英语人>词典>汉英 : 腐肉的 的英文翻译,例句
腐肉的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
carrion  ·  sloughy

更多网络例句与腐肉的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Not too strictly preserved, however, for there was my old friend the carrion - crow out foraging for his young.


"You do occasionally find a carrion crow among the eagles."- Sherlock Holmes


The reverend Carrion Crow.


It's literally like a torch in the rainforest that blasts carrion smell into the sky.


More eternal than Rome, more splendorous than Nineveh. The very navel of the world to which, like a blind and faltering idiot, one crawls back on hands and knees. And like a cork that has drifted to the dead center of the ocean, one floats here in the scum and wrack of the seas, listless, hopeless, heedless even of a passing Columbus. The cradles of civilization are the putrid sinks of the world, the charnel house to which the stinking wombs confide their bloody packages of flesh and bone.


Of or similar to dead and decaying flesh.


There is a loathsome smell of rotting flesh in the room.


Most of Ursus thibetanus formosanus live in the mountain area where elevation is between 1500 meters to 2500 meters,it is the polyphagia animal and eat plant blades, subterranean stems,fruits as the principal things,even the dead body to grant favors to whoever asks for it,clearly, the humans' false dead behavior can't run away its attack .


But these hominids were just scavengers.


The smell of decaying meat overpowered Crompton.


更多网络解释与腐肉的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


caracal | 狞獾, 狞獾皮毛 | caracara | (产于中南美洲吃腐肉的)长腿兀鹰 | Caracas | 加拉加斯(委内瑞拉首都)

Carrion Crow:吃腐肉的乌鸦

carriole 小型马车 | carrion crow 吃腐肉的乌鸦 | carrion 死肉

Light is a carrion crow:光线是一只吃腐肉的乌鸦

它烧着黄铜叮叮当当的响. It is noisy burning clanging brass. | 光线是一只吃腐肉的乌鸦Light is a carrion crow | 哇哇叫着扑下来,哇哇叫着扑下来. Cawing and swooping. Cawing and swooping.


腐肉(Carrion) 动物的屍体或是身上的一部份,常为其他食腐动物的食物. 软骨(Cartilage) 一种浓密胶状物质,强壮但比骨头有弹性. 它是许多原生动物例如鲨鱼骨骼主要组成份. 在人身上,鼻子和耳朵及含有用来充填组织的软骨.

carrion wind:腐肉之风

应该是某个装备上自带的技能,只要装备了该装备就可以使用该技能,有次数限制,到铁匠处修复装备的耐久度时也会自动将技能的使用次数补满,不过价钱比较高 可能是装备了腐肉之风这个戒指,带了21级的猛毒花藤 腐肉之风(Carrion Wind) 戒指(Ring)

Pudge:屠夫的腐肉堆积 - 魔抗和加力量效果都在

Void.虚空假面的回到过去 - 每秒都会对末日判定 | Pudge.屠夫的腐肉堆积 - 魔抗和加力量效果都在 | Pudge.屠夫的腐烂 - 伤害仍然有效, 但无法关闭


\\"腐物寄生物\\",\\"necroparasite\\" | \\"食腐肉的\\",\\"necrophagous\\" | \\"尸体剖检\\",\\"necropsy\\"


sloughing /坍陷/滑坍/ | sloughy /泥泞的/泥沼的/蜕皮的/腐肉的/ | slovak /斯洛法克人[语.的]/

6.This place reeks of rotten meat:6.这地方腐肉的 腥臭扑鼻

[21:55.33]5.There's a strong odor of mold in the basement. ;5.... | [21:58.50]6.This place reeks of rotten meat. ;6.这地方腐肉的 腥臭扑鼻. | [22:02.00]7.I find her perfume repugnant. ;7.我觉得她身上的...

but these hominids were just scavengers:但他们仅仅是食用腐肉的动物

Early humans, or hominids, lived among large, terrifying beasts...|早期的人... | ...but these hominids were just scavengers.|但他们仅仅是食用腐肉的动物 | Unlike this saber-tooth cat, Megantereon cultri...