英语人>词典>汉英 : 联结销 的英文翻译,例句
联结销 的英文翻译、例句


coupling pin
更多网络例句与联结销相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thereafter, correlation theory of industrial economics, innovation economics, economics for development ,for instance, social division of labor and cooperation, collaborate system, transaction cost, comparative advantage average profit and so on, were be apply to the study of domanial.


The impoved design of the D35 trailor-form is rational, since the wagon ear is connected with the heavy load by hingel joint instead of spherical articulate, and the lateral relative displacement of safety pins is very small due to the rolling stiffness of schnabel grider, so that the friction stability of spherical-surface sockets of press-down cylinders is guaranteed.


Strut fixed at one end of the slider small templates, the other end of connecting rod with one end of the two links through the pin, connecting rod through the other side of the pin and fixed in the support link on the template.


更多网络解释与联结销相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

clevis pin:牵引钩联结销,马蹄钳栓

clevis joint 拖钩,脚架接头 | clevis pin 牵引钩联结销,马蹄钳栓 | clevis u 形夹

coupling pin:联结销

coupling piece 联结器 | coupling pin 联结销 | coupling probe 耦合探针

long coupling pin:长联结销

lock-type hose coupling 锁紧式软管接头 | long coupling pin 长联结销 | loop coupling 环耦合; 回线耦合

pin coupling:销联结器

销连接 pin connection | 销联结器 pin coupling | 针锉 pin file

shear pin coupling:剪刀销联结器

"刚性模数","shear modulus" | "剪刀销联结器","shear pin coupling" | "剪刀平面","shear place"

hitch pin:牵引杆联结销

hitch head ==> 牵引杆接头 | hitch pin ==> 牵引杆联结销 | hitch pin hole ==> 牵引杆销孔

hitch pin hole:牵引杆销孔

hitch pin ==> 牵引杆联结销 | hitch pin hole ==> 牵引杆销孔 | hitch pole ==> 辕杆

Joint pin:连接销

joint pin 联结销 | joint pin 连接销 | joint pipe 接合管

Joint pin:联结销

joint piece 小块铁板(供各种用途 | joint pin 联结销 | joint pin 连接销