英语人>词典>汉英 : 胸部 的英文翻译,例句
胸部 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bosom  ·  breast  ·  breasted  ·  brisket  ·  bust  ·  chest  ·  corsage  ·  pereion  ·  bosomed  ·  breasting  ·  thoraces  ·  bosoming  ·  breasts  ·  busting  ·  busts  ·  thoraxes  ·  bosoms  ·  chests

更多网络例句与胸部相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Certainly is the balanced diet, but also has is lets the nutrition concentrate effectively fast supplemented chest oh Shu Youge the best quality goods traditional Chinese medicine abundant chest nutrition powder through solid this cultivates the Yuan to the female, restores vital energy the profit kidney, causes the body to enter to the best condition, dredges the mammary gland tube gradually, the enhancement chest to the fat absorbancy, stimulated the mammary gland to manage two growth, the chest has absorbed the enough nutrition, achieved solid, full, the strong effect easily, moreover did not bounce, got rid of the breast to be flat thoroughly, sagging, loose, premenstrual pain hard and so on phenomena.


According to the shape of breast,this study makes an analysis of the balance of women′s pattern by broadwise and lengthwise way separately,and the concept of breast projection quantity is proposed.


Objective to evaluate the clinical value of dr energy subtraction in chest acute trauma.methods collected sample data based on 122 clinic cases of diagnosed rib fracture patients in chest acute trauma,75 male,47 female,age between 12~65 years old,with an average 36 years old,using dr energy subtraction technique to exam and 45 cases were examined by ct in chest.results in all the cases,the diagnostic rate of single rib fracture,multiple rib fracture,rib fracture with hydropneumothorax,rib fracture with pulmonary contusion was 86.7%,91.3%,90.5% and 94.1%,97.1% in multiple rib fracture of energy subtraction image.conclusion dr energy subtraction technique which can show rib fracture and lung complication clearly has important diagnostic value for the patients with chest acute trauma.

收集122例临床诊断肋骨骨折的胸部急性创伤患者,男75例,女47例,年龄12~65岁,平均36岁,进行dr能量减影胸部摄影检查;其中有45例患者同时作ct检查。结果在本组病例中,标准胸片发现肋骨单发骨折、肋骨多发骨折、骨折合并液气胸、骨折合并肺挫伤的检出率分别为86.7%、91.3%、90.5%和94.1%;而能量减影仅在肋骨多发骨折中检出率为97.1%,其余检出率均为100%。结论 dr能量减影技术可清晰显示肋骨骨折和肺部并发损伤,对胸部急性创伤有重要诊断价值。

Result: A 77-year-old female presented at our hospital for blurred vision in her right eye. The intraocular pressure was 46 mmHg and slit lamp examination showed a protruding mass with papillomatous appearance near pupil margin. On chest X-ray examination, only prominent left hilum was noted. Iris tumor excisional biopsy was performed. Pathology investigation of the surgical specimen revealed carcinoma and immunohistochemical study demonstrated thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) positive. Chest-computed tomography showed left upper lung tumor and primary pulmonary adenocarcinoma was confirmed after CT-guided biopsy. She was placed under treatment with Genfitinib. Recurrent iris tumor mass was noted during follow-up, and chest CT revealed shrinkage of adenocarcinoma.

结果:一位七十七岁女性因右眼视力模糊至本院就诊,当时眼压为46毫米汞柱,细隙灯检查发现虹膜靠近瞳孔边缘有一乳突状肿块,胸部X光摄影仅见左肺门稍明显并未发现明显病灶,患者接受虹膜肿瘤切除手术,病理报告显示为恶性肿瘤,且免疫组织染色为thyroid transcription factor-l阳性,进一步的胸部电脑断层显示左上肺肿瘤,经电脑断层指引之切片检查证实为原发性肺腺癌,她接受Genfitinib药物治疗,后续追踪发现虹膜肿瘤复发,胸部电脑断层扫描显示肿瘤体积缩小。

Results CT and HRCT had more sensitivity and specificity than X-ray chest film.There were more image manifestations in HRCT such as grand grass,net,line,nodular,honeycombing,bronchiectasis,honeycombing cyst,peribronchovascular interstitial thickening and irregularity.There were significant difference between them (P.05).These patients who were suspected IIP had better control and remission after being treated with hormone and immuno-suppressive drug.

