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肛管 的英文翻译、例句


pars analis
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Anal sphincter is incrassation of colonic cricoid smooth muscle around anus, which takes 80% of the anal resting pressure ,as the anal resting prssure grades is one of the primary factors which manage self-control of anus at rest .It makes anal canal closed down in most case , especially of great meaning to self-control of gas and liquid.


The mechanisms of feces control is followed:(1)Perception of oncotic pressure by anal activates the kinetic response of defecation control;(2)The tension of the internal sphincter muscle of anus makes it closed inmost of the time.(3)Tension of anal sphincter and puborectalis mantain the angle between rectum and anal canal and make anal canal closed during the relaxation of anal sphincter ;(4)adaptability of rectum makes rectum engorge in the cases of the not too high pressure of rectum .Destruction of any mechanism above will result in fecal incontinence .


All patients underwent total colectomy,with ileostomy(n=1),ileorectostomy(n=2),ileoanal anastomosis or ileal pouch-anal anastomosis(n=7),and rectal mucosectomy,through the muscular sheath of rectum ileoanal/ileal pouch-anal anastomosis(n=7) respectively.


The average age was 27.8 years, and there were 47.5% patients with malignant change, the average age of them was 35.9 years. The choice of operative procedures included total proctocolectomy with ileostomy in 60 cases (26.0%), subtotal colectomy+rectal polyposis electrocautery in 63 cases (27.3%), total colectomy or proetocolectomy with ileo-anal anastomosis in 12 cases (5.2%), total colectomy or proctocolertomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis in 19 cases (8.2%), subtotal colectomy+rectal mucoscctorny, through the muscular sheath of rectum ileo-anal anastomosis in 22 cases (9.5%), ileal pouch-anal anastomosis in 47 cases (20.3%), and subtotal proctoeoleetomy in 8 cases (3.5%).


Anorectal manometry is a safe, simple, harmless and impersonal examination technique.


Anal canal anal fissure is a common disease, is the anal skin (about 3 cm from the anal margin of 4 cm) rupture of the formation of spindle-shaped cracks or ulcers.


MethodsThe clinical characteristics of 6 cases in our hospital and 350 cases in documents of anorectal malignant melanoma were retrospectively analyzed.


The disposable ringed cystiform closed anal tube was used to 58 cases of analconserving operation,34 cases of sigmoid fistulation and 68 cases of blind enema and drug effusion and compared with cases of the use of single-cavity cylindrical anal tube in respect of anastomotic leakage,infection of fistula and drug effusion.


Departmentof general surgery, daping hospital, third military medical university, chongqing 400042, china objective to determine the changes of anorectal manometry in patients with pelvicfloor dyssynergia.


Twenty-four case of the pelvirectal abscess was treated, contrasted with the control group with the ligation therapy.

05 ,但治疗组与对照组在创面愈合时间、术后疼痛、坠胀、排尿障碍及肛管收缩功能、肛管静息压、肛管收缩压方面有显著差异P。

更多网络解释与肛管相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anal canal:肛管

(1)确定部位:肛周肿瘤主要包括肛管(anal canal)肿瘤和肛门边缘(anal margin)周围组织发生的肿瘤两个临床类型. 但这两个部位的界限及肿瘤有时难以区分,因此目前有关的资料报道可能不尽一致.

anal canal:<解剖学 Anatomy> 肛管

superior vena cava 上腔静脉 | anal canal 肛管 | auditory tube 咽鼓管

anorectal manometry:肛管直肠测压

肛门直肠畸形:Anorectal malformations | 肛管直肠测压:Anorectal manometry | 肛门直肠功能:Anorectal function

rectal prolapse:直肠脱垂

直肠脱垂(rectal prolapse)指肛管、直肠,甚至乙状结肠下端向下移位. 只有粘膜脱出称不完全脱垂;直肠全层脱出称完全脱垂. 如脱出部分在肛管直肠内称为内脱垂或内套叠;脱出肛门外称外脱垂. 直肠脱垂常见于儿童及老年,在儿童,直肠脱垂是一种自限性疾病,

rectal tube:直肠管,通肛管

rectal trocar 经直肠膀胱套计 | rectal tube 直肠管,通肛管 | rectangular coordinate 直角坐标

rectal tube:肛管

Catheter [导尿管] | Rectal tube [肛管] | Dilator [扩张器]

rodent ulcer:侵蚀性溃疡

基底细胞癌(basal cell carcnoma)又称为基底细胞上皮癌(carcinoma of epithelial cells of bsal layer)或侵蚀性溃疡(rodent ulcer). 为基底细胞恶性增殖,极为少见,占肛管直肠恶性肿瘤的0.2%. 据Nielsen(1982)等报道在30年内治疗了34例肛管基底细胞癌,



ischiorectal abscess:坐骨直肠窝脓肿

坐骨直肠窝脓肿(ischiorectal abscess)患侧持续性疼痛;全身感染症状;反射性排尿困难;患侧局部脓肿;深压痛;波动感;肛瘘肛管、直肠周围软组织内或其周围间隙内发生急性化脓性感染,并形成脓肿,称为肛管、直肠周围脓肿.

perianal and perirectal abscess:肛管直肠周脓肿

perianal abscess 脏毒,肠痔,肛门周围脓肿,肛旁脓肿,肛周脓肿 | perianal and perirectal abscess 肛管直肠周脓肿 | perianal infection 肛周感染