英语人>词典>汉英 : 脊柱后凸的 的英文翻译,例句
脊柱后凸的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
kyphotic  ·  cyphotic

更多网络例句与脊柱后凸的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These were ealuated forCobb angle, end ertebrae selection, Ferguson angle, apex of the cure, C7 balance, pelic obliquity, Risser sign,status of the triradiate cartilage, kyphosis Cobb angle, endplate selection for kyphosis, and kyphotic index.

分别从Cobb角,终椎的选择,Ferguson角,顶椎的选择, C7平衡,骨盆倾斜, Risser征,髋臼"Y"软骨的情况,脊柱后凸Cobb角,脊柱后凸的终板选择,脊柱后凸指数进行测量。

OBJECTIVE: To introduce a method to treat kyphosis with universal spine system and to evaluate its clinical effect.

目的 观察一次性多平面全脊柱截骨配合通用脊柱内固定系统内固定治疗脊柱后凸的疗效。

Twenty-one of the 57 patients who had only anterior procedure demonstrated a postoperative increase of kyphosis of more than 10 degrees.


This is one of the largest reported series of Scheuermann's kyphosis treated operatively to our knowledge.


To our knowledge, only 1 article had reported 2 similar cases of spinal stenosis above a healed tuberculous kyphosis.


A review of the current literature using evidence-based medicine regarding etiology, natural history, and treatment of Scheuermann kyphosis.


Pelvic incidence correlates directly with lordosis but not kyphosis, suggesting that these parameters are not causative of Scheuermann's kyphosis.


The development of a proximal junctional kyphosis correlated directly with kyphosis at follow-up and indirectly with percent correction.


The incidence of junctional kyphosis and its association to the above parameters and to fusion levels were assessed.


These were ealuated forCobb angle, end ertebrae selection, Ferguson angle, apex of the cure, C7 balance, pelic obliquity, Risser sign,status of the triradiate cartilage, kyphosis Cobb angle, endplate selection for kyphosis, and kyphotic index.

分别从Cobb角,终椎的选择,Ferguson角,顶椎的选择, C7平衡,骨盆倾斜, Risser征,髋臼&Y&软骨的情况,脊柱后凸Cobb角,脊柱后凸的终板选择,脊柱后凸指数进行测量。

更多网络解释与脊柱后凸的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

flail chest:连枷胸

3.胸廓异常 胸廓异常影响呼吸运动常见的有脊柱后、侧凸,连枷胸(flail chest),关系强直性脊柱炎(ankylosing spondylitis),心肺性肥胖综合征(picwick综合征)等.

humpback:驼背的人 脊柱后凸

humpback 驼背 | humpback 驼背的人 脊柱后凸 | humpbackedfly 蜜蝇



posture scoliosis:姿势性侧凸

脊柱过度后弯称为脊柱后凸(kyphosis),也称为驼背(gibbus )姿势性侧凸(Posture scoliosis)时脊柱的弯曲度多不固定 ,改变体位可使侧凸得以纠正.平卧向前弯腰时脊柱侧凸可消失.姿势性侧凸的原因:关节(articulation)是骨骼的间接连接.某一肢体的部分或全部肌肉的体积缩小,

forced vital capacity:用力肺活量

绝大多数青少年型特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathic scoliosi,AIS)患者可以正常生活,在一定情况,AIS侧弯的进展常伴有肺功能下降和后背痛,胸弯如果大于100°,用力肺活量(forced vital capacity)通常下降到预期值的70%~80%,

Maybe some bizarre case of kyphoscoliosis:也许是脊柱后侧凸的变种病例

Maybe PE or pulmonary fibrosis.|或者是肺纤维化? | Maybe some bizarre case of kyphoscoliosis.|也许是脊柱后侧凸的变种病例? | I'm going home.|我回家了