英语人>词典>汉英 : 肩并肩地 的英文翻译,例句
肩并肩地 的英文翻译、例句


shoulder to shoulder
更多网络例句与肩并肩地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The governments too must stand shoulder to shoulder, not in a battle line, but in a sincere effort to achieve the new era.


At night, I had a dream, a dream that she and I sat side by side on the grass, to proceed hand, thousands of times to kiss; can be innocent and well-being of this dream has deceived me, and I find in bed She could not.


You know, she draws up her chemise to put that on," he said to Fauchery, loud enough to be heard by those around him."


There I am content to labour, crowbar in hand, shoulder to shoulder with intellectuals, idealists, and class-conscious workingmen, getting a solid pry now and again and setting the whole edifice rocking.


The husband and Steiner, sitting side by side, were laughing complaisantly, and the whole house broke out in a roar when Prulliere, that great favorite, appeared as a general, a masquerade Mars, decked with an enormous plume and dragging along a sword, the hilt of which reached to his shoulder.


Side by side Bloom, profiting by the contretemps , with Stephen passed through the gap of the chains, divided by the upright, and, stepping over a strand of mire, went across towards Gardiner street lower, Stephen singing more boldly, but not loudly, the end of the ballad.


We sat side by side, then went to the foyer.


At the start of June, Pluto will get into the act too, beaming rejuvenating, powerful energy to Venus and Mars at once because Venus and Mars are orbiting so very closely, shoulder-to-shoulder.


Ajax son of Oileus never for a moment left the side of Ajax son of Telamon, but as two swart oxen both strain their utmost at the plough which they are drawing in a fallow field, and the sweat steams upwards from about the roots of their horns- nothing but the yoke divides them as they break up the ground till they reach the end of the field- even so did the two Ajaxes stand shoulder to shoulder by one another.


In this there may indeed be some Zoroastrian influence on Christian thinking, as the two cultures lived side-by-side in the Middle East for centuries.


更多网络解释与肩并肩地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ahead 向前,在前頭 | abreast 肩並肩地 | aside 在一邊


abreast 肩并肩地 | afoot 徒步 | atop 在顶上

shut out:排除(可能性等)

shrug off 耸肩表示对...不屑理睬 | shut out 排除(可能性等) | side by side 肩并肩地;同时地

side by side with:在...旁边;与...并排,并肩

side by side 紧挨着;肩并肩地; 一起 | side by side with 在...旁边;与...并排,并肩 | sign an agreement with 与...签定和约

walk side by side:肩并肩地走; 并排着走

3. hand sth. in 上交某物 | 4. walk side by side 肩并肩地走; 并排着走 | 5. the things on display 展览中的物品

side walk:人行道

side by side 肩并肩地;同时地 | side walk 人行道 | sign in 签到;签收

side walk:亻行道

side by side 肩并肩地;同时地 | side walk 亻行道 | sign in 签到;签收

nose to nose:面对面,迎面

mouth to mouth 口对口 | nose-to-nose 面对面,迎面 | shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地,齐心协力地

with one's shoulder to collar:紧张地干, 拼命地(工作)

turn a cold shoulder upon [to] sb. 冷落某人, 不理睬某人 | with one's shoulder to collar 紧张地干, 拼命地(工作) | shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地, 同心协力地

As we walk this land Side by side, hand in hand:当我们肩并肩、手牵手地漫步

our love will always last 我们的爱 永恒不变 | As we walk this land Side by side, hand in hand 当我们肩并肩、手牵手地漫步 | I know that some clouds may pass 我知道总会有浮云掠过