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腹部 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abdomen  ·  belly  ·  underpart  ·  venter  ·  wame  ·  pleon  ·  bellies

更多网络例句与腹部相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods: Ampulla of 32 normal fallopian tube, 32 chronic salpingitis, and 26 tubal pregnancy were selected.


Training when crawling, let the children get on the ground, into a prone position, his head looked up and, with his hands up the body, the parents of the baby's legs, bending gently on his belly, in your baby's face will put some dynamic, interesting toys, such as the roly-poly, singing dolls, electric vehicles, so as to enhance your baby's interest inspired him to crawl引逗at this time, parents can hand in his buttocks lightly stabbed you, or the palm of your hand resist his little feet, children will often put forward, so he had to crawl slowly; If a child is prone position, the only inhibitory effect head, upper limb strength should not put up their own bodies, chest, waist spaces should not inflate the abdomen should not from the bed, parents can be a towel on the baby's chest and abdomen, and then bring a towel, so that the infant chest, abdomen leaving the bed, body weight fell on hands and knees and repeated practice, the question of the lower leg strong muscles that can support the body weight, it has been gradually learn to crawl.


Training when crawling, let the children get on the ground, into a prone position, his head looked up and, with his hands up the body, the parents of the baby's legs, bending gently in his stomach, in your baby's face will put some dynamic and interesting toys, such as the roly-poly, singing dolls, electric vehicles, so as to improve the baby's interest inspired him to crawl引逗at this time, parents can be hands on his hips gently stab you, or the palm of your hand He withstood a small foot, the children often put forward, so he had to crawl slowly; If a child is prone position, the only head suppression, the strength of the upper limbs of the body can not put up their chest, waist can not be elevation, when the abdomen can not be away from the bed, parents can be a towel on the baby's chest and abdomen, and then bring a towel, so that the infant chest, abdomen leaving the bed, body weight fell on hands and knees and repeated practice, the question of the lower leg strong muscles that can support the body weight, it has been gradually learn to crawl.


Objective To investigate the application of anterolateral thigh fasciocutaneous flap on abdominal chronic ulcer,and provide evidence for its clinical use. Methods From Oct 2005 to Dec 2008,5patients with abdominal ulcer caused by different reasons were repaired with anterolateral thigh fasciocutaneous flap, the flap pedicled with rami descenden of lateral circumflex femoral artery was designed according to the size of abdominal defect,the vessel pedicle was dissociated adequately, the flap was transferred to the abdominal wound under appropriate tension through tunnel, the donor site was sutured directly or repaired with skin-grafting. Results The anterolateral thigh fasciocutaneous flap survived well in all 5 patients,there were no other complication such as skin necrosis.


CT findings of GP included gas accumulation under the recess of xiphoid,gas accumulation in the area of lesser omentum,gas accumulation under the recess of peritoneal cavity,and seroperitoneum. Conclusion As a non-invasive examination means for abdomen,CT examination can discover whether there is dissociative gas or not and estimate the amount of gas in abdomen more rapidly and exactly.CT can also estimate the position of perforation elementarily.The recess under xiphoid is the first place where the dissociative gas assembles after gastrointestinal perforation.

材料与方法1 一般资料:1999年7月至2 0 0 4年1月我院经CT检查的胃肠穿孔的患者13例,其中男8例,女5例;年龄19~6 5岁,平均4 0 2岁。13例均行腹部CT平扫及站立位腹部X线平片检查,其中6例先行CT检查后行X线检查。8例既往有胃、十二指肠溃疡病史,2例有明显腹部外伤史。10例表现为突发上腹部疼痛、腹肌紧张,1例表现为明显右下腹部

Results: In 8 patients, the tumor was removed by abdominal median incision and 7 by abdominal right L-shape incision, 5 by left dorsolumbar flap incision, 3 by left abdominothoracic incision, 12 by intercostal incision 8 at 10th rib and 4 at 11th rib.


We suggest that bed-side ultrasonography and needle paracentesis be considered as an expedient alternative for decompression of intra-abdominal hypertension in patients with blunt solid visceral organ injury with massive hemoperitoneum and ACS.


CASE REPORTS96 cases of postpartum women at a week were with the score more than 1 of striae of pregnancy were divided into 2 groups. In experiment group, the PLACENTRA was applied externally to the abdominal region of the women twice a day. 2 months later, the two groups were graded with severity of striae of pregnancy again. Total effective rate between the 2 groups was significant different.


The results showed that the order of the feather-moulting of chick was starting from wing to tail, breast sides, huckles, back and waist, cervix, abdomen, breast, calfs, head, abdomen sides.


Results:The main clinical symptoms were obstructive jaundice, epigastric discomfort and pain. The main imagic characteristics were ampullary masses, dilations of biliary and pancreatic duct. The endoscope cue for papilla of duodenum and mucosa lesion.


更多网络解释与腹部相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abdominal retractor:腹部拉钩,腹部牵开器

abdominal region tractor 腹部牵引器 | abdominal retractor 腹部拉钩,腹部牵开器 | abdominal scissors 腹腔剪

abdominal pad:腹部垫

abdominal operating instruments set 腹部手术器械包 | abdominal pad 腹部垫 | abdominal region tractor 腹部牵引器

abdominal discomfort:腹部不适[医]

腹部板样强直[医]Board-like rigidity of abdomen | 腹部不适[医]Abdominal discomfort | 腹部穿剌放液[医]Abdominal tap

abdominal distension:腹部膨隆

1.腹部膨隆仰卧时前腹壁明显高于肋缘至耻骨联合的平面,称腹部膨隆(Abdominal distension)有生理性如妊娠、肥胖等;有病态性,如腹水气腹及鼓肠等. 腹部膨隆可分为弥漫性膨隆和局限性膨隆.

abdominal distention:腹部膨胀[医]

腹部膨隆[医]abdominal bulge | 腹部膨胀[医]Abdominal distention | 腹部气胀[医]Abdominal bloating


hypofunction of liver 肝功能减退 | hypogastrium 下腹部=>下腹部 | hypogeal fungus control 地下真菌防治


腹部分节,前腹部(preabdomen)较宽,7节,后腹部(postabdomen)狭长如尾,6节,最后一节称为尾刺或称尾剑(telson),其尖端为毒腺的开孔,这是蝎的攻卫器官. 头胸部第一、二对附肢末端甘状,第二对粗壮,步足四对. 腹部附肢退化,仅见遗迹,

abdominal retraction:腹部凹陷

2.腹部凹陷仰卧位前腹壁明显低于肋缘至耻骨联合的水平面称腹部凹陷(abdominal retraction)见于显著消瘦、严重脱水、恶病质等,腹部向下塌陷几乎贴近脊柱,肋弓,髂嵴和耻骨联合显露,全腹呈状,常可看到腹主动脉搏动及胃肠轮廓,

abdominal tugging:腹部牵拉感[医]

腹部气胀[医]Abdominal bloating | 腹部牵拉感[医]abdominal tugging | 腹部强直[医]Abdominal rigidity

transabdominal colonoscopy:经腹部结肠镜检查,经腹部结肠镜检查

trans-vinylation 乙烯基转移作用 | transabdominal colonoscopy 经腹部结肠镜检查,经腹部结肠镜检查 | transabdominal repair of hiatus hernia 经腹食管裂孔疝修补术,经腹食管裂孔疝修补术