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能一致的 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与能一致的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When the underlying error term for tobit model is known to be normally distributed and homoskedasticity, maximum likelihood estimation is consistent and asymptotically normally distributed.


In this paper we present a converse Lyapunov theorem for globally uniform asymptotically controllably switched systems.And we consider general nonlinear switched systems.


In addition, some modifications on several computational methods are also presented. Using LMTO method the electronic structure of several systems are studied, and some results are obtained. They are: The ideal Nb (100) surface has three surface states, the multi-layer relaxed surface has two surface states. The surface energy of the ideal surface is higher than that of the relaxed surface, that means that the multi-layer relaxed surface is more stable than the former one, which supports the LEED results. The mono-layer relaxed Ag (111) surface is the most stable one among several" stable surface models"presented by several researchers. The surface energy of Ag (111) surface is higher than that of surface Ag (001), which supports some experimental results such as different reaction rate at different surface orientations for the same material. The surafce states of Si (111) surface not only locate near the Fermi level, but also in the valence band, which agrees well with Cohen's conclusion. Si (111)-H is an effective model for analysing the surface states and H adsorbed on the back surface is a good method for improving the convincingness of the results obtained on thinner slab models. The surface stability depends on three different kinds of MoSi〓(001) surfaces, the surface with mono-layer Si is the most stable one, and the surface with Mo at the first layer is the most unstable one among them. These are consistant with the Kemoda's experimental results. The valence bands of clean or K adsorbed CdTe (111) surface agrees well with the synchrotron radiation studies. The surface of CdTe (111) consists of four kinds of surface models which show different surface electronic structures and different surface structure stabilities. The conclusion agrees well with Wu's experimental work. The different absorbed alkali metals on the CdTe (111) surface give different adsorption characteristics which have relations not only with the valence electrons, but also with the core ones of the alkali metals. The electonic structures of Si-C alloys are different from that of Si-Ge alloys, and the energy band gaps of Si-C alloys do not increase linearly with Carbon concentration, our conclusion supports Alexander's results, but conflicts with Soref's one.

现分述如下: LMTO方法及其应用方面:1)通过对Nb(100)表面电子态分析发现清洁理想表面有三个表面态,多层弛豫表面有两个表面态;表面能大小说明多层弛豫表面更稳定,支持了LEED结果。2)通过对采用不同方法获得的几种不同Ag(111)表面稳定结构的表面能计算分析,给出了单层弛豫表面为Ag(111)表面的最稳定结构;从Ag(111)单层弛豫表面和Ag(001)表面的表面能比较,发现了Ag(001)表面表面能要比Ag(111)小的,表明了同种物质不同表面取向将表现出不同物理、化学性质,这是与实验中得出的结论是吻合的,3)通过对Si(111)表面态分析,不仅发现了Si(111)表面不仅具有居于费米能级附近的悬挂键所对应的表面态,而且还有很多表面态位于价带能量范围内,与Cohen等结果一致,H饱和slab模型背表面相当于增加了slab层的厚度,是一有效的变相增加slab层厚的方法,弛豫表面较清洁理想表面价带谱们低能端的少许移动,预示着总能降低,说明弛豫表面较清洁理想表面稳定。4)MoSi〓具有三种表面,从费米能级上态密度值大小得到单层Si表面最稳定,Mo原子为表层原子的表面最不稳定,双层Si原子表面居中的结论,这与Kemoda等人实验结果是一致的。5)通过对CdTe(111)表面表面电子态、表面结构稳定性及表面H、碱金属吸附的电子结构系列研究,不仅得出了CdTe(111)清洁及碱金属K吸附价带谱与同步辐射光电子谱相吻合的结果,而且发现了CdTe(111)表面具有四类不同原子近邻特征,表现出四类不同的表面结构及电子结构特征:不同表面态分布、不同的表面结构稳定性(表层原子与次层原子成三键有一悬挂键的表面要比表层原子与次层原子成一键有三悬挂键稳定(与Wu等人实验结果一致))、不同的H吸附特性。

Actually, the generation more of CEO is the investment that is aimed at high-tech, high risk for sexual enterprise, generally speaking, the enterprise is in between poineering group of investment support of the people cannot agree completely between development, here understands very easily, investor demand is the redound of a huge sum, snowball, and poineering group more is for the implementation of ego ideal, both buttock can not sit to come along, natural footing also cannot agree, conflict is very natural.


Rule、fact and proof are the three core category, there are multivocal,but there are also identical,no matter it is definition of exploring essence, or it is disconstraction of post-moderuism what can not explain this point of self-contradiction, only under the precondition of fusing the advantages of this two kinds'theory, rule、fact and proof can be understood in reason and identically.


