英语人>词典>汉英 : 腹部的 的英文翻译,例句
腹部的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abdominal  ·  ventral

更多网络例句与腹部的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I find my abdominal scars to be the most profound.


Then picked up electric razors, Banzhu sheep''s head start with the neck, and then to the abdomen, and then around to the back of the body, steering head, within a few minutes, you can cut down the entire wool, as if lifting a sheep under the same , shearing off the wool from ranchers by category, screening, head and other parts of the wool is short, thick, dirty, are beneath contempt, back, abdomen, fine wool, soft, long part of high-grade


Another plane got hit; a bomb in the bay exploded, cutting the plane in half.


They can also happen in an ovary, in the abdominal space, or in the cervix.


Underneath this root the bilateral part is the ''flank'': the undivided part below the navel, the ''abdomen'', the extremity of which is the region of the ''pubes''; above the navel the ''hypochondrium''; the cavity common to the hypochondrium and the flank is the gut-cavity.

在肚脐的下面两边是肋部:在肚脐下面不分开的部位是腹部,在腹部的末端是 pubes 。在肚脐上面是季肋部;胸腔一般连接季肋部,肋部是肠腔。

After tubal ligation at uterotubal junction during early pregnancy, mPGES-2 protein was expressed much weaker in infundibulum and ampulla than that during normal early pregnancy.

输卵管结扎模型中,mPGES-2 蛋白在结扎后小鼠伞部和壶腹部的免疫染色弱于早期妊娠的伞部和壶腹部。

Increasing abdominal size can be an important clue for intra-abdominal injury.


By this way, the wound wouldn't inflame and would close up without any scar. To gargle with saltwater after each meal everyday couldn't merely prevent mouth diseases, but also be positive to the cure of mouth diseases. In occasion of stomachache due to catching cold, buy half a jin salt and fry it in pan to be hot; pack it in a cloth bag, then use the bag to massage abdomen and the uncomfortable feeling will vanish quickly.


Third, follow-shaped tortuous ampulla and straight wire is unable to adapt to the local anatomy of ampullary tubal characteristics so it is not suitable for rehabilitation intervention pass.


The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of mPGES-2 protein in mouse oviduct during the early pregnancy, pseudopregnancy, and estrous cycle by immunohistochemistry and Western blot. The regulation of mPGES-2 protein in mouse oviducts was also studied under delayed implantation, steroid hormonal treatments and oviductal ligation.

本实验主要利用早期妊娠、假孕、输卵管结扎、发情周期、激素调节以及延迟着床等实验模型,结合免疫组织化学和Western blot 的实验方法,详细研究了mPGES-2 蛋白在小鼠输卵管中的表达与调节。mPGES-2 蛋白主要定位于不同时期的伞部和壶腹部的上皮纤毛细胞中,在伞部和壶腹部肌层以及峡部和宫管连接处的上皮和肌层中未检测到mPGES-2 蛋白的表达。

更多网络解释与腹部的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


abdomen 腹 | abdominal 腹部的 | abdominous 大肚子的

a feather on the belly button:在腹部的钮扣上有一支羽毛

--- running as fast as you can for 40 minutes 以你最快的速度跑上40分钟 | --- a feather on the belly button 在腹部的钮扣上有一支羽毛 | --- an ice cube down your shirt 一个冰块掉在你的衬衫上


toad 蟾蜍 | tomentum 腹部的细毛;绒毛 | tongue 中唇舌


underarmed 武装不够的 | underbelly 下腹部的 | underbid 叫价过低


epigamous (卵)受精后发生的 | epigaster 后肠 | epigastric 上腹部的

epigastric:上腹部的 (形)

epidural 硬脑膜上的; 硬脑膜外的 (形) | epigastric 上腹部的 (形) | epigastrium 上腹部 (名)


hypofunction 机能减退 | hypogastric 下腹部的 | hypogastrium 下腹部

hypogastric:下腹部的 (形)

hypofunction 机能减退; 功能不良 (名) | hypogastric 下腹部的 (形) | hypogastrium 下腹 (名)

Keep those tummies tucked:把腹部的脂肪除掉

- And five and six and seven and eight. - That's Uncle Joe. He works out.|- 5,6,7,8 - 这是乔叔叔,他正在健身 | Keep those tummies tucked.|把腹部的脂肪除掉 | This isn't the garage.|这不是车库


abdominal 腹部的(adj.) | breaths 腹部的(adj.) | judge 判決(v.)