英语人>词典>汉英 : 耳裂 的英文翻译,例句
耳裂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

split ear
更多网络例句与耳裂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When the Achaