英语人>词典>汉英 : 能稀释的 的英文翻译,例句
能稀释的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与能稀释的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For household users to establish simple antifreeze dilution disposal ways of applying gender-controlled embryo freezingly-preserved technique by one-step vitrification dilution method,A,B,and C structure approaches of liquid layers in canaliculi were applied to investigate their survival capacity after embryos freshly-split by one-step dilution;and minimum capacity refrigerant method in specific canaliculus and above structure approach of liquid layer B were also applied to compare their survival capacity of frozen and melted embryos freshly split,and frozen and melted IVF embryos splited by one-step dilution.


" Gouache paints have the advantage of drying out quickly, this quality, with the capacities to be washed thinly or applied in thick impasto and a wide range of colours, makes the medium particularly suited to preparatory studies for oil and acrylic paintings."


The optimal conditions of the amplification was determined by the square matrix titrating method.


While feeling is being processed bytime,conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.


While feeling is being processed bytime, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like acup of tea that is being continuously diluted.


While feeling is being processed bytime, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup oftea that is being continuously diluted.


While feeling is being processed bytime,conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by,just like a cup of tea that is beingcontinuously diluted.


While feeling is beingprocessed bytime, conflicts would be reconciledas time goes by, just like a cup of tea that isbeing continuously diluted.


Like the outcome after an exam, death makes us aware of anything, That is, it's too late to take a tumble


Apart from tears,only time could wear everything away,while feeling is being precessed by time,conflicts will be reconciled as the time goes by,just like a cup of tea that is being continously diluted.


更多网络解释与能稀释的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


attentive 注意的 | attentively 注意地 | attenuable 能稀释的

attentively:注意地, 留意地

attentive | 注意的, 专心的, 留意的 | attentively | 注意地, 留意地 | attenuable | 能稀释的


attenuable 能稀释的 | attenuant 使变稀薄的 | attenuate 削弱


他会用中文开场:你的眼睛好漂亮. 如果我还在准备考试,我会告诉他,快集中精力做你的实验去,我忙着呢. 他会夸张地说:当我看到你美丽的眼睛时,我怎能集中精力(concentrate)呢. 我便告诉他:如果你不能浓缩(concentrate),那么你就稀释去吧(dilute).

They thin your blood, they put you in an oxygen tent:他们先把你的血稀释了 再把你放到氧气帐里

Yeah, sure it is.|是啊,当然能 | They thin your blood, they put you in an oxygen tent|他们先把你的血稀释了 再把你放到氧气帐里 | and you live a couple of months longer.|然后你就还能活上个把月

Lacquer Thinner:稀释剂

l 纺织品油墨: 水性的和热固油墨,使用闪光(glitter),晶化(glass)或其他效果l 抵制油漆稀释剂(lacquer thinner)和矿物油(mineral spirits)的"溶解性驻留"(solvent lock-in)l 较少的涂布就能形成高的膜板积累(stencil buildup)l 平衡的色彩,

Lacquer Thinner:油漆稀释剂

没有污染 l 抵制油漆稀释剂(lacquer thinner)和矿物油(mineral spirits)的"溶解性驻留"(solvent lock-in) l 宽泛的曝光范围 l 优秀的解析度和丝网剪刀撑 l 干燥时间快 l 较少的涂布就能形成高的膜板积累(stencil buildup) l 高流平,


attentively 注意地 | attenuable 能稀释的 | attenuant 使变稀薄的


(一)稀释剂(Diluents) 稀释剂(或称为填充剂,Fil1ers)的主要作用是用来填充片剂的重量或体积,从而便于压片;常用的填充剂有淀粉类、糖类、纤维素类和无机盐类等;由压片工艺、制剂设备等因素所决定,片剂的直径一般不能小于6mm、片重多在100mg以上,


橙花精油(Neroli)能刺激副交感神经,具有镇静放松功效下面就来看看都能做什么橙皮沐浴(保湿、嫩肤)泡汤时加入少量新熬好的橙皮汤能带来沁人心脾的芬芳. 将橙花精油3滴添加进50ml基础油中稀释后用来按摩全身或直接将精油3滴滴入薰香器,