英语人>词典>汉英 : 联欢会 的英文翻译,例句
联欢会 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
social  ·  sederunt  ·  socials

更多网络例句与联欢会相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Royal Navy celebrated Allingham's birthday last month by throwing him a party aboard the HMS President.

上个月,皇家海军在HMS President号船上举行了一次联欢会以祝贺Allingham的生日。

Brought about by the union members as "happy drums Xian couplet," the traditional way couplet praised the agency-wide staff of various departments strive to excel, dedication spirit, bring out the party festive and peaceful atmosphere; social leading group choral speaking The "Pick up a map of the Republic", showing the map of people's deep love for the cause on the map, as well as another brilliant map of a new career determination and confidence; new students join a company collective show "new gift" is performed by the dynamic of the youth dance, sang a song Zibian Zi change "in the diagram of my heart", to show their youth and energy and new jobs, new units of love; retired workers performing Red Silk Dance, and a small chorus, showing the old comrades their old age after retirement colorful life; Pieces Yesterday?


Bridesmaids dresses are available in so many different, lengths, styles, colours and fabrics that brides should decide upon a style or color and let their bridal party choose a dress within those boundaries that fits them best.


October 3, 2009The Foundation and the International Chapel sponsored a musical outreach program during the Mid-Autumn Festival at the Headquarters. The performance artists were soprano soloist Xin Xin Sun and flutist Xu Cun.


Families and friends may foregather for a Christmas Eve party at home.


I'm having a get-together at my place if you want to come.


He would have liked to go to the get-together, but his wife was ill .


We'll have a get-together on that day.


Then we had a get-together in the reading room of our library.


The afternoon under notice, in the disguise of the club revel, or


更多网络解释与联欢会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The get-together will begin at:联欢会将于晚上八点开始

They are playing games on the playground. 他们在操场上做游戏. | The get-together will begin at 联欢会将于晚上八点开始. | He is my brother-in-law. 他是我的姐夫.

He is my brother-in-law:他是我的姐夫

The get-together will begin at 联欢会将于晚上八点开始. | He is my brother-in-law. 他是我的姐夫. | I'm not a good-for-nothing. 我并不是一个无用之人.

Wellson Chin:导 演 钱升玮

导演: 钱升玮 (Wellson Chin) 主演: 惠英红 / 胡慧中 / 冯淬帆 制片国家/地区: 香港 上映年度: 1989 剧情简介...... 霸王花队员Amy等作弄新队员Susanna等,她们大打出手,受到处分. 她们在严格训练之后,和男特警队飞虎队开联欢会.

donate blood:捐血, 献血

donate 捐赠,捐钱 | donate blood 捐血, 献血 | get-together 聚会;联欢会


get-together /聚会/联欢会/ | getatable /可到达的/可接近的/可获得的/ | getaway /逃走/

Beyonce Giselle Knowles:碧昂丝.吉赛尔.诺斯

美国著名歌手碧昂丝.吉赛尔.诺斯(Beyonce Giselle Knowles)的一通劲歌热舞让参加新年庆祝联欢会的人们顿时忘记了一年的疲劳, 把现场气氛推向了高潮. Jack Penrod先生:我来自彻彻底底的草根家庭. 父亲死的早,母亲日子过的很苦,我很小就开始挣钱养家啦.

get lucky money:得到压岁钱

看春节联欢会enjoy Spring Festival Gala Evening | 得到压岁钱 get lucky money | 走亲访友 visit friends and relatives

see you tomorrow:谁又偷猫肉

日复一日,时间在"狗打骂人"(Good moring)和"谁又偷猫肉"(See you tomorrow)的笑声循环里蹉跎. 又是一眨眼间,十多个来日方长已化作昨日的晨晨昏昏,掩埋在了岁月的荒芜里--旧一年的尾声悄然而至. 等联欢会散场,编辑们也都该回家了. 故而,

Guessing games:猜谜语

联欢会 Get-together, | 猜谜语 Guessing games | 游戏 Games

school leavers' party:毕业典礼/联欢会

school leavers' party 毕业典礼/联欢会 | refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 | at the end of 在......末尾, 在...末端(到...尽头)