英语人>词典>汉英 : 肉体的存在 的英文翻译,例句
肉体的存在 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Physical pain is a necessary accompaniment of all human existence, and as such is unavoidable.

5.6 肉体上的痛苦必然会伴随著人类的存在而存在,因此是不可避免的。

To find it has a corporeal presence is surprising, although this 2004 building by Sheppard Robson does everything it can to deny its corporeality, as per the myth that glass makes a structure ethereal and transparent.


As concerns your more particular questions, I do not see any basic contradiction between the Greek and Socratic belief that there is an immortal mind in a mortal body, and the emphasis on unity of life which we find in ancient Hebrews,- on the condition that the immortal mind in question not be regarded (in the Platonic or Hindu manner) as a spirit prisoner in an alien place or a bird in a cage, but as a spirit substantially one with the body it animates (according to the Aristotelian notions of "form" or "entelechy", which Thomas Aquinas has made classical in Catholic theology).


When your mind is seriously abstracted, your soul will be abstracted simultaneously and your body will inhabit four dimensional space.


The heart, it has been said, is the primary organ of our being, the point of convergence between mind and matter, the centre alike of our physical constitution and our psychic and spiritual structure.


It is the ideals that lead people to the bettering world of future.


The Annanuki no longer exist in a discarnate form.

Anu 不再以脱离肉体的形式存在。

If our mind is nonlocal and boundless, then it is infinite in time.


Art, in the same way,posits man's physical and spiritual existence, but in none of its works is it concerned with his response.


It includes five statements: 1. Life is the only Being. 2. Life is the Body. 3. Life is the Will to Power. 3. Life is the motions of difference of forces. 5. Life is the Eternal Recurrence of All Things.

它包括五个命题:1 生命是唯一的存在,2 生命是肉体,3 生命是权力意志,4 生命是力的差异运动,5 生命是一切事物的永恒回复。

更多网络解释与肉体的存在相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


走这条道路的人通常是清教徒、苦行僧(ascetic)和瑜伽练习者,他们倾向于贬低甚至否认身体、感觉、性、尘世和肉体等的存在. 他们追求在天国、来世里,而不是在这个现实世界里得到超度. 他们把大精神的展现或轮回都看成是罪恶的、虚无的东西.


corporeal 肉体的 | corporeality 肉体的存在 | corporeally 肉体上


corporeal /肉体的/有形的/物质的/ | corporeality /有形的/具体性/肉体的存在/ | corporeally /肉体上/物质上/

corporeality:肉体的存在, 形体的存在

corporeal | 肉体的, 物质的, 有形的 | corporeality | 肉体的存在, 形体的存在 | corporealize | 使具有形体,使形体化使物质化


corporeally /肉体上/物质上/ | corporeity /形体的存在/体质/身体/ | corposant /放电光球/

get up:起来

开始了前现代式的奥德赛历程,它把前现代的神秘主义(关于祭师的预言)和现代性"爱情,,神话因素结合起来,在"新,,肉体与他的存在分离状况下,把"吻"之爱情力量对肉体的召唤与"起来"(Get up)这个意识形态质询作用于精神,在这双重作用下,


这个说明用 得到论证的,合理的(justified)、真的(true)、以及信念(belief)三样东西来诠释何谓知识.柏拉图认为, 灵魂和理念一样都是先于肉体而存在的, 可以说, 灵魂也就是理念, 而且是永存不朽的.


corporeality | 肉体的存在, 形体的存在 | corporealize | 使具有形体,使形体化使物质化 | corporeally | 肉体上, 物质上


corporeality 肉体的存在 | corporeally 肉体上 | corporeity 形体之存在


corporeality /有形的/具体性/肉体的存在/ | corporeally /肉体上/物质上/ | corporeity /形体的存在/体质/身体/