英语人>词典>汉英 : 能被吸入的 的英文翻译,例句
能被吸入的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与能被吸入的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some have such a vast appetite for the former commodity, that is, the news, and such sound digestive organs, that they can sit forever in public avenues without stirring, and let it simmer and whisper through them like the Etesian winds, or as if inhaling ether, it only producing numbness and insensibility to pain —— otherwise it would often be painful to bear —— without affecting the consciousness.


Avoiding inhalant allergens during pregnancy has not been shown to reduce allergic disease, and is not recommended.


If China's real estate bubbles cannot be rectified uncompromisingly, resources in the whole country will be absorbed into such a bottomless black hole.


Although it is known that small amounts of mercury are vaporized when the fillings are used to chew food, and though Canada, France and Sweden have all placed restrictions on the use of mercury fillings , the FDA has always insisted that amalgams are safe.


Although it is known that small amounts of mercury are vaporizedwhen the fillings are used to chew food,and though Canada,France and Sweden have all placed restrictions on the use of mercury fillings,the FDA has always insisted that amalgams are safe.


Owing to pump, when the liquid flow out of the impeller, its speed energy and stress energy both develop much, the liquid debarred by the impeller , most speed energy is transferred to stress energy ,and then it is transported through pipeline .At this moment ,the entry of the impeller become vacuum or low-pressure , hydraulic pressure effect on the liquid in the absorbing pool, and the liquid is pulled into the entry of the impeller , so ,the rotating impeller continuous inhalants and Drainage liquid.


Tobi nebuliser solution is used in the long-term management of lung infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, in people with the lung condition cystic fibrosis. The nebuliser solution is inhaled into the lungs from a machine called a nebuliser. This machine converts the liquid medicine inside the ampoules into tiny particles that can be breathed into the lungs.

Tobi nebuliser solution 用于治疗由绿脓杆菌引起的长期肺部感染带来的肺囊肿性纤维化。nebuliser solution 通过一种叫做nebuliser的药物吸入肺。nebuliser可以将安瓿瓶中液体的药物转变成能被肺吸入的小颗粒。

A neighbor next to our house, i saw he is brushing his car again today morning, as matter of fact, his car is clearest in this community since he brought it, i don't want to say more about the weather in Beijing, ourbodies can see it, the sand and some tiny grain in the air, these all would upload into the weather forecast everyday, so, the sand is in everycornor, yet, his car is very clear, even no a little bit sand in the surface of car, that's as if a poor beautiful girl, dresses up a pretty cloth, and feeling good inside when somebody say you are beauty as a car-host.


更多网络解释与能被吸入的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


是经肺吸入机体,认为其主要中毒机理是有机磷和胆碱酯酶(AchE)的活性中心结合,形成牢固的磷酰化胆碱酯酶,使酶丧失活性,胆碱能神经末梢所释放的乙酰 胆碱(Ach)则不能被胆碱酯酶正常水解而在体内异常积蓄,胆碱能神经过度兴奋,


本世纪初,"石棉肺"(Asbestosis)已被发现,证实是由于吸入石棉粉尘引起的,但只把它看成是"矽肺病"的一种,认为与肺癌的形成并无直接关系. 后来经大量临床研究才发现,石棉粉尘能导致"间皮瘤"(Mesothelioma). 所谓"间皮瘤"就是胸肋或腹膜上的癌症,

Bacillus anthracis:炭疽杆菌

炭疽杆菌(Bacillus anthracis)曾被恐怖份子用作生物恐怖武器. 吸入了炭疽菌孢子的肺炭疽病通常都会导致死亡,除非能在感染初期诊断出来. 在这种疾病的后期,抗生素能够杀死炭疽菌细胞但是却不会影响到细菌分泌的LF--这种物质大量存在于血管中.

Hawking Radiation:霍金辐射

这就 是著名的"霍金辐射"(Hawking Radiation). 这一理论表明,黑洞 并非只进不出,它可以缓慢地释放出一些物质,被吸入黑洞的一切事 物都最终能在几十亿甚至几万亿年後"重见天日". 这样看来,黑洞就成了一个矛盾体:即"密不透风",又有所疏漏.

Quick dry:(快干)

2.快乾(Quick Dry) PP不吸水,故水气无法进入纤维内,乾燥时间最短. 由於水分没有被吸入纤维中,故只要抖一抖,就能抖掉水分. 3.轻量(Lightweight) PP是所有衣料用纤维中最轻的,比水还轻,是唯一能浮於水面上的纤维.


它们的血液缺氧时呈无运动方式 头足纲的一般行动方式是利用喷射动力,充满氧气的水被吸入外套膜中的腮之后,肌肉收缩使空间减少,导致水从漏斗(hyponome)喷出,通常是背对著水喷出,并且能够用漏斗控制方向.

respirable:能被吸入的, 能呼吸的

resource 资源 zīyuán | respirable 能被吸入的, 能呼吸的 néngbèixīrùde, | respiration 呼吸 hūxī