英语人>词典>汉英 : 脑软化 的英文翻译,例句
脑软化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
encephalomalacia  ·  cerebromalacia

softe of brain
更多网络例句与脑软化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The concentration of interleukins (IL-1 and IL-2) in the serum of the chickens with encephalomalacia had a significantly variance.


The trial model with chicken encephalomalacia was set up successfully by using the feed of low content of V〓 and supplying excessive unsaturated fatty acid in feed in the study The method was simple and practiced.


The E-C〓bR and E-ICR in chickens with encephalomalacia chicks were significantly lower than that of healthy ones. The results indicated that the immune function of erythrocyte in those chicken were inhibited markedly.


The protein and phospholipid constituent in membrane of neurocyte in brain of chicken with encephalomalacia was separated and studied with the method of SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and the method of high performance-thin layer chromatography respectively The fluidity of neurocyte membrane of chicken with encephalomalacia was determined for the first time The content of Ca and trace elements were determined in chicken encephalomalacia systematically and the status of Fe ion in cerebellum was observed. The activity of enzymes that were relative to metabolism of energy and neuro-medium in brain were checked systematically with the method of enzyme-histochemistry. Pathological examination was carried out by microscopic and ultramicroscopic observation. The apoptosis of neurocyte in brain was checked.


The trial model with chicken encephalomalacia was set up by using the feed of low congtent of V〓 and supplying excessive unsaturated fatty acid in feed for studying the molecular mechanism of chicken encephalomalacia in the study. On the basis of observing the symptom and postmortem examination in clinic and determining the content of V〓, the bodyweight, the weight of cerebrum and cerebellum, the focus of the study was on follows which were relative to neuropathic injury. The concentration of free radical and the function of antioxidant defense system of chicken with encephalomalacia were determined systematically.

中文题名雏鸡脑软化症的分子机理副题名外文题名 The molecular mechanism of chicken encephalomalacia 论文作者王振勇导师石发庆教授学科专业临床兽医学研究领域\研究方向动物营养代谢病学位级别博士学位授予单位东北农业大学学位授予日期2002 论文页码总数110页关键词雏鸡脑软化鸡馆藏号BSLW /2003 /S858 /7 为了深入探讨雏鸡脑软化症发病的分子机理,本课题通过在采用低V〓饲料和添加过量UFA建立了雏鸡脑软化症实验模型。

A series of indexes reflecting free radical changes, anti-oxidations, Immune function, endocrine function was studied by Chemiluminescence method, immunoturbidimetry, ANAE dye method, micro-hemagglutination inhibition test and radio immunoassay in the chicken with encephalomalicia induced by giving the feed being deficient in VE and extra fish oil artificially. The pathological changes including microscopic and ultramicroscopic changes in the relative organs and tissues were observed.


Results According the MRI characteristric of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopath sequela:(1)The most common findings were white matter injury in 47 cases:①Periventricular leukomalacia in 23 cases;②Selective cerebral neuronal necrosis of basilar node lentiform nucleus and optic colliculus in 9 cases;③Corpus callosum damaged in 15 cases;(2)The most damaged of grey matter in 18 cases;(3)Focal or multifocal ischemic crerbral intenerate in 9 cases;(4)Diffuse crerbral injury in 5 cases.

结果 根据儿童缺血缺氧性脑病后遗症的MRI影像特点,将其分为:(1)脑白质损伤为主:47例;①脑室周围脑白质脱髓鞘、软化:23例;②基底节豆状核、视丘神经元选择性损害:9例;③胼胝体受损变薄:15例;(2)脑灰质损害为主:18例;(3)局部或多处脑软化:9例;(4)广泛脑损害:5例。

Results According the MRI characteristric of hypoxic\|ischemic encephalopath sequela:(1)The most common findings were white matter injury in 47 cases:①Periventricular leukomalacia in 23 cases;②Selective cerebral neuronal necrosis of basilar node lentiform nucleus and optic colliculus in 9 case...

