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胡蜂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
vespid  ·  wasp  ·  wops  ·  wasps

paper wasp
更多网络例句与胡蜂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This type of society is only common among a group of insects in the order Hymenoptera equipped with a sting – ants, bees and wasps.

此 类社会群仅仅出现在具长刺的膜翅目昆虫,如蚂蚁,蜜蜂和胡蜂

Any of numerous social or solitary insects, chiefly of the superfamilies Vespoidea and Sphecoidea, having a slender body with a constricted abdomen, two pairs of membranous wings, mouths adapted for biting or sucking, and in the females an ovipositor often modified as a sting.


Any of numerous social or solitary insects,chiefly of the superfamilies Vespoidea and Sphecoidea,having a slender body with a constrict ed abdomen,two pairs of membranous wings,mouths adapted for biting or sucking,and in the females an ovipositor often modified as a sting.


Any of numerous social or solitary insects,chiefly of the superfamilies Vespoidea and Sphecoidea,having a slender body with a constricted abdomen,two pairs of membranous wings,mouths adapted for biting or suck ing,and in the females an ovipositor often modified as a sting.


The Vespa Granturismo has a 200cc engine which is the biggest, fastest and most powerful Vespa ever made.


The precursors of mast cell degranulating peptide genes were amplified by RT PCR from the total RNA of venom gland of two honeybee species, Apis mellifera ligustica,Apis cerana cerana ,and three wasp species, Vespa magnifica,Vespa velutina nigrothorax and Polistes hebraeus ,respectively.

从中华蜜蜂、意大利蜜蜂、大胡蜂、墨胸胡蜂和亚非马蜂 5种雌成蜂毒腺中快速抽提总RNA ,用RT PCR方法分别扩增各得到大小约为 35 0bp的cDNA片段,进一步将这 5个片段克隆入pGEM T easy载体,进行测序和序列分析。

The effect of dietary freezing-dried hornet pupae on the longevity and reproductivity of the Drosphila melanogaster was examined.


Any of various widely distributed social insects of the family Vespidae, which includes certain wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets.


Any of various widely distributed social insects of the family Vespidae,which includes certain wasp s,hornets,and yellow jackets.


In conclusion, the nests of Vespa nigrithorax are very tall, and Vespa nigrithorax are omnivorous. The daily active peak time of Vespa nigrithorax is relatively centralized. It is possible that Opsmanthus fragrans Lours oil can attract or inhibit the Vespa nigrithorax.


更多网络解释与胡蜂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Parapolybia varia:變側異腹胡蜂 Polybiidae 異腹胡蜂科

Parapolybia indica 印度異腹胡蜂 Polybiidae 異腹胡蜂科 | Parapolybia varia 變側異腹胡蜂 Polybiidae 異腹胡蜂科 | Parapolybia nodosa 叉胸異腹胡蜂 Polybiidae 異腹胡蜂


螫人很疼,但毒性不如常见的大胡蜂(大胡蜂属(Vespa))和小胡蜂(小胡蜂属(Vespula)). 蜂窝是纸作的,由蜂王收集的木浆制成. 一个蜂窝内有100个幼虫室,用短柄连接在牢固的悬垂物上.

Vespa bicolor:黑盾胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科

Goryphus basilaris 橫帶駝姬蜂 Ichneumonidae 姬蜂科 | Vespa bicolor 黑盾胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科 | Vespa tropica leefmansi 大金箍胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂

Vespa affins:黃腰胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科

Vespa tropica ducalis 黑尾胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科 | Vespa affins 黃腰胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科 | Vespa velutina 墨胸胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂

Vespa velutina:墨胸胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科

Vespa affins 黃腰胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科 | Vespa velutina 墨胸胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科 | Ropalidia fasciata 帶鈴腹胡蜂 Ropalidiidae 鈴腹胡蜂


已知有20,000多种,绝大部分为独栖,社会性的黄蜂仅限于胡蜂超科(Vespoidea)胡蜂科(Vespidae)的约1,000种,还包括大胡蜂及黄衣小胡蜂类. 这些种类与蛛蜂科(Pompilidae,同属胡蜂超科)种类和其他黄蜂类的不同之处是休息时其翅纵向折叠.

黃腰胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科:Vespa affins

Vespa tropica ducalis 黑尾胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科 | Vespa affins 黃腰胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科 | Vespa velutina 墨胸胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂

墨胸胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科:Vespa velutina

Vespa affins 黃腰胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科 | Vespa velutina 墨胸胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科 | Ropalidia fasciata 帶鈴腹胡蜂 Ropalidiidae 鈴腹胡蜂

大金箍胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科:Vespa tropica leefmansi

Vespa bicolor 黑盾胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科 | Vespa tropica leefmansi 大金箍胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科 | Vespa tropica ducalis 黑尾胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂

黑尾胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科:Vespa tropica ducalis

Vespa tropica leefmansi 大金箍胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科 | Vespa tropica ducalis 黑尾胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂科 | Vespa affins 黃腰胡蜂 Vespidae 胡蜂