英语人>词典>汉英 : 肌肉的 的英文翻译,例句
肌肉的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
intramuscular  ·  muscular  ·  muscly  ·  sarcous

更多网络例句与肌肉的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To prevent the muscle deformer from calculating incorrectly and thus causing the muscle surface to #flip#, you must be mindful of which way your muscle is pointing.


Fish of sprouted broad bean group had higher FEAA, TFAA, hardness and gumminess than those of immersed broad bean group.


There is a pair of reddish muscles connecting the skull and the swim bladder of the Glaucosoma hebracium. This type of muscle is likely to involve with sound production.


As high activities in CS reflecting aerobic nature of the tissue, the present dataset suggests that the swim bladder muscles should involve with sound production. Proteomics analyzes identified 14 proteins from the swim bladder muscle, one of them are related to energy production. Two-dimensional gels show some different spots from these three type muscles. These results help us to find some different proteins in these three types of muscles of this fish.


Of or relating to a neuromuscular phenomenon in which the excitation of one group of muscles is accompanied by the inhibition of another.


Traditionally taping as most often seen on television is done on athletes. For them the use of these tapes are usually to stop an injury from worsening itself during sports. For athletes without injury, or has already completely healed, it maybe used as prophylactically .


Shoe of limit of use constant letter undertakes the limit erupts training basically is flesh fiber medium fast flesh fiber enlists campaign, sarcous is offerred can means is given priority to with metabolizing without oxygen, after the crus after training group sarcous exterior moves locally, fast flesh fiber adds thick, scale to increase; Muscle systole is more fast and consequently strong.


The results indicated that:(1) 4 d or 6 d after denervation, increase of endocyto--sis and proliferation of satellite cells in denervated muscle were induced.(2) Actino--mycin D inhibited activation of satellite cells and endocytosis in normal muscle.


There are many muscles in the core including the lower back, superficial front and side abdominals, deep abdominals, deep back muscles, and the hip and pelvic muscles.


Results 1、Results of gross anatomy Through the gross anatomy study of calfs and clinical common used muscular flaps, we discover that some muscles can be divided into several parts.


更多网络解释与肌肉的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


muscle 肌肉 | carnal 肌肉的,肉体的 | reproductive organs 生殖器官


intramural 校内的 | intramuscular 肌肉的 | intranquil 不安的


muscle?relaxingdrug肌肉松弛药 | muscular肌肉的 | muscularactivity肌肉活动


excarnate 剥除肉质 | excarnation 肌肉的剔除 | excaudate 没有尾的


musclefleshmuscles 肌肉 | muscleless 无肌肉的 | muscology 苔藓植物学

muscly:肌肉的, 强健的

casual 偶然的, 不经意的, 临时的 | muscly 肌肉的, 强健的 | loading resistor 负荷电阻, 镇流电阻

sarcolytic:溶肌肉的 溶软组织的

sarcolytes 肌屑 | sarcolytic 溶肌肉的 溶软组织的 | sarcoma 肉瘤


operational formula 运算公式 | sarcous [动](组织的)肌肉的 | collector brush 集流刷, 集电刷

Battement Developpe:(巴特芒.代弗洛佩):伸展控制. 训练腿的软度、肌肉的外开、柔韧度和力量

pas chasse 巴 沙塞 :追赶步 | battement developpe (巴特芒.代弗洛佩):伸展控制. 训练腿的软度、肌肉的外开、柔韧度和力量! | battement releve lent 巴特芒 雷勒韦 朗:举腿控制. 训练动作的平稳、连贯,延长感.

ROND DE JAMBE:朗得让 :划圈. 训练髋关节的灵活性和开度,增强腿肌肉的力量和跟键的弹性

port de bras 波德 勃拉:下腰. 训练躯干的软度. | rond de jambe 朗得让 :划圈. 训练髋关节的灵活性和开度,增强腿肌肉的力量和跟键的弹性! | rond de jambepar terre 朗得让 巴特尔 :用脚在地面上划圈