英语人>词典>汉英 : 胸部大的 的英文翻译,例句
胸部大的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chesty  ·  chestier

更多网络例句与胸部大的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Four-month-old Hassan and Hussein Benhaffaf, who are conjoined at the chest, will undergo surgery at London's Great Ormond Street Hospital.


Within a few weeks my breasts felt bigger and even more perky.


Objective To observe the thoracic anatomic structure of rat for the experimental study of pectus excavatum.

目的 通过对大鼠胸部结构的认识,较好的利用SD大鼠进行漏斗胸的实验研究。

Compared with standard images,bony images showed bony thorax more clearly,especially the ribs overlapped by heart and the subphrenic structures,and soft tissue images showed lung lesions more clearly.Conclusion DR energy subtraction chest films can show rib fracture and lung lesions clearly,and it is of diagnostic value for the patients of chest trauma and small lung lesions.

我院于2004年5月引进了美国GE公司生产的RevolutionTMXR/d型双板数字放射摄影系统(digital radiography,DR),该系统具有双能减影功能,对160例胸部外伤或肺部疾病患者进行了DR能量减影胸部后前位X线摄影检查,分别获得标准影像、软组织影像和骨骼影像,摄影质量好,有较大的临床应用价值。

Results CT and HRCT had more sensitivity and specificity than X-ray chest film.There were more image manifestations in HRCT such as grand grass,net,line,nodular,honeycombing,bronchiectasis,honeycombing cyst,peribronchovascular interstitial thickening and irregularity.There were significant difference between them (P.05).These patients who were suspected IIP had better control and remission after being treated with hormone and immuno-suppressive drug.

结果 胸部CT在诊断方面比常规胸片有较大的优越性,HRCT则有更高的敏感性和特异性,HRCT表现出磨玻璃影、网状、线条、小结节、蜂窝影,支气管扩张、细支气管扩张、支气管壁和血管壁增厚及不规则等征象,12例临床疑诊为间质性肺炎的患者,经胸部HRCT诊断的12例,而胸部平片诊断的仅有2例,二者比较差异有显著性(P.05),HRCT疑诊的IIP患者,经临床激素及免疫抑制剂治疗,病情均得到控制或缓解。

objective to compare image manifestations values between high resolution computerized tomography and x-ray chest film in idiopathic interstitial pneumonia in the elderly.methods we analysed and compared image manifestations between hrct and x-ray chest film with 12 cases of clinically suspected iip in the elderly.results ct and hrct had more sensitivity and specificity than x-ray chest film.there were more image manifestations in hrct such as grand grass,net,line,nodular,honeycombing,bronchiectasis,honeycombing cyst,peribronchovascular interstitial thickening and irregularity.there were significant difference between them (p.05).these patients who were suspected iip had better control and remission after being treated with hormone and immuno-suppressive drug.conclusion it have more significant virtues in hrct to manifest iip in the elderly than x-ray chest film,and it also may manifest iip curative effect.

目的 比较高分辨断层摄影术、x线胸片检查对老年特发性间质性肺炎的诊断价值。方法对12例临床疑诊为间质性肺炎的老年患者,进行胸部hrct与胸部平片检查,并对照分析。结果胸部ct在诊断方面比常规胸片有较大的优越性,hrct则有更高的敏感性和特异性,hrct表现出磨玻璃影、网状、线条、小结节、蜂窝影,支气管扩张、细支气管扩张、支气管壁和血管壁增厚及不规则等征象,12例临床疑诊为间质性肺炎的患者,经胸部hrct诊断的12例,而胸部平片诊断的仅有2例,二者比较差异有显著性(p.05),hrct疑诊的iip患者,经临床激素及免疫抑制剂治疗,病情均得到控制或缓解。结论 hrct表现老年间质性肺炎的特点明显高于胸部平片,且hrct可以反映间质性肺炎的疗效。

Then I threw a big rock towards the trees on the other side of road. As soon as all the targets turned to that direction, I promptly triggered the fire. Three targets got shot at the thoraxes by three burst fires.


Only now, you're the one with the biggest boobs.


I thinks, should be similar to to coming to China one year game industry always reviews of state of affairs of development of network game estate especially, be in abroad, such similar exhibiting meeting, join the metropolis that postpone business to bring them individually commonly newest the modernest play and a series of modern notional sex technologies, and the CJ that sees us, all focuses are in centrally another " Ding Beili " on the body, might as well the news that reviews the concerned CJ last year, besides manufacturer news (of course the centers the look before he exhibits a stage belle of large also space gets on manufacturer news personally), report press from rich guest, outside notting have bosom of bikini belle, belle is compared greatly go all out, each exhibit stage belle big round of drinks of cool and refreshing degree reads an and his like, now year?


While performing three different exercises for each area of the chest may sound "targeted" and it may work great for targeting the chest itself?


更多网络解释与胸部大的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

l have not looked at the archduchess's bosom,Your Majesty:我没有看公主的胸部

How is her bosom?|胸部大吗? | l have not looked at the archduchess's bosom,Your Majesty.|我没有看公主的胸部 | Oh,didn't you? lt's the first thing l look at.|你没看? 我首先要看的就是那个


chestnutting 拾栗子 | chesty 胸部大的 | chetah 印度豹


chesterfield /一种长大衣/大型沙发椅的一种/ | chesty /胸部大的/胸部丰满的/骄傲的/ | chetah /印度豹/


I love your breasts the way they are.|我喜欢你胸部现在的样子 | Fascist.|大男人 | My breasts are gonna get bigger whether you like it or not.|我的胸部会变大的,不管你喜不喜欢

lobar pneumonia:大叶肺炎

大叶肺炎(Lobar Pneumonia)是一种西医病名. 它的主要症状包括突然发冷发热,咳嗽,痰里边有时带血,胸部的一边疼痛. 中医对这样的患者进行辨症时,估计多数会根据脏腑辨症把它辨为"热邪壅理解这一点,对于理解中医"神奇"是非常关键的. 其实,


钩虾(gammarid)是端足目(Amphipoda)钩虾科(Gammaridae)甲壳动物. 为本目约80个科中最大的一科. 有时指钩虾属(Gammarus)而言. 具端足类的基本体型,体两侧扁平,胸部有7对步足(前两对通常较大),腹肢6对,前3对用於游泳,後3对用於在硬物上行动.


等足目(Isopoda)囊虾总目的1个较大的目. 约有1万多种. 它们的体形变化较大,多数身体背腹平扁,头部短小,盾形,与胸部第1节或前2节愈合. 无头胸甲. 腹部较胸部短,分节可能清楚或存不同程度愈合,最末腹节与尾节愈合. 胸部附肢均无外肢,

bigger boobs:更大的胸部

if i were omnipotent for a day, i would want world peace. 如果我可以变得全能一天,我要全世界和平. | bigger boobs. 更大的胸部. | you took mine. 你说了我的台词.


chesty 胸部大的 | chetah 印度豹 | cheval glass 可转穿衣镜

Stretches the deep hip flexors (psoas):伸展深层的髋屈肌(腰大肌)

Abdomen and chest, and throat伸展腹部、胸部和喉部. | Stretches the deep hip flexors (psoas)伸展深层的髋屈肌(腰大肌) | Strengthens back muscles增强后侧肌肉