His skill in sales and sociology were not to be sneezed at.


In the upper layer of the crust, low strain energy density is found on both sides.


The fact that each permenant member is entiled with veto by U.N.Charter aims to give them obligations to seek unity,which leads to many issues submitted to the Security concile.


Ostwald ripening is a key mechanism in the destabilization of emulsions (for example, by creaming and sedimentation).

同时最近几年,Banfiled又提出了一种新的晶体生长机制也能形成单晶结构,oriented attachment,多个取向不一致的单晶纳米颗,通过粒子的旋转,使得晶格取向一致,向后通过定向附着生长使这些小单晶生长成为一个大单晶,当然定向附着的过程出难免会出现一些位错和缺陷,这种生长机理形成的单晶的特点同Ostwald ripening不同,OR形成的单晶大多是规则的,给材料本身晶体结构相关,而OA形成的单晶结构在形貌上则没有限制,任何形状和结构的单晶材料都能通过此机理形成。

The method to configure RED parameters based on network properties is also presented. Simulations show that the modified Random Early Detection algorithm really performs better than the original Random Early Detection algorithm and can work for a much wider range of traffic. Finally, whether the assured service mechanisms i. e. an edge router tags every arriving packet of a TCP flow based service profile and core router drops packets differently at congestion using active queue management scheme is possible to provide a throughput consistent with target rate, is investigated under different network scenarios. Different factors including target rate tagged algorithm, RIO algorithm and TCP congestion control mechanism how to affect the throughput of an assured service TCP flow are examined. Based on a fluid model. we then derive a model of an assured service TCP flow, which is the function of round trip delay, packet loss rate and token bucket parameters. Based on this model, we observe that in some cases it is possible to regulate the token bucket parameters to gain a consistent throughput with the target rate, while in other cases there exist ranges of values of the achieved rate for which the token parameters have no influence. With the latter, some modified TCP congestion control mechanisms to assure TCP throughput are proposed.


更多网络解释与能一致的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

been in accord on the problem of Jerusalem's ascription:能就耶路撒冷的归属问题达成一致

Israel and Palestine have not yet ;以色列与巴勒斯坦至今仍未 | been in accord on the problem of Jerusalem's ascription. ;能就耶路撒冷的归属问题达成一致. | accordance n.一致,和谐,符合

been in accord on the problem of Jerusalem's ascription:能就耶路撒冷的归属问题 达成一致. accordance n.一致,和谐,符合

Israel and Palestine have not yet ;以色列... | been in accord on the problem of Jerusalem's ascription. ;能就耶路撒冷的归属问题 达成一致. accordance n.一致,和谐,符合 | The skill of commercial negotiatio...


* 事务(transaction) 是原子的 (atomic),一致的(consistent),隔离的(isolated),持久的(durable), 即ACID. 即使系统崩溃或断电也能保持这些特性. * 有一个独立的 命令行接口 (CLI) 客户端,用于管理SQLite数据库.

COMMENSURATE: A.1:相当的,相称的 2.相等的,同量的,同大的

PREDETERMINED: A.预先决定的;预先解商的 | COMMENSURATE: A.1.相当的,相称的 2.相等的,同量的,同大的 | COMPATIBLE: A.能和睦相处的,合得来的;协调的,一致的

compatible with:[医]adj.相容的,一致的

compact a. 紧密的,结实的;简明的,紧凑的 v. 使紧凑,压缩 | compatible a. 能和睦相处的,合得来的;兼容的 | compatible with [医]adj.相容的,一致的


* 事务(transaction) 是原子的 (atomic),一致的(consistent),隔离的(isolated),持久的(durable), 即ACID. 即使系统崩溃或断电也能保持这些特性. * 有一个独立的 命令行接口 (CLI) 客户端,用于管理SQLite数据库.

Inconvertible securities:不能兌換的證券

Inconsistent estimator 不一致估计量 | Inconvertible securities 不能兑换的证券 | Increasing block-rate prices 累进定价法


* 事务(transaction) 是原子的 (atomic),一致的(consistent),隔离的(isolated),持久的(durable), 即ACID. 即使系统崩溃或断电也能保持这些特性. * 有一个独立的 命令行接口 (CLI) 客户端,用于管理SQLite数据库.


unacceptable 不能接受的,不合意的,不受欢迎的 | unaccommodating 不青通融的 | unanimous (全体)一致的


dummy variable name 哑变量名 | unifiable 可联合的,可统一的,能一致的 | land trade 陆上贸易