英语人>词典>汉英 : 胆敢 的英文翻译,例句
胆敢 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dare  ·  dared  ·  dares

make bold
更多网络例句与胆敢相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We figure those skeletal or are the carry-over after the person sacrifices, or is this " emperor is cultivated " what adorer kills those daring to encroach person of its feudal people not of the same clan is skeletal.


During this time, the apostate Christian Church killed and destroyed all people who dared to disagree with her.


We'll certainly strike a severe blow at those who dare to aggress againstus


He have the audacity to tell me I am too fat.


He had the audacity to question my honesty.


Now is the time to bring justice to the criminals who have returned to our lands!


If anyone dares to act contrary to this, let him be curbed by ecclesiastical censure.


She chid Miss Alicia in a playful, laughing way, for her boldness in introducing two great men into my lady's rooms.


Armored boy scouts are nothing more than common criminals with access to some antiquited technology,criminals who have the audacity to claim thismost important military installations Pentagon as their own personal clop house.


The trouble is, however, the execrable Bertha Coutts has not confined herself to her own experiences and sufferings.


更多网络解释与胆敢相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

VolksWagen AG:大众汽车

在金融危机垄罩之下,"大众汽车"(Volkswagen AG)却成全球最牛的股票,两个交易日股价狂涨了近4倍,一度跃居全球市值第一,从每股210欧元飙升至最高1005欧元,在这场大众汽车的股价盛宴中,胆敢做空的100多只对冲基金巨亏近400亿美元.

and more aggressively:向她发动更大的攻势

Yes. Perhaps if we had pursued it sooner...|对,我们本应该更早点采取行动 | and more aggressively...|向她发动更大的攻势 | You dare to blame Master Roshi?|你胆敢怪罪帮主罗侍郎?

Yes, that's all very well:你说的都有道理

What do you think he'd make of a little fellow like you who crosses him?|你觉得他会如何对付胆敢违抗他的... | Yes, that's all very well,|你说的都有道理 | But what if you are lying to me?|但如果你是在说谎...

as is tradition:这是传统

That boy will die|那个男孩会死.... | ...as is tradition.|这是传统 | You dare not refuse me.|你胆敢拒绝我


然而布莱克却感到困惑:老虎真的是上帝所造吗?如果是,那么同样出自上帝之手,为何老虎和羊羔会如此大相径庭?带着诗歌最开始的问题,全诗恰到好处地结束了. 诗人把最开始的动词"能"(Could)换成了结尾时的"胆敢"(Dare),使它读起来更加有力.

You would manhandle the women of the julii:你胆敢对优利亚家族的人动粗

to use whatever force necessary to remove you.|使用任何必要的措施请您走 | You would manhandle the women of the julii?|你胆敢对优利亚家族的人动粗? | No, but these men here...|我不会动手,但是这些人会.....

Daren:挑战,挑动; v. 敢,胆敢

310in a word总之,简言之 | 311daren. 挑战,挑动; v. 敢,胆敢 | 312sleepya. 欲睡的

Giggling:胆敢在我的海盗船上偷笑? 你们打算怎样

What did you say? What are doing, son?|你... | Are you giggling? On my ship? Giggling? What did you say?|胆敢在我的海盗船上偷笑? 你们打算怎样? | - I said I'm ready, Captain. - What's your name, boy?|- ...

Are you giggling:胆敢在我的海盗船上偷笑? 你们打算怎样

What did you say? What are doing, son?|你... | Are you giggling? On my ship? Giggling? What did you say?|胆敢在我的海盗船上偷笑? 你们打算怎样? | - I said I'm ready, Captain. - What's your name, boy?|- ...

And no one dared:无人胆敢

People writing songs that voices never share人们写歌,歌声没有共鸣 | And no one dared无人胆敢 | Disturb the sound of silence打扰缄默的声音.