英语人>词典>汉英 : 胆怯 的英文翻译,例句
胆怯 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
eeriness  ·  pusillanimity  ·  quail  ·  shyness  ·  timidity  ·  timidness  ·  timorousness  ·  quailed  ·  quailing  ·  quails

cold feet · white feather · yellow streak · be afraid of one's own shadow · chicken heart · show the white feather
更多网络例句与胆怯相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Suspicious, sensitive, innocent, hesitate, timid, worry too much, too shy, the acridity is not enough, doctrinairism and so on.


Clever, the most comprehensive, stresses mental quickness or adeptness: Clever 极富理解力的,强调反应迅速或适应性强: If I ever felt inclined to be timid as I was going into a room full of people, I would say to myself, 'You're the cleverest member of one of the cleverest families in the cleverest class of the cleverest nation in the world, why should you be frightened?


The keenly alert air of the terrier is characteristic, with shyness or excessive nervousness to be faulted.


Out of Antonia's face the timid , doubting friendliness had fled, and was replaced by enmity


Full of apprehensiveness; timid .


It is the timid approach to life.


Timorous little mouse; in a timorous tone; cast fearful glances at the large dog.


Accordingly Zhang Qingchang has pointed it out,in his Color Terms in Chinese,"It could be confirmed that a solid relationship had been existed,between the yellow color and sex in ancient China,though it was no longer up to our mind since the idea had been lost for thousands of years".To Westerners yellow is associated with some negative meanings for it was the color that Judas,the notorious traitor had worn.Yellow is used to referred to the journals that feeds on the low taste of the mob and books that are literally worthless(yellow press,yellow journalism,yellow back).At other times it is used on a despicable personor a coward(who was descripted as yellow streak or yellow-livered).

西方文化中的黄使人联想到背叛耶稣的犹太所穿衣服的颜色,所以黄色带有不好的象征意义,它除了表示低级趣味的报刊、毫无文学价值的书籍(如 yellow press黄色报刊,yellow journalism黄色办报作风,y ellow back廉价轰动一时的小说)外,主要表示卑鄙、胆怯,如(1)yellow dog卑鄙的人,(2)yellow streak胆怯,(3)yellow-livered胆小的。

For them that quail to bring men out of the ignorance,as i have quailed,and as you quailed when you kown in all your black hearts that this be fraud-god damns our kind especially ,and we will burn ,we will burn together!


Nowadays the reason is that the many, the people, who are sovereign have no single ear which one can approach, and are selfish, ignorant, timid, stubborn, or foolish with the selfishness, the ignorances, the stubbornnesses, the timidities, or the follies of several thousand persons,-albeit there are hundreds who are wise.


更多网络解释与胆怯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

daunt hearten:使胆怯鼓舞

daunt hearten使胆怯鼓舞 | daunting meek令人畏缩的温和的 | dauntless cowardice大胆胆怯


pushy /有精力的/富有进取心的/爱干涉的/ | pusillanimity /无气力/胆怯/ | pusillanimous /无气力的/胆怯的/优柔寡断的/


shylock /赛洛克/冷酷的高利贷者/ | shyly /羞怯地/胆怯著/小心著/ | shyness /羞怯/胆怯/


shyly /羞怯地/胆怯著/小心著/ | shyness /羞怯/胆怯/ | shyster /讼棍/

shyness:害臊, 羞怯; 胆怯 (名)

shyly 羞怯地; 小心地; 胆怯地 (副) | shyness 害臊, 羞怯; 胆怯 (名) | shyster 不择手段的律师, 讼棍 (名)


并不仅仅或者主要地作为具有危险性的'干扰刺激'(disturbing sitmuli)的一种结果而引起,而是作为一种最初的内部生理状态的结果而引起,为了找到一个较好的名,我们可以把这种最初的内部生理状态称为胆怯(timidity),这种胆怯肯定存在,

timorously:容易受惊地; 胆怯地 (副)

timorous 胆怯的, 羞怯的, 胆小的 (形) | timorously 容易受惊地; 胆怯地 (副) | timorousness 容易受惊, 胆怯 (名)

timorousness:容易受惊, 胆怯 (名)

timorously 容易受惊地; 胆怯地 (副) | timorousness 容易受惊, 胆怯 (名) | Timothy 提摩太 (名)

mount the white feather:示弱, 胆怯

show the white feather 示弱, 胆怯 | mount the white feather 示弱, 胆怯 | fly the white feather 示弱, 胆怯

fly the white feather:示弱, 胆怯

mount the white feather 示弱, 胆怯 | fly the white feather 示弱, 胆怯 | singe one's feathers 损害自己的名誉; 冒险而受到损失