英语人>词典>汉英 : 能释放的 的英文翻译,例句
能释放的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与能释放的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One hand mechanical obstruct led to the increase of veinous resistance and the obstacle of microcirculation, the other hand the adhesive PMN was activated in excess, the white blood cells released a lot of enzymes, in which PMN-elastase can decompose the components of cell and many albumens, inclusive of immunoglobulin、alexin and fibrication. These components induced the injury of the pancreatic capillary vessels and cell and lysosome enzy made the tissue protein hydrolyze and produced unsaturated fatty acids, which destroyed the structure and function of cellar membrane. The inflammatory cellar factors activate other immunocytes to produce the injury and necrosis of tissue, which aggravated the pathological injury and led to shock、pyaemia and MODS. So ICAM-1 and LFA-1 played an important role in SAP. Frossard found that the expression of ICAM-1 in the rat model, especially in serum、pancreas and lung. All these showed ICAM-1 is an important factor in AP and concomitant lung injury.


By using the Copson method, one of these equations is transformed into a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind to obtain the solution. Furthermore, the intensity factors, the total energy release rate and the mechanical strain energy release rate are obtained and compared with the classical results without considering the electric field gradient effects.

采用了Copson方法,将其中一组对偶积分方程转化为第二类Fredholm 积分方程来进行数值求解,得到了裂纹尖端的强度因子、总能量释放率和机械应变能释放率,并与经典理论中的结果进行了比较。

Athletes whose muscles demand more energy than their mitochondria can deliver suffer from a build-up of lactic acid as their glycolytic pathways go into overdrive.


You can shoot even if out of focus (however, the camera cannot release the shutter if the lens is actually in motion).


One hand mechanical obstruct led to the increase of veinous resistance and the obstacle of microcirculation, the other hand the adhesive PMN was activated in excess, the white blood cells released a lot of enzymes, in which PMN-elastase can decompose the components of cell and many albumens, inclusive of immunoglobulin、alexin and fibrication. These components induced the injury of the pancreatic capillary vessels and cell and lysosome enzy made the tissue protein hydrolyze and produced unsaturated fatty acids, which destroyed the structure and function of cellar membrane. The inflammatory cellar factors activate other immunocytes to produce the injury and necrosis of tissue, which aggravated the pathological injury and led to shock、pyaemia and MODS. So ICAM-1 and LFA-1 played an important role in SAP. Frossard found that the expression of ICAM-1 in the rat model, especially in serum、pancreas and lung. All these showed ICAM-1 is an important factor in AP and concomitant lung injury.


In fact, BDNF potentiates intracellular Ca~(2+) release presynaptically and BDNF-induced TrkB activation also results in phosphorylation of synapsin I via mitoen activated protein kinase, which increases the number of synaptic vesicles available for release.


The turbulence of fire on the prairie unloosens bound materials that cannot be loosened unless ignited.


A full of strain energy accumulates in the top of blasting crack; and the mode of caustics of latter crack is close to the common dynamic caustics.


The model involved effect s on SERR computation by large rotation of the crack tip and variety of discrete element shapes. The method of SERR calculation at the crack tip was modified.


Oxalic acid loading substantially stimulated soil P release from A1 horizon, showing a linear relationship; but its effect on B horizon soil was relatively negligible, especially at low oxalic acid concentrations mmol L^(-1. Oxalate solutions 0.5~20.0 mmol L^(-1 oxalic acid adjusted to pH 5.16 with 10.0 mmol L^(-1) NaOH had a much higher (1.51~2.98 times) soil-P-release effect than oxalic acid solution the same in oxalate concentration. Therefore, the mechanism of oxalic acid/oxalate triggering release of soil phosphorus is assumed to be dominated by ligand-exchange or complexing reactions of oxalate anionC2O(superscript 2- subscript 4 but not simply acid-dissolving effect. The effect of oxalate anion on soil phosphorus release was found to be somewhat cumulative, i.e. the amount of P released was primarily controlled by the cumulative oxalate loading rate, relatively independent of the manner of oxalate addition (one-time or sequential).

结果表明,草酸能显著促进暗棕壤A层磷的释放,土壤磷溶出量随草酸溶液浓度升高而线性增加;但对B层土壤磷的释放效应相对较弱,草酸浓度低於5mmolL^(-1)时B层磷的释放不明显。pH5.16草酸钠溶液比相同浓度的草酸溶液具有更高的解磷效率,在设置二者浓度为0.5~20.0mmolL^(-1)时,前者的解磷量是后者的1.51~2.98倍,推断草酸盐溶液或凋落物淋洗液中草酸类物质促进暗棕壤磷释放的主要机理在於草酸阴离子C2O(上标 2-下标 4配位反应。

更多网络解释与能释放的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


是经肺吸入机体,认为其主要中毒机理是有机磷和胆碱酯酶(AchE)的活性中心结合,形成牢固的磷酰化胆碱酯酶,使酶丧失活性,胆碱能神经末梢所释放的乙酰 胆碱(Ach)则不能被胆碱酯酶正常水解而在体内异常积蓄,胆碱能神经过度兴奋,

bomb calorimeter:弹式测热计

总能是指饲料中有机物质完全氧化燃烧生成二氧化碳、水和其他氧化物时释放的全部能量,主要为碳水化合物、粗蛋白质和粗脂肪能量的总和. 总能可用弹式测热计(Bomb Calorimeter)测定. (二)表观代谢能(AME)和真代谢能(TME).



relearn:再学习 (动)

relay station 中继站 | relearn 再学习 (动) | releasable 能释放的; 能转让的; 能免除的 (形)

turn loose:释放, 放纵

58:How did it come about?那事是怎么发生的? | 59:turn loose释放, 放纵 | 62:Can you make over this old shirt?你能修改这件旧衬衫吗?

cholinergic neuron:胆碱能神经元

2.7 中脑与情绪 (1)中脑为胆碱能神经元(cholinergic neuron)存在之处,胆碱能神经元的末梢释放乙酰胆碱神经递质. 与人的情绪活动有密切关系. (2)中脑的黑质为多巴胺(DA)能神经元胞体主要聚集所在地. 如A 8 、A 9 为多巴胺神经元胞体,


relearn 再学习 | releasable 能释放的 | release from 解除

releasable:能释放的; 能转让的; 能免除的 (形)

relearn 再学习 (动) | releasable 能释放的; 能转让的; 能免除的 (形) | release on bail 保释 (动)


unpeg 解除 | unpen 释放 | unpenetrable 不能穿入的

and remarkable release of endorphins:大量的安多芬[能产生快感]释放

但我体验了一次未曾料到的but I experienced an unanticipated | 大量的安多芬[能产生快感]释放and remarkable release of endorphins. | 非常令人满意It's quite satisfying.