英语人>词典>汉英 : 脏腑病 的英文翻译,例句
脏腑病 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Fong: professor ZhangYan mentor can be traced the etiology of chronic heart failure in anxiety, long qi Yin and Yang is damaged, viscera function disorder, veins stagnant water passes, in: After the attacks, the modern sense, intradermic injury, overwork, pregnancy and birth or aggravated induced disease.


In the process of traditional Chinese medicinediagnosis and treatment,doctors obtain patients\' information by TCM observation,smell,inquisition,Pulse-feeling and Palpation,on the basis of the internal relationship of syndrome,then analyze and compare to search the origin and essence of disease,using various syndrome differentiation methods, such as eight class(Yin-Yang,exterior and interior,cold and heat,asthenia and sthenia ) and six meridians.At last,doctors image modeling through an analysis of representation,carring through syndrome differentiation and treatment,under the guidance of TCM theory.


Viscus syndrome is the summarizing of pathology , morbid, state of diease,of viscus diseases by analyzing various symptoms.


Depending on viscus symptom,adopting simpled mathematics analysis means.the regular pattern and characteristics were found out from symptoms of all kings in detailed discussing the books of Canon of medicine,Treatise on Febrile diseases and Miscellaneous diseases.The integrity of the process of diagnosis and treatment ,the dynamic state of disease and syndrome were emphasized.lt has the advantage of the method of "black box", the trait of thinking in system, and simpled ancient philosophy dialectical thoughts.


The occuurrence of depression is consanguineously related to the weak physique, diffidence, and stagnation of liver qi. As for the pathogenesis, Depression usually has relation with heart, brain, liver, spleen, stomach, the three warmers, kidney, and especially liver, spleen and stomach. The stagnation of qi is the most important character of this disease.


There are many complex factors, such as age, environmental, social, psychological, personal factor and human diseases, etc., affecting the development of insomnia symptoms. Insomnia is one kind of neurology/psychiatry diseases, due to brain overstrains and stresses in the nerve center system, in Western Medicine, while there are approximately two factors that can cause the insomnia symptoms, including the anti-pathogenic- qi deficiency and the pathogenic-factors invasion in Traditional Chinese Medicine.


The knowledge of apoplexy in Chinese Medicine experienced a procedure from exogenous pathogenic wind to endogenous wind theory,and in several decades it\'s generally accepted that the location of apoplexy is in brain. Apoplexy is one of the brain diseases.These knowledges profit the research of apoplexy.3.2 Symptoms analyse of ischemic stroke involving the fu or zang-organsThere are 12 factors obtained through factor analysis include 5 syndrome essential factors phlegm,fire,wind,deficiency of qi and deficiency of yin.Wind factor is the most important one involved and the factor of deficiency of qi and deficiency of yin also account large proportion.


The knowledge of apoplexy in Chinese Medicine experienced a procedure from exogenous pathogenic wind to endogenous wind theory,and in several decades it\'s generally accepted that the location of apoplexy is in brain. Apoplexy is one of the brain diseases.These knowledges profit the research of apoplexy.3.2 Symptoms analyse of ischemic stroke involving the fu or zang-organsThere are 12 factors obtained through factor analysis include 5 syndrome essential factors phlegm,fire,wind,deficiency of qi and deficiency of yin.Wind factor is the most important one involved and the factor of deficiency of qi and deficiency of yin also account large proportion.


Import Point: chest pain, taking in Guan, Negative, the A is the point; low back pain to take Shenshu, ring jump, Yang Ling-chuen, Kunlun, and other points; the shoulders and back pain to take days were, shoulder Yu, Ah is a cave, etc.; offal patients take the appropriate organs of the Yu, enlistment, the original points.


The elements that emotions induce disease Emotions induce disease basically by disturbing the movement of the gas in the body, depleting the gas、blood and succus in the body, effecting other mental function.


更多网络解释与脏腑病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

carbon dioxide:氧化碳

A 针灸(Acupuncture) 针灸治疗肥胖病,主要是通过穴位的刺激、经气的传导、调节身体的阴阳失调、恢复脾胃的消化与吸收,及其他脏腑的正常功能,达到减肥的A 针灸(Acupuncture)C 二氧化碳(Carbon Dioxide)D 失调症(Disorders)近年来有越来越多青少年因为减肥方法不当,



lobar pneumonia:大叶肺炎

大叶肺炎(Lobar Pneumonia)是一种西医病名. 它的主要症状包括突然发冷发热,咳嗽,痰里边有时带血,胸部的一边疼痛. 中医对这样的患者进行辨症时,估计多数会根据脏腑辨症把它辨为"热邪壅理解这一点,对于理解中医"神奇"是非常关键的. 其实,


而雷那德氏现象(Raynaud' s phenomenon)及淋巴水肿(lymphedema)二者之症状和乌脚病类似,但常发生於20岁前. 乌脚病之闭塞性血栓血管炎最易发生在肘或膝以下部位之末梢动脉处,一般不会发生在脏腑动脉(包括冠状及脑动脉)处.