英语人>词典>汉英 : 腹面 的英文翻译,例句
腹面 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
vizard  ·  vizor  ·  vizored  ·  vizoring  ·  vozored

rearward face · segmental venter
更多网络例句与腹面相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Small scale, only ventral cortex ventral fin and even anal with abdominal edge.


By histological comparison, the structure of the autotomized tissue was different from other mantle tissue. Sinus and blood spaces were found in the autotomized tissue. Structural changes before and after autotomy in the autotomized tissue were from dense to sparse creases in the epidermis and dense to loose in the connective tissue.


By the same method, delta receptor was detected on the cerebral ganglia, pedal ganglia, visceral ganglia, coat ganglia and in the mouth, esophagus, craw, stomach, stomachic caecus, the epithelium of the intestines, sialoid gland, branchia, branchia gland, ventricle, branchial heart, kidneys, ovary, fallopian tube, back of mantle, abdomen of mantle, wrist, membrane of wrist, funnel and immunocytes of Octopus ocellatus.


Using the immunohistochemical technique, nerve cell bodies and fibres immunoreactive to the anti-Met-enkephalin sera were observed in the cerebral ganglia, pedal ganglia, visceral ganglia, inspect ganglia and coat ganglia of Octopus ocellatus. Met-ENK immunoreactivity was also localized in the mouth, esophagus, craw, stomach, stomachic caecus, the epithelium of the intestines, rectum, sialoid gland, liver, branchia, branchia gland, ventricle, branchial heart, kidneys, ovary, fallopian tube, back of mantle, abdomen of mantle, wrist, membrane of wrist, funnel, and immunocytes of Octopus ocellatus.


It also has a pair of chelicera in an aciform, and the pedipalp is divided into three parts.


Spikelike inflorescence linear to narrowly cylindric, long, thin, loose, and at maturity often interrupted.

腹面的缝上有毛唯一,在别处无毛的心皮 19

Mu opioid receptor was not observed in the wrist, funnel, abdomen of mantle, mouth, craw, stomach theca, intestine, rectum, sialoid gland, liver. Weak positive mu opioid receptor immunoreaction was found in inner epidermis, ectoblast, connective tissue of the esophagus and the keratolytic of the stomach and positive immunoreaction in epidermis of back of mantle and membrane of wrist.


Thereafter, Foxa2 is expressed in the notochord, gut endoderm and ventral midline of the CNS.

此后, Foxa2体现在脊索,肠道内胚层和腹面中线的中枢神经系统。

Antheridia occurred in the cushion on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of gametophytes while archegonia were observed on the ventral surface only. On hermaphroditic gametophytes, antheridia and archegonia were usually intermingled. Both types of gametangia were eusporangiate.


Staff of the Nantou Forestry Management Office custom designed a nest box with a built-in camera to watch the reproduction and behavior of these birds.


更多网络解释与腹面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alluring gland:诱惑腺

麝类雄性麝香腺等的诱惑腺(alluring gland)和鸟类的尾腺属于同一腺类系统. 不同种类的动物,其臭腺的所在部位也是不一样的. 在昆虫类中,石蚤类的第1-7腹节的腹面各有两对臭腺,因而也称基节腺(coxal gland). 半翅目的椿象类能发散出某种恶臭的分泌物,


澎湖(Penghu)、海口(haikou)双眉藻属(Amphora) 生态 细胞独立,通常会爬行. 双眉藻多数为海洋性,仅有少数生 活於淡水中. 双眉藻多数为海洋性,仅有少数生活於淡水中. 壳面 壳面有腹背之分,腹面内凹,背面凸出. 孔纹多变,

ampulla recti:直肠壶腹

直肠(Rectum)长30~40cm,位于盆腔荐骨的腹面,直肠前段肠管较细,外 面有浆膜被覆;后部膨大称直肠壶腹(Ampulla recti),该段后部无浆膜被覆,借 助疏松结缔组织和肌肉连于盆腔背侧壁.


沿食道腹面,直走入胸腔达心脏之背侧,分成左右支气管,经肺腹面,终於肺内,平均有一二七个软骨轮. 3.支气管(BRONCHI) 始於气管之下端,左右各一,经肺门入於肺内,其构造同气管,较气管细而短. 4.喉 头(LARYNX) &nb[1]

Loculus Length:LoL:最後氣室長. (內殼腹面前端平滑區)

Head Width:HW:在眼球平面的最大頭寬. (HWI). | Loculus Length:LoL:最後氣室長. (內殼腹面前端平滑區). (LoLI). | Mantle Length:ML:外套膜背面長.


2.气 管(TRACHEA) 始於上喉头,沿食道腹面,直走入胸腔达心脏之背侧,分成左右支气管,经肺腹面,终於肺内,平均有一二七个软骨轮. 3.支气管(BRONCHI) 始於气管之下端,左右各一,经肺门入於肺内,其构造同气管,较气管细而短. 4.喉 头(LARYNX) &nb[1]


改变的数量不多,且主要和方向性的辞汇有关:以后面 (posterior) 取代背面 (dorsal),以前面 (anterior) 取代腹面 (ventral) 等等. 在大部分的情况下,之前的辞汇会接在正式辞汇的后面,且以括弧表示;例如,posterior (dorsal) cochlear nucleus.

adaxial meristem:腹面分生组织

adaxial epidermis 上表皮 | adaxial meristem 腹面分生组织 | adhesive cell 黏著性的细胞

Aspidisca costata:有肋楯纤虫

腹面扁平,纤毛融合成触毛,分布在腹面一定的地区,又分前触毛,腹触毛,臀触毛,尾触毛和缘触毛,用触毛支撑虫体,负有"足"的作用.观察触毛在虫体的分布可区别其种类.常见种类有肋楯纤虫(Aspidisca costata),尖毛虫(Oxytricha),

metapleural fold:腹褶

腹面前部两侧有由皮肤下垂形成的成对的腹褶(metapleural fold). 文昌鱼无骨质的骨骼,纵贯全身并一直向前越过神经管的脊索是主要的支持结构. 无偶鳍. 有1背鳍(dorsal fin)和尾鳍(caudal fin)及身体腹面的臀鳍(preanal fin),