英语人>词典>汉英 : 胶合的 的英文翻译,例句
胶合的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
agglutinate  ·  agglutinated  ·  agglutinates

更多网络例句与胶合的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These theories are agglutinate, reduplicate and can be combined as a whole with a uniform research platform or learning frame.


This will help in aligning a piece to be glued on the back.


When the distance kept increasing beyond 15 mm, the bond strength continued to decrease, and reached the lowest point of 1.11 MPa at the distance of 40 mm.

相距15 mm时板的胶合强度最大(1.71 MPa),距离为40 mm时胶合强度最小(1.11 MPa)。

Most of optic a l systems consist of a number of singlet a nd doublets, of which the singlet c a n be considered a s a speci a l doublet.


This article will help with the production, design and construction of glued laminated timber structure.


Then the light intensity transmission of polarizing prisms with the incidence of random spatial light beam is studied. Both experimental and theoretical results indicate that the light intensity transmission of air-spaced polarizing prisms are affected more by the change of random spatial incident angle than dielectric-spaced polarizing prisms.


The main reason why quarter-sawn board of Birch had smaller dry compressing shear strength than flat-sawn board of Birch in normal conditions was that Birch had different shear strength to the grain between quarter-sawn board and flat-sawn board. Meanwhile xylary rays in flat-sawn board were transversely cut and left a lot of pores in the flat-sawn board, so adhesive can enter these pores and turn into adhesive nail. While these pores provided a kind of tunnel for water, so cause this phenomenon that wet compressing shear strength of flat-sawn board of Birch was smaller than that of quarter-sawn board of Birch. The possible reason why quarter-sawn board of Oak had greater dry compressing shear strength than flat-sawn board of Oak in normal conditions was that ratio of springwood on quarter-sawn board and flat-sawn board was different.


The critical scuffing temperature of friction pairs is not constant and changes with the friction pair operational conditions.


The abrupt change in temperature is one of the main characteristics in scuffing. Studies have showed that friction pair temperature plays an important role in scuffing.


Card board / Pallet (mainly cards have glue boards and logs, pallets) as a modern enterprise, relying on manual handling products have passed the age, it is now stresses "fast","prospective","stable", most of the use of mechanical handling of goods , this card on the board and ultimately, according to different requirements, the use of different prices for different weights and different logs into boards and laminated card board cards.

卡板 /栈板(主要有胶合卡板和原木卡板)作为现代企业,靠人工装卸产品的年代已经过去了,现在是讲&快&、&准&、&稳&,大多采用机械搬运货物,这样卡板就少不了,根据要求不同、使用不同、价格不同以及承重量不同分为原木卡板和胶合卡板。

更多网络解释与胶合的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


agglutination 粘着 | agglutinative 会胶合的 | agglutinin 凝集素

bread and butter model:水平板层胶合的船体模型

bread and butter model 多木片胶合而成的航模 | bread and butter model 水平板层胶合的船体模型 | bread and butter model 由许多水平层木片胶合而成的航模

bread and butter model:多木片胶合而成的航模

breaching 烟道总管 | bread and butter model 多木片胶合而成的航模 | bread and butter model 水平板层胶合的船体模型

bread and butter model:由许多水平层木片胶合而成的航模

bread and butter model 水平板层胶合的船体模型 | bread and butter model 由许多水平层木片胶合而成的航模 | bread 面包


Altera公司自从事FPGA的开发研制以来,不断的进行技术创新,研制开发新产品. 该公司的基于CMOS的现场可编程逻辑器件同样具有高速、高密度、低功耗的特点. 近期,Altera公司主要有四个品种系列:胶合(glue)逻辑类的MAX,低价位的ACEX系列、高速FLEX系列、高密度的APEX 系列.

laminated wood:胶合木

海升地板提供集成材系列地板,集成材又称胶合木(LAMINATED WOOD) 集成材的单位强度并不会逊色於其他之结构材,且又具有其他轻便之优点,在耐久耐候性更能提升到符合台湾海岛型气候的标准,其优异特质亦广受欧美、日、多国肯定,


gelatigenous胶凝的;成胶的 | gelatinase(白)明胶酶 | gelatinate明胶合物


glue-water 胶水 | glued 胶合的 | gluedjoint 胶接接合


刮伤(Scoring)与"擦伤"相同原因形成的严重擦痕,又称划伤胶合(Scuffing)两摩擦表面发生固相"焊合"而此起的局部损伤,但没有发生局部表面熔合. 咬死(Seizure)摩擦表面发生严重粘附或转移,使相对运动停止或不能运动. 又称咬粘.

balsaming lens:胶合透镜

胶合夹板 compreg | 胶合透镜 balsaming lens | 防水设防水的 repellent