英语人>词典>汉英 : 脍炙人口 的英文翻译,例句
脍炙人口 的英文翻译、例句


be oft-quoted and widely loved · as appealing to most people · win universal praise
更多网络例句与脍炙人口相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As in the "rags-to-riches" stories popularized by 19th-century writer Horatio Alger, many people with humble backgrounds have achieved remarkable success.


As in the "rags-to-riches" stories popularized by 19th-century writer Horatio Alger, many


George and Kurstin soon found themselves spending hours together in the studio, where a shared interest in jazz-based music — something that George hadn't explored much on All Rise — helped lay the foundation for the Bird and the Bee.

这次新专辑的主题是为了向70,80年代著名的团体Hall and Oates致敬所制作的翻唱作品,作品大多也都选自于Hall and Oates的一些脍炙人口的歌曲,Inara George的亮丽声线。。。

The opera's most famous tunes---Carmen's provocative Habanera and Seguidilla, the Toreador's Song, the preludes to Acts I and IV that invoke the festive atmosphere of the bullring, and the Fate motif that presages Carmen's tragic end, brutally stabbed on stage by her abandoned lover---are known to legions who have never set foot in an opera house.


Uniquely enjoys great popularity to rich and the rich delightful fruit flavor,Drinks makes the person tooth cheek to keep the fragrance,Being full of praise:"Originally also has the such tasty grape wine!"


This paper introduced the background of the opera Romeo and Juliet, the style of the composer and the characteristic of the dramatis personae, analyzed the method of expressing the emotion by singing its aria, elaborated mainly on the singing skill of the colorature part, so as to provide helpful suggestion for the learners of vocality.


He was also a Catholic reformer, an educationalist and a famous classical language scholar.


Sunshine censer gives birth to violet smoke, before Yao sees chute hang plain, fly flow to issue 3000 rule continuously, doubt is the Milky Way falls empyreal , the line of Li Bai win universal praise makes cottage mountain fall famed the world.


Pride and Prejudice is an enduringly popular novel published in 1813 by the English writer Jane Austen.


All of his original songs were inspired by his friends and family. Leith included two cover songs in the album, Fleetwood Mac's "Songbird" from the album Rumours and the traditional Irish song "Danny Boy". Where We Land received mostly average reviews from critics. It debuted in the Australian Albums Chart at number-one and was certified platinum by the Australian Recording Industry Association. The album spawned the singles "22 Steps" and "All I Want Is You".

这张专辑中所有的歌曲的灵感均来源于Leith的朋友与家庭生活,其中还包括两首招牌歌曲,翻唱自Fleetwood Mac 专辑"Rumours"中的"Songbird"与爱尔兰的民歌"Danny Boy"(题外话:据说只要是爱尔兰歌手都唱过这首脍炙人口的作品,有一张专辑就是这首歌的不同翻唱版本的合集,不妨一试) Where We Land 获得了评论界的多数评价,在澳洲地区首发后不久就获得了澳洲唱片协会白金专辑的评定。

更多网络解释与脍炙人口相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

queen bee:蜂王

类似的有同样脍炙人口的儿童经典剧狮子王(King Lion), 还有蜂王(queen bee).其实多年前就有这样一件事,北京西站原来英译名为Beijing Western Station ,后经人指出,改为Western Beijing Station ; 其他表达如:中国南海(South China Sea )等皆为此类.

My Bonnie:我的邦妮

>(Ring De Banjo)、>(Oh,Susanna)轻快活泼,与奥芬巴赫>组曲中那段脍炙人口的>有异曲同工之妙;>(My Bonnie)可以看作是伤感的西方"船工号子";


(3) 卡普空(CAPCOM)在其设计的游戏软体中 常用甚麼东西来代表其公司 ? (4) 红白机里的"高桥名人"的制作公司为 ? 在游戏里常出现的代表标志为 ? (5) 红白机里曾经脍炙人口的 "月风魔传" 的制作公司为? 容量为几k ?

Matt Damon:主要演员: 马特.达蒙

影片三名主要演员马特.达蒙(Matt Damon)、希斯.莱杰(Heath Ledger)和莫妮卡.贝鲁奇(Monica Bellucci)一齐出马,成为此次首映礼上的"三驾马车". 影片中,达蒙和莱杰分别扮演创作过大量脍炙人口童话故事的格林兄弟. 当然,

east wind:东风

而英国的"东风"(east wind)则是从欧洲大陆北部吹来的,象征"寒冷"、 "令人不愉快",所以英国人讨厌"东风". 不过英国人喜欢"西风",它给英伦三岛送去春天,故有"西风报春"之说. 英国浪漫主义诗人雪莱就曾写有一首脍炙人口的>(Ode to the West

Eddie Ng:吴国敬

吴国敬(Eddie Ng)是香港著名作曲人、歌手、演员,他於1985年参加新秀歌唱大赛,1987年推出首张唱片>开始崭露头角,90年代初期他的一曲>脍炙人口,这首歌不单为他带来无数奖项,并奠定了在歌坛的地位,

to look one way and row another:声东击西 .? in everyone's mouth.脍炙人口

man proposes and god disposes 谋事在人成事在天 .? | the weakest goes to the wall.优胜劣败? | to look one way and row another声东击西 .? in everyone's mouth.脍炙人口?

in everyone's mouth:脍炙人口

to look one way and row another声东击西 . | in everyone's mouth.脍炙人口 | to kick against the pricks 螳臂挡车 .

in everyone's mouth:脍炙人口</P>

<P> to look one way and row another声东击西 .</P> | <P> in everyone's mouth.脍炙人口</P> | <P> to kick against the pricks 螳臂挡车 .</P>

声东击西 .? in everyone's mouth.脍炙人口:to look one way and row another

man proposes and god disposes 谋事在人成事在天 .? | the weakest goes to the wall.优胜劣败? | to look one way and row another声东击西 .? in everyone's mouth.脍炙人口?