英语人>词典>汉英 : 腺泡内的 的英文翻译,例句
腺泡内的 的英文翻译、例句


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This is prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, a precancerous cellular proliferation found in a single acinus or small group of acini.


In the microstructure of the digestive gland from treatment groups exposed to 10 μg·L-1 BP for 10 days, basophil granules in the acinus increased, the borders between cells of the acinus were obscured, and the number of food particles decreased.

观察结果表明,10μg·L-1 BP处理10d时,栉孔扇贝的鳃上皮粘液细胞增多,在回血管中血细胞出现聚集现象;消化盲囊腺泡中嗜碱性颗粒增多,腺泡内细胞间界限模糊。

The results showed that the method of rubbing the kerf then injection of retrovirus suspension into pancreas could more effectively mark the pancreatic cells than the caudal vein injection and the intraperitoneal injection did in vivo. Furthermore, this study also found that some acinus cells could accept injury stimulus signals to regenerate through resuming mitosis after pancreatic injury.


Between P14 and P21,CIAPIN1 immunoreaction in the brain,heart and liverbecame much lower. However,between P21 and P28,CIAPIN1 immunoreactionin the heart,brain,liver and skeletal muscle became much lower,while with thekidney development,CIAPIN1 immunoreaction in the kidney became higher. Invarious tissues from adult mouse,CIAPIN1 immunoreaction could be seen incardiac muscle cell,brain,hepatocyte,epithelium of renal tubule,skeletal muscle,lung tissue,gastric mucosa and gland,acinus lienalis.2. Distribution of CIAPIN1 in normal fetal and adult human tissuesTo reveal the possible physiological role of CIAPIN1,we examined theexpression and distribution of CIAPIN1 in fetal and adult human tissues usingimmunohistochemistry. We found that CIAPIN1 was ubiquitously distributed infetal and adult tissues,and was localized in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus.


With in situ DNA hybridization, the EBV genomes have been demonstrated in the labial glands of the Sjogren′s syndrome patients (16/28), moreover the elevated content of EBV DNA has been identified in those with more severe destruction of labial glands. It is concluded that EBV, vhich has a normal site of latency at salivary glands in a nonpathogenic state, may be reactivated in Sjogren′s syndrome patients and play a role in the pathogenesis of this disease.


The first type of tumor(for example acinic cell carcinoma, oxyphilic cell adenocarcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma and so on) possesses the above spectra feature.

根据这一区域的差异可以将恶性肿瘤分为两大类:一类恶性肿瘤具有上述的光谱特征(如腺泡细胞癌、嗜酸细胞腺癌和腺样囊性癌等),另一类恶性肿瘤因为类型的不同在1500~1000 cm-1区域内峰形及峰位发生了很大的变化,不同于上述的光谱特征。

The hepatocytes which were injected into thymus could survive more than 2 weeks after injection and appeared to be irregular hepatic cells cords and sinusoid in shape, and severe vacuolar degeneration in 3 weeks.


Results: In addition to 39 macrotumors (1 to 5/patient), chromogranin-positive endocrine microadenomas were found in 13 (72%) patients located within acini or close to ducts or islets.


Objective To investigate the changes of structure of intra-acinar pulmonary artery,to see if inˉhaled NO could prohibit the forming and the developing of PH.

目的 通过研究大鼠肺腺泡内动脉结构变化,探讨外源性NO是否对肺高压的形成和发展具有阻抑作用。

The organization fixing of apoenzyme subtypes by IHC: The most increasing expressing were cPLA_2 and sPLA_2 in pancreas, they were found all over in the pancreatic acinar cells in 6h after PT, and spread out from the cells in 24h,then decreased after 72h.


更多网络解释与腺泡内的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



hepatic acinus:肝腺泡

2.肝腺泡 肝腺泡(hepatic acinus)是肝结构单位的一种较新的概念. 肝细胞是行使肝功能的主要成分. 肝细胞的代谢活动与肝内血循环关系紧密亲密. 肝腺泡是应用肝血管灌注法,根据肝细胞与肝内微循环血流的关系而建立的. 肝腺泡的体积较小,

thyroid adenoma:甲状腺腺瘤

甲状腺腺瘤(thyroid adenoma)是起源于甲状腺滤泡细胞的良性肿瘤目前认为本病多为单克隆性,是由与甲状腺癌相似的刺激所致. 好发于甲状腺功能的活动期. 临床分滤泡状和乳头状实性腺瘤两种,前者多见. 常为甲状腺囊内单个边界清楚的结节有完整的包膜大小从不足1~10cm大小.

olfactory cilia:嗅毛

由嗅泡向表面发出10-30根纤毛,称嗅毛(olfactory cilia). 嗅毛常倒向一侧,浸于嗅腺的分泌物内,能感受有气味物质的刺激. 嗅细胞的轴突穿出基膜后形成无髓神经纤维. 3)基细胞(basal cell)位于上皮的基底部,胞体较小,呈锥体形. 核圆形,


常见的形式是,腺泡主要由粘液性腺细胞组成,几个浆液性腺细胞位于腺泡的底部或附于腺泡的末端,在切片中呈半月形排列,故称半月(demilune). 半月的分泌物可经粘液性细胞间的小管释入腺泡腔内. 2.导管导管是反复分支的上皮性管道,

centroacinar cell:泡心细胞

颗粒减少.电镜下胞质内含有丰富的粗面内质网和核糖体(图14-7).腺细胞与基膜之间无肌上皮细胞.在腺泡腔内可见一些扁平或立方形细胞,胞体较小,胞质染色浅,核圆形卵圆形,称泡心细胞(centroacinar cell)它是延伸入腺泡腔内的闰管上皮细胞(图14-8).1,


interacarpal 腕内的 | interacinar 腺泡间的 | interacinous 腺泡间的