结果 根据儿童缺血缺氧性脑病后遗症的MRI影像特点,将其分为:(1)脑白质损伤为主:47 例;①脑室周围脑白质脱髓鞘、软化:23 例;②基底节豆状核、视丘神经元选择性损害:9 例;③胼胝体受损变薄:15 例;(2)脑灰质损害为主:18 例;(3)局部或多处脑软化:9 例;(4)广泛脑损害:5 例。

Results: Cerebral low density lesion was absorbed in 3 months;HIE might cause ext ernal hydrocephalus at 3rd-6th month,and EH disappeared one year later;HIE might cause periventricular leukomalacia after the 3rd month.The incidenc e of PVL was 11.6%,64.3%and 80%,respectively with mild,moderate and severe degree HIE,and that of severe degree PVL was 20%,33.3%and 75%. Severe degree HI E might cause cerebral malacia and atrophy (80%) in 2 months.

结果:HIE所致脑低密度灶在生后3个月内吸收消失;3~6个月时可引起外部性脑积水,1岁以后,EH的表现消失;3个月及以后可引起脑室周围白质软化症,其中轻、中、重度HIE的PVL发生率为11.6 %、64.3%和80%;重度PVL的发生率为20%、33.3 %和75%;重度HIE在2个月内可引起脑软化和脑萎缩(80%)。

Rnsults There were brain areas that distributing of radioactivity diminution in interictal SPECT in all 69 cases ,and there were brain areas distributing of radioactivity heighten in ictal SPECT in all 69 cases.


更多网络解释与脑软化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


龄动物多发.病因中毒因素营养因素其他因素脑软化(Encephalomalacia)症状一般脑症状或灶性症状弥漫性大脑皮质软化的黑质苍白球脑软化的继发性硫胺缺乏时脑软化(Encephalomalacia)诊断 通过问诊及临床症状检查进行诊断治疗 原则祛除病因,


本病的发生是属后天性的,当禽缺硒时红细胞膜结构和血管内皮受损,内皮细胞坏死,通透性增加,血浆蛋白和(2)脑软化症(Encephalomalacia) 本病常被诊断为VE-Se缺乏综合征,采取的防治措施也应一同考虑补充VE和Se.


encephaloma /脑瘤/ | encephalomalacia /脑软化/脑软化症/ | encephalomere /脑节/

encephalomalacia:脑软化; 脑损害 (名)

encephaloid 类脑的; 脑样的 (形) | encephalomalacia 脑软化; 脑损害 (名) | encephalomyelitis 脑脊髓炎 (名)

nigropallidal encephalomalacia:黑脓疮脑软化症

\\"黑色棘皮病\\",\\"nigricans acanthosis\\" | \\"黑脓疮脑软化症\\",\\"nigropallidal encephalomalacia\\" | \\"黑色质苯胺黑\\",\\"nigrosin\\"

nutritional encephalomalacia:雏鸡营养性脑软化病

nutritional edema 营养不良性水肿,营养性水肿 | nutritional encephalomalacia 雏鸡营养性脑软化病 | nutritional factors 营养要素

encephalomalacia of chicken:雏鸡脑软化症

encephalitis 脑炎 | encephalomalacia of chicken 雏鸡脑软化症 | encephalomyelitis of chicken 鸡传染性脑脊髓炎

avian encephalomalacia; crazy chick disease:疯雏症;家禽脑软化症

"鸡白喉","avian diphtheria" | "疯雏症;家禽脑软化症","avian encephalomalacia; crazy chick disease" | "(雏)鸡脑脊髓炎","avian encephalomyelitis"


encephalocystocele 积水性脑突出 | encephalodialysis 脑软化 | encephalodysplasia 脑发育异常

cerebral malacia:脑软化

cerebral lipidosis 脑脂质增多症 | cerebral malacia 脑软化 | cerebral paragonimiasis 脑型肺吸虫病