英语人>词典>汉英 : 联合诉讼 的英文翻译,例句
联合诉讼 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

joinder of actions
更多网络例句与联合诉讼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The liability of each and every person under this indemnity shall be joint and several, and shall not be conditional upon your proceedings first against any person whether or not such person is party to or liable under this indemnity


But, in the joinder 2005, american writer association accuses Gu Ge has activity of large-scale pilfer edition tort.


Mozilla says it won't sue Microsoft, also won't attend an European Union the joinder to Microsoft.


Without the rich guest implied meaning that confirm the report says Mozilla will sue Microsoft to perhaps attend an European Union one the joinder to Microsoft.


June 3, the Music Copyright Society of China, China's copyright collective management of audio-visual Association and the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry Association jointly announced the three major music, music download Baidu will bring infringement proceedings.


In the lawsuit, filed on December 24, John Middleton is joined by manufacturers, Altadis U.S.A., Swedish Match North America, and Swisher International; Maryland distributor, Century Distributors; and the Cigar Association of America.


In 2005, ConAgra agreed to pay $14 million to settle a lawsuit over fictitious sales and misreported earnings at United Agri Products that inflated ConAgra's earnings.


In South Africa's Minister of Health and others versus Treatment Action Campaign and others, 2002, the Treatment Action Campaign, having teamed up with other NGOs such as legal resource center, children's rights center, the Community Law Centre, the Institute for Democracy in South Africa and Cotlands baby sanctuary, protected the rights and interests of AIDS patients and susceptible groups by transporting low-cost AIDS drugs, oppose pharmaceutical association's attempt to stop legislation supporting affordable AIDS drugs and demanding the government to make the drug nevirapine available at all medical facilities to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission.

南非2002年卫生部长等诉治疗行动运动组织等(Minister of Health and Others v Treatment Action Campaign and Others)案件中,治疗行动运动组织联合其他非政府组织如:法律资源中心、儿童权利中心、社区法律中心、南非民主学会以及Cotlands婴儿避难所等,通过运送低价艾滋病药物、反对医药制造协会通过诉讼的手段阻止立法对于普通的和较廉价的艾滋病药物的支持,要求政府在所有国家医疗机构中提供Nevaripine这种被广泛推荐用来减少母婴之间传播的抗逆转录病毒药物等方式,来维护艾滋病患者和易受艾滋病感染群体的利益。

The bidder, including each member of the joint bidding, should provide the data about the lawsuits and arbitrations involved in the execution of the contract in the recent five years.


更多网络解释与联合诉讼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


join 参加 | joinder 联合诉讼 | joinery 细木匠业


join 结合 | joinder 连接;结合;联合;汇合;联合诉讼 | joiner curtain 油罐浮顶的环形密封圈

joinder of offences:数罪合并审理

JOHNSTON, George;乔治.约翰斯顿;; | joinder of offences;数罪合并审理;; | joinder of proceedings;共同诉讼; 联合诉讼;;

joinder of proceedings:共同诉讼; 联合诉讼

joinder of offences;数罪合并审理;; | joinder of proceedings;共同诉讼; 联合诉讼;; | joinery industry;细木工业;;


joinder /联合诉讼/共同诉讼/诉讼受理/ | joined /加入/参加/结合/ | joiner /联合者[物]/木匠/人缘广者/

joinery industry:细木工业

joinder of proceedings;共同诉讼; 联合诉讼;; | joinery industry;细木工业;; | joint account;共同账户;J.A.;

joint estate:共有财产

joint action 共同诉讼;联合行动 | joint estate 共有财产 | joint lessee 共同承租人


但兰伯西制药和其联合诉讼企业Arrow赢得了 部分胜利,因为庞弗里法官判决,基于预期和 显而易见性,辉瑞另一种涉及药物钙盐的"物 种"(species) 专利(有效期至2010年)无效.

Right of Way:道路使用权

(北海26日讯)反对双溪育收费站联合行动委员会控诉,双溪育设收费站已违反当初州政府的决定,委员会不排除通过道路使用权(Right of Way)把事件带上法庭诉讼.

direct action:直接诉讼

我国公司立法可以适当借鉴,放宽代理权征集(Proxy solicitation)的限制,方便中小股东联合力量保护其合法权益. 2、董事、监事选举的累积投票制(Cumullative Voting)的引入4、完善股东派生诉讼(derivative action)与直接诉讼(Direct action)程序.