结果 胸部CT在诊断方面比常规胸片有较大的优越性,HRCT则有更高的敏感性和特异性,HRCT表现出磨玻璃影、网状、线条、小结节、蜂窝影,支气管扩张、细支气管扩张、支气管壁和血管壁增厚及不规则等征象,12例临床疑诊为间质性肺炎的患者,经胸部HRCT诊断的12例,而胸部平片诊断的仅有2例,二者比较差异有显著性(P.05),HRCT疑诊的IIP患者,经临床激素及免疫抑制剂治疗,病情均得到控制或缓解。

objective to compare image manifestations values between high resolution computerized tomography and x-ray chest film in idiopathic interstitial pneumonia in the elderly.methods we analysed and compared image manifestations between hrct and x-ray chest film with 12 cases of clinically suspected iip in the elderly.results ct and hrct had more sensitivity and specificity than x-ray chest film.there were more image manifestations in hrct such as grand grass,net,line,nodular,honeycombing,bronchiectasis,honeycombing cyst,peribronchovascular interstitial thickening and irregularity.there were significant difference between them (p.05).these patients who were suspected iip had better control and remission after being treated with hormone and immuno-suppressive drug.conclusion it have more significant virtues in hrct to manifest iip in the elderly than x-ray chest film,and it also may manifest iip curative effect.

目的 比较高分辨断层摄影术、x线胸片检查对老年特发性间质性肺炎的诊断价值。方法对12例临床疑诊为间质性肺炎的老年患者,进行胸部hrct与胸部平片检查,并对照分析。结果胸部ct在诊断方面比常规胸片有较大的优越性,hrct则有更高的敏感性和特异性,hrct表现出磨玻璃影、网状、线条、小结节、蜂窝影,支气管扩张、细支气管扩张、支气管壁和血管壁增厚及不规则等征象,12例临床疑诊为间质性肺炎的患者,经胸部hrct诊断的12例,而胸部平片诊断的仅有2例,二者比较差异有显著性(p.05),hrct疑诊的iip患者,经临床激素及免疫抑制剂治疗,病情均得到控制或缓解。结论 hrct表现老年间质性肺炎的特点明显高于胸部平片,且hrct可以反映间质性肺炎的疗效。

Subjects and Methods:The chest radiographs of 68 patients were obtained at two different detector dose levels.


To know that the steel ring can be as a framework, this should be the outline for the chest and then give it a load bearing capacity, but if the pressure is too small in the chest that will be cut as tofu, like the original belonging to the chest of fat to it Cut off the breast will be getting smaller.


In addition, the concentration of functional underwear from a young age can help you build a good chest shape, chest charming light curve is not measured by size, concentration of underwear can not only effective in preventing breast ptosis and external expansion, but also the two Furu revenue side of the cup to increase the weight of the chest, double benefit.


The results showed that the order of the feather-moulting of chick was starting from wing to tail, breast sides, huckles, back and waist, cervix, abdomen, breast, calfs, head, abdomen sides.


更多网络解释与胸部相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

l have not looked at the archduchess's bosom,Your Majesty:我没有看公主的胸部

How is her bosom?|胸部大吗? | l have not looked at the archduchess's bosom,Your Majesty.|我没有看公主的胸部 | Oh,didn't you? lt's the first thing l look at.|你没看? 我首先要看的就是那个


三个拐点按照如下方式确定:胸部:胸部(bust)最大周长腰部:腹部(abdomen)最小周长髋部:髋部与臀部(buttocks)最大周长女性体形有四种组合结构(combinatorial structure).


chesterfield /一种长大衣/大型沙发椅的一种/ | chesty /胸部大的/胸部丰满的/骄傲的/ | chetah /印度豹/

pectoral retractor:胸部牵开器,胸部拉钩

pectoral limb 上肢 | pectoral retractor 胸部牵开器,胸部拉钩 | peculiarity 特性,特色

chest roentgenogram:胸部X 线摄影术

136 chest CT胸部计算机体层摄影术 | 137 chest roentgenogram胸部X线摄影术 | 138 chest ultrasound胸部超声

Thoracic scrofulosis:胸部瘰癧

Thoracic injury; Injury of thorax 胸部损伤 | Thoracic scrofulosis 胸部瘰癧 | Thoracic tumor 胸壁肿瘤

thoracic esophagectomy:胸部食道切除术

胸部上部食道upper intra-thoracic esophagus | 胸部食道切除术thoracic esophagectomy | 胸部(大)动脉炎stetharteritis


胸部食道切除术thoracic esophagectomy | 胸部(大)动脉炎stetharteritis | 胸部中部食道middle intra-thoracic esohagus


胸部筋炎stethomyositis | 胸部筋麻痹stethoparalysis | 胸部苦闷angor pectoris(ラ)

Parasitic thoracopagus:胸部寄生胎; 寄生性胸部联胎

Parasitic skin disease; Cutaneous parasitosis; Cutaneous zoonosis 皮肤寄生虫病 | Parasitic thoracopagus 胸部寄生胎; 寄生性胸部联胎 | Parasitis pygopagus 臀部寄生胎; 寄生性臀部联胎