英语人>词典>汉英 : 胡椒 的英文翻译,例句
胡椒 的英文翻译、例句


pepper vine · pepper plant
更多网络例句与胡椒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First of all crush the allspice berries and peppercorns with a pestle and mortar, then add half the chopped chilli and combine this with a dessertspoon of oil and use this mixture to coat the pieces of meat.


Any of several plants of the genus Piper, as cubeb, betel, and kava.


The result showed that the genetic distance between Kava and other Piper germplasms was far, and the fluorescence-labeled AFLP was applicable to the identification and DNA fingerprint construction of Kava.


This test showed that P4.1 and P4.2 could apply to molecular identify of kava germplasm materials. P4.1 and P4.2 have some use in the true and false molecular identify of kava.


A dried berry of the pepper vine Piper nigrum.


Piperine is a kind of alkaloid extracted and refined from pepper fruit utilizing modern biological engineering high technology.


Main production and management projects: piperonyl butoxide, Piperonal aldehyde, C Piperonyl aldehyde, PMK, eucalyptus oil, according to pituitrin, citral, ionone, cubeba oil, Geranium oil, 99 % natural a bit terpineol, pine oil acetate, sassafras oil, natural spices; run: Fragrance, tobacco flavor, food flavor, natural flavor essence seasoning products.


Factory pepper, shredded pepper production capacity has reached 800 tons, Hainan's export processing pepper, pepper broken's largest manufacturers, while a large number of exports of black / white pepper, annual export of about 1200 tons, and exports have the United States, Canada , Malaysia, Singapore and other countries.


The genetic relationship between Kava and Piper nigrum has been studied by the AFLP molecular markers. 31 test materials were used in the paper, including 6 Kava genotypes, 23 cultivated and wild peppers, 1 Peperomia pellucida kunth and 1 tobacco.


Testing jalapeno peppers at the farm might reduce the potential for foodborne illness through salsa made with contaminated peppers, but only if all of the peppers are tested for all potential pathogens, and no peppers are contaminated by postfarm handling.


更多网络解释与胡椒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




胡椒更是昂贵,其价格甚至以单个干胡椒(peppercorn)计量. 胡椒可以充当货币来交税交租. 后来,当干胡椒贬值时,那些仍被允许用干胡椒交租的租客被认为是幸运的. 阿拉伯世界仍然控制着香料的贸易,把价格定得很高. 12世纪初,

peppercorn:胡椒粒 胡椒子

pepperbacterialleafspot辣椒细菌性斑点病 | peppercorn胡椒胡椒子 | pepperfamily胡椒


peppercorn 胡椒子 | peppergrass 胡椒草 | peppermint 胡椒薄荷

Peppermint Humbugs:胡椒薄荷小顽童

400 Pepper 胡椒 | 401 Peppermint Humbugs 胡椒薄荷小顽童 | 402 Peppermint Stick 胡椒薄荷棒


本品由黑胡椒或筚拨果实中的生物碱,胡椒碱(Piperine)氢化而来. 本品作为提高功效成分的生物利用度使用,和传统促渗剂氮酮(Azone)相比,具有全天然、无刺激、用量少、成本低且发挥助渗作用快的优点,0.01-0.1%的用量即能改善和促进皮肤对功效成分的吸收和利用. 产品名称: 四氢胡椒碱(THP) 氢化胡椒


另外本公司还可以提供其他规格的纯品型和溶液型的胡椒醛(Piperonal). 仪器信息网上的胡椒醛(Piperonal)报价和型号规格为参考报价和型号规格,如需购买胡椒醛(Piperonal)请来信来电咨询,胡椒醛(Piperonal)的报价以相关业务员给您提供的报价和型号规格为准.

Zanthoxylum piperitum:胡椒木

胡椒(Pink pepper)子,也稱為"秘魯胡椒"或"加勒比海胡椒",是來自一種與腰果有關的植物;Schinus molle種, 漆樹科. 花椒(Szechuan pepper)子是由一種芸香科(Rutaceae)胡椒木(Zanthoxylum Piperitum)植物所製造的.

chavicine:异胡椒碱 胡椒脂碱

chavibetol 蒌叶醇 | chavicine 异胡椒胡椒脂碱 | chavicol 胡椒酚 萎叶酚 蒌叶酚

Chavicol:胡椒酚 萎叶酚 蒌叶酚

chavicine 异胡椒胡椒脂碱 | chavicol 胡椒酚 萎叶酚 蒌叶酚 | chavicolmethylether 草蒿脑 甲基胡椒