mechanical obstruct led to the increase of veinous resistance and the obstacle of microcirculation, the other hand the adhesive PMN was activated in excess, the white blood cells released a lot of enzymes, in which PMN-elastase can decompose the components of cell and many albumens, inclusive of immunoglobulin、alexin and fibrication. These components induced the injury of the pancreatic capillary vessels and cell and lysosome enzy made the tissue protein hydrolyze and produced unsaturated fatty acids, which destroyed the structure and function of cellar membrane. The inflammatory cellar factors activate other immunocytes to produce the injury and necrosis of tissue, which aggravated the pathological injury and led to shock、pyaemia and MODS. So ICAM-1 and LFA-1 played an important role in SAP. Frossard found that the expression of ICAM-1 in the rat model, especially in serum、pancreas and lung. All these showed ICAM-1 is an important factor in AP and concomitant lung injury.


Chalazion is a granuloma that forms in the eyelid due to blocked secretions from the Meibomian gland.


Louis University - For children who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy can provide dramatic relief and is successful in solving sleep problems for 80 to 90 percent of children, according to a study published in a recent issue of The Laryngoscope .

圣路易斯大学-为儿童谁患上阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停,扁桃体和腺样体切除术可以提供救济和戏剧性的是成功的在解决睡眠问题,为8 0至9 0%的儿童,根据公布的一项研究表明在最近一次的问题该喉镜。

Its occurrence is due to puberty, the body secretion of sex hormone imbalance, facial oil gland secretion disorders, pore blocking, while the external intrusion caused by the bacteria, but also plenty of constipation caused by inhaled toxins can also cause Qing Chundou growth.


Objective:To observe the effect of tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy on obstructive sleep apnea syndrome of children.


Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy have been regarded as the first choice of management for pediatric obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.


Objective To investigate the effect of adenotonsillectomy or adenoidectomy in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in children with adenoidal hypertrophy.

目的 探讨腺样体切除术、腺样体扁桃体切除术对腺样体肥大儿童阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征的治疗作用。

Results: Causes of airway obstruction of the children with OSAHS were as follows: 86 cases adenoidal hypertrophy, 80 cases hypertrophy of tonsils, 38 cases nasosinusitis, 24 cases hypertrophy of nasal turbinate, 20 cases allergic rhinitis, and 3 cases deflection of septum.


Results: Causes of airway obstruction of the children with OSAIIS were as follows: 86 cases adenoidal hypertrophy, 80 cases hypertrophy of tonsils, 38 cases nasosinusitis, 24 cases hypertrophy of nasal turbinate, 20 cases allergic rhinitis, and 3 cases deflection of septum.


更多网络解释与腺阻塞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


由于管道阻塞所导致的腺泡(alveolus)压力增加49) 刺激乳头的操作(manual)是一种帮助减少产后出血的技术. 此操作的原理为?C. 多巴胺 D. 睡眠 E. 哺乳(nursing)51) 男性女乳化(Gynecomastia)是肝脂肪化(fatty degeneration)的常见症状,

bronchiolitis obliterans:阻塞性细支气管炎

气泡塌陷以及肺部的过度充气.细支气管周围呈现发炎细胞浸润,黏膜下水肿及充血.偶而会合并有间质性肺炎.整个病程通常可持续约二至三周.由七及二十一血清型腺病毒引起者有时会造成持久的肺组织破坏-阻塞性细支气管炎(Bronchiolitis Obliterans).肺功能方面会造成通气不畅,


睑板腺囊肿(chalazion)又称霰粒肿,是睑板腺管道的阻塞,腺体的分泌物潴留在睑板内引起的一种无菌性慢性肉芽肿炎症. 有一纤维结缔组织包囊,囊内含有睑板腺分泌物及包括巨噬细胞在内的慢性炎症细胞浸润. 在病理形态上类似结核结节,

chalazion:睑板腺囊肿, 霰粒肿

二、睑板腺囊肿(霰粒肿)(chalazion)(一)病因:因睑板腺排出管道阻塞,分泌物潴留,刺激周围组织而形成的睑板慢性肉芽肿. 多见于青少年或中壮年. 可能与该年龄阶段睑板腺分泌功能旺盛有关. 发生在上睑者居多. (二)临床表现:本病进程缓慢,

chronic dacryoadenitis:慢性淚腺炎

慢性泪腺炎(chronic dacryoadenitis)在临床上较急性泪腺炎普遍,常与全身感染有关. 多为原发性,亦可由急性转变而来. ...1、结核性泪腺炎: ...2、沙眼性泪腺炎: 沙眼对泪腺的影响可能有两方面:一是沙眼在结疤痕的过程中,引起泪腺排出管道之阻塞-导致泪腺继发性萎缩;


3.胸腺瘤 胸腺瘤(thymoma)在小儿罕见,仅偶见有合并重症肌无力. 正常4~15个月婴儿常见胸腺肥大,但不引起压迫气管和阻塞呼吸道的症状,因此也不需要放射治疗. 随着小儿年龄增大,可自发退化. 4.淋巴管瘤及血管瘤 小儿纵隔也可见淋巴管瘤及血管瘤.