英语人>词典>汉英 : 能租用的 的英文翻译,例句
能租用的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hirable  ·  hireable

更多网络例句与能租用的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They hired a concert hall with accommodation for 300 people.


Though I was sad to see the Gazette fall, I was glad to have the building.


Even if you cannot write or do not have any knowledge on the subject on which you are promoting (for example if you run an affiliate website), you can always hire a ghostwriter to do the work for you.


If you have to, hire someone in-house who can learn for you and give you updates on everything.


Church dean Reverend Lindsay Stoddart said the nightclub appeared to be in breach of "moral covenants" in the lease which prevent the building from being used for "immoral purposes."

教堂主持牧师Lindsay Stoddart表示,这家夜总会似乎要在租约期间违背"道德契约",租约规定夜总会所租用的大楼不能被用来达到"不道德的目的"。

B for their personal, property damage and liability will be borne by the economic self-B; 6.B in the service process, the government should abide by the state's environmental laws and regulations.prevent and reduce service to the process of environmental pollution; 7, B car buyer should ensure that the number Exceptionally,B should promptly notify the buyer, the two sides resolved, in accordance with the obligation of the two parties request the deployment of B vehicles.ensure the successful completion of tasks; 9.B subordinated obligation of the two parties will change in accordance with the needs of midnight make off line or location (under the premise of not violating the traffic law).obey buyer; 10, the leasing period, while B causes vehicles encountered administrative punishment.Punishment from B commitments; 11, the leasing period,B or B reasons for the failure of transport provided at B should be restored within half an hour, could not be saved.contractual ties with timely passenger vehicles grades, from B to bear the additional costs.

乙方自身的人身、财产损害及应承担的经济赔偿责任概由乙方自行负责; 6、乙方在服务过程中,应遵守国家环境方面的相关法律法规,避免和减少服务过程中对环境的污染; 7、乙方应保证甲方用车数量,如遇特殊情况,乙方应及时通知甲方,双方协商解决,乙方有义务根据甲方要求另行调派车辆,保证任务顺利完成; 9、乙方有义务服从甲方根据工作需要零时性改变行驶线路或上下客地点(在不违反交通法的前提下),服从甲方安排; 10、租用期间,因乙方原因导致车辆在途中遇行政处罚的,处罚费用由乙方承担; 11、租用期间,因乙方的原因或乙方提供的交通工具出现故障时乙方应在半小时内修复,不能修复的,及时联系合同约定同档次车辆转客,产生的额外费用由乙方承担。

更多网络解释与能租用的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


之前租用的场地到期无法续租,新季开始换地方了-在剧情的体现,除了大爆炸外,就是主角之一比彻(Beecher)的假释到底是否能成. 事实上当时方塔那同学都觉得前途未卜,于是干脆拍了两个版本. 其中假释成功的镜头,在最后放映时就成了"梦境".


hipshot 脱臼的 | hipster 世面灵通者 | hirable 能租用的


hippy /嬉皮士/ | hipster /世面灵通的人/ | hirable /能租用的/能雇用的/


Lynch一案中,Ellenborough勋爵就说过:"在我看来,如果在约定的时间结束时他不能把船还给船东,那么这个租用(hire)船的人就使她陷入了延误. "从租用合同的角度来看,租船人理应在约定的某个时刻把船还给船东,

hirable:能租用的, 能雇用的

conditionally stable circuit [电子]条件稳定电路 | hirable 能租用的, 能雇用的 | railway service 铁路服务[业务]


hipster 世面灵通者 | hirable 能租用的 | hiragana 平假名


hipster 世面灵通的人 | hirable 能雇用的 | hirable 能租用的


辛班尼事工团借用250英亩的杰克尔机场作为该次取名为"祝福满满的布道会"(Festival of Blessings)的场地,租用300,000张从不同城市运来的椅子,因没有一个城市能供应这么多的椅子,在会场有250个大型的喇叭(speakers),超过60个巨型的投影电视屏幕(giant screens),