英语人>词典>汉英 : 股票经纪人 的英文翻译,例句
股票经纪人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
jobber  ·  stockbroker  ·  stockjobber  ·  sharebroker  ·  jobbers  ·  stockbrokers  ·  brokedealer

stock jobber · agent de change · share broker
更多网络例句与股票经纪人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Stockbroker, just like the guy in the movie, escape artist "


Suppose a widow in California wants to go on an ocean cruise. To finace the trip she decides to sell 100 shares of her General Motors stock, so she calls her stockbroker and directs him to sell at once at the best price he can get.


Interestingly, corporate managers have no trouble understanding that point when they are focusing on a business they operate: A parent company that owns a subsidiary with superb long-term economics is not likely to sell that entity regardless of price."Why," the CEO would ask,"should I part with my crown jewel?" Yet that same CEO, when it comes to running his personal investment portfolio, will offhandedly - and even impetuously - move from business to business when presented with no more than superficial arguments by his broker for doing so. The worst of these is perhaps,"You can't go broke taking a profit." Can you imagine a CEO using this line to urge his board to sell a star subsidiary? In our view, what makes sense in business also makes sense in stocks: An investor should ordinarily hold a small piece of an outstanding business with the same tenacity that an owner would exhibit if he owned all of that business.


Interestingly, corporate managers have no trouble understanding that point when they are focusing on a business they operate: A parent company that owns a subsidiary with superb long-term economics is not likely to sell that entity regardless of price."Why," the CEO would ask,"should I part with my crown jewel?" Yet that same CEO, when it comes to running his personal investment portfolio, will offhandedly - and even impetuously - move from business to business when presented with no more than superficial arguments by his broker for doing so. The worst of these is perhaps,"You can't go broke taking a profit." Can you imagine a CEO using this line to urge his board to sell a star subsidiary?

Nor was the party over in 1938 for an investor: Though the $40 invested in 1919 in one share had turned into $3,277 by the end of 1938, a fresh $40 then invested in Coca-Cola 16 有趣的是企业经理人在认定何者才是自己本业时,从来就不会搞不清楚情况,母公司是不会单纯因为价格因素就将自己旗下最优秀的子公司给卖掉,公司总裁一定会问,为什么要把我皇冠上的珠宝给变卖掉,不过当场景转换到其个人的投资组合时,他却又会毫不犹豫地,甚至是情急地从这家公司换到另一家公司,靠的不过是股票经纪人肤浅的几句话语,其中最烂的一句当属,你不会因为获利而破产,你能想象要是一家公司的总裁用类似的方式建议董事会将最有潜力的子公司给卖掉时,就我个人的观点,适用于企业经营的原则也同样适用于股票投资,投资人在持有一家公司的股票所展现的韧性应当与一家公司的老板持有公司全部的股权一样。

I love it when my real estate broker or stock broker makes a lot of money. Because it usually means I made a lot of money.


"Today, I have expensive attorneys, accountants, real estate broker s and stock broker s."


But Jason told the stock broker that he was just thrilled that the stock broker was there.


Has there been, or is there currently, pending litigation between you and ANY commodity broker, exchange, state or federal agencies or currency or security representative?


Has there been, or is there currently pending litigation between you (and/or your spouse if applying for a Joint Account with a spouse) and ANY commodity broker, exchange, state or federal agencies or currency or security representative?


Munger: It's hard to sit here at this annual meeting, surrounded by smart, honorable stock brokers who do well for their clients, and criticize them. But stock brokers, in toto, will do so poorly that the index fund will do better .


更多网络解释与股票经纪人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Stock Broker:股票经纪人

新的SOL表中首次列入了与金融相关的4个职业:金融经纪人(Financial brokers)职业,这个职业一般包括金融商品交易员(Commodities Trader),股票经纪人(Stock Broker),保险经纪人(Insurance Broker)和其他金融产品经纪人(Financial Brokers).


对新移民来说,最好选一些低门槛的职业,如珠宝鉴定(JewelryAppraiser)、股票经纪人(StockBroker)等,这些职业的入门要求较低,而且薪酬升值空间较大. 此外,参加专业训练也很重要,这是成为专业人士的必经之路.

stockbroker; stockjobber:股票经纪人

股票经纪 stockbroking; | 股票经纪人 stockbroker; stockjobber; | 股票买卖权 straddle;

Stockbroker? - Yeah:股票经纪人? - 嗯

Stockbroker|股票经纪人 | - Stockbroker? - Yeah|- 股票经纪人? - 嗯 | Not an astronaut?|不是宇航员?

share broker,stockbroker,stockjobber:股票经纪人

股票结算[核定]价格 making-up price | 股票经纪人 share broker,stockbroker,stockjobber | 股票市场 stock market

Oh, what, with the stockbroker:哦,什么 和那个股票经纪人

Hey, you never told me how it went on Friday.|嘿,你没跟我说过 星... | Oh, what, with the stockbroker?|哦,什么 和那个股票经纪人? | What is it about telling a guy that you're a psychic...|要是和一个家伙说...


share-list 股市行情表 | sharebroker 股票经纪人 | sharecrop 作佃农耕种

Stock brokers:股票经纪人

List on 名列在... | Stock brokers 股票经纪人 | Concentrate on doing sth.集中精力做某事

Or you could be two stockbrokers, and you're rolling naked on the trading floor:或者你们都当股票经纪人在号子的地板上翻滚

- You're the pirate, she's the wench. - Okay, I t... | Or you could be two stockbrokers, and you're rolling naked on the trading floor...|或者你们都当股票经纪人在号子的地板上翻滚 | ...and everybody's w...

Math. William Rini:股票经纪人手册

c 交易方法, J Piper | c 股票经纪人手册 Math. William Rini | c 资本市场的革命 P Young T Theys