英语人>词典>汉英 : 脚癣 的英文翻译,例句
脚癣 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

tinea pedis · ringworm of the foot
更多网络例句与脚癣相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Insist to use hot bath sufficient can break up algidity, warm whole body; Blood of stimulative the whole body circulates, eliminate exhaustion in time; After moving in the morning, wash with hot water sufficient can powerful body of be good at head, wash with hot water before night retire for the night sufficient can rise Morpheus Quality; Iron with hot water sufficient still be helpful for treating ringworm of the foot.


About half of the patients have more serious athlete's foot, usually unilateral, partial treatment of the lack of effective response.


A bad case of athlete's foot can drive you hopping mad.


Athlete's foot treatment is designed to quiet the burning pain of athlete's foot.


It is important to remember though, that you should not start any athlete's foot treatment without having an absolute diagnosis of this pestering fungus.


Athlete's foot, that is, beriberi, patients are more difficult to cure.


Vitamin B1 deficiency can lead to beriberi, which is different from athlete's foot caused by mold.


The research centre discovers fruit vegetables detoxication machine , already discover the person livestock at present in the world being ill together more than 200 kind, experience and observe disease , foot ringworm , flu , parrot fever , the cat bite a disease waiting to endanger the grave disease including AIDS , pestis , bilharziasis , tuberculosis , cloth bacterium disease , malaria , ascariasis , hook.


Wear to use the able and ameliorative micro cyclic transformation of post -, and hike the haematoporphyrin runoff, and alleviate the sum elimination the foot department aching, paraquinones foot , foot night sweat, foot , foot odor, foot ringworm, frostbite iso - the have the prevention and cure action, and have to suppress the mold well ventilated, wear the amenity's characteristics.


Fengyoujing athlete's foot rule.


更多网络解释与脚癣相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Atheroma, atherosclerosis:动脉粥样硬化

Astigmatism 散光 | Atheroma, atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化 | Athlete's foot 脚癣

Athlete's foot:脚癣

Yipee! 耶! | athlete's foot 脚癣 | magnetic field 磁场

Athlete's foot:脚癣,香港脚

Laryngitis 喉咙发炎 | Athlete's foot 脚癣,香港脚 | Itch 痒

Athlete's foot covers that:脚气就会那样

Stress explains everything except the itchy feet.|压力可以解释一切症状除了脚癣 | Athlete's foot covers that.|脚气就会那样 | Waiters work 12 hours a day in old sneakers.|服务生每天穿着帆布鞋工作12小时

athletic sports:体育运动

athlete's foot 脚癣 | athletic sports 体育运动 | athletic 运动的


Blocq'seczema 脚癣 | Blondel 光亮度单位布朗德尔 | Blondel-Reylaw 布朗德耳-雷定律

tinea pedis:脚癣,足癣

tinea palmae 掌心风 | tinea pedis 脚癣,足癣 | tinea tropicalis 热带股癣

athlete'sfoot:脚癣 足癣

athlete'sdiet运动员饮食 | athlete'sfoot脚癣 足癣 | athletes'village运动员村

Athletes Foot:香 港 腳

适合过敏性皮肤痕痒,止痕止痒.利用荼树油抗菌特性,有效对付香港脚及直菌,功效显著.美国脚癣敌(图),美国脚癣敌,脚癣脚癣敌 天然除臭 止痕止痒 有效对付香港脚 香港脚 (Athletes foot) 是一种受真菌滋生感染引起的皮肤病.病微是脚底﹑脚趾,