英语人>词典>汉英 : 能盛水 的英文翻译,例句
能盛水 的英文翻译、例句


hold water
更多网络例句与能盛水相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is the moderate size scallop on the stone that makes us feel consolatory. It will be filled with water when it rains.


A stainless steel water/food bowl finished in satin is used to compliment the beautiful marble onyx and travertine.


The aggressive tiger mosquito,capable of spreading dengue,yellow fever,LaCrosse encephalitis, and other diseases, and able to breed in any container large enough to hold water


When the heap of pyrites had been entirely reduced by fire, the result ofthe operation, consisting of sulphate of iron, sulphate of alumina, flint,remains of coal, and cinders was placed in a basinful of water. Theystirred this mixture, let it settle, then decanted it, and obtained a clearliquid containing in solution sulphate of iron and sulphate of alumina, theother matters remaining solid, since they are insoluble.


Longfei I said that Zheng He's fleet in the use of the compass also combine indigenous methods, one known as "water law", that is, moon and stars refer to the wind direction and trend of such factors, in the middle of the compass, one bowl, bowl of water, and then fish-shaped needle float on water, to maintain a balance, that is able to determine the direction and the location of boat.


The results showed that two of the ball cactuses tested could growth well in solution culture , in which the growth rate was significantly higher than or equal to that in peatmoss culture. Among the four solution culture formulae , formula 4 had the highest biomass increment and uptake of N , P and Kfor Ferocactu horridus. The biomass of Echinopsis calochlora did not differ significantly among the four formulae , but significantly increased higher than medium culture. This study indicated that ball cactuses could grow well in nutrient solution culture.

结果表明:经100 d 种植,供试的仙人球在这4 种营养液配方静置水培中均能正常生长,而且生长速度显著大于基质栽培或与之相当;在4 种营养液配方中,巨鹫玉在完全硝态氮的配方处理中球体质量的增加比基质栽培的快1 倍以上, N、P、K的吸收量也显著高于其它含有铵态氮配方的;而金盛球在所有营养液配方中生长量均显著高于基质栽培,球体质量增长量超过基质栽培的1 倍以上, 4 种配方间无显著差异。

What can slightly console us is there is a suitable pit in that stone, it will be full of water in rainy days.


The only thing that had interested us in the ugly stone was a little pit on top of it, which is filled with water on rainy days.


The only thing that had interested us in the ugly stone was a little pit on top of it, which was filled with water on rainy days.


What can bring us slightly comfort is that there is a pit on the stone and the pit will be filled with water at rainy days.


更多网络解释与能盛水相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

retain: v. keep, continue to have or hold; keep in place:保持,保有,保留;挡住

The new aircraft underwent its test well. 这架新飞机经试验后令人满... | 4. retain: v. keep, continue to have or hold; keep in place 保持,保有,保留;挡住 | This vessel won't retain water. 这个容器不能盛水...


在水疗室(HYDROTHERAPY)内,有两个大浴缸,其中一个盛满了开水,而缸底有一把钥匙. 我将水放掉以便能安全地将钥匙弄到手. 但是,钥匙被水流冲走了......这下没戏唱了,钥匙被卡在了水管里面. 在这层楼的女性治疗室(FEMALE TREAT)里,

steam traps:疏水阀

选用 疏水阀时,首先应选其特性能满足蒸汽加热设备的 最佳运行, 然后才考虑其他客观条件,这样选择你所需要的疏 水阀(Steam Traps)才是正确和有效的. 沈阳伟盛阀门制造有限公司,提供98系列蒸汽疏水阀(疏水器) 是机械型蒸汽疏水阀(疏水器)中最坚固的疏水阀之 一,

This dyke was built to retain the flood waters:这堤是建来挡洪水的

This vessel won't retain water. 这个容器不能盛水. | This dyke was built to retain the flood waters. 这堤是建来挡洪水的. | She retains a clear memory of her schooldays. 她对求学时代还记忆犹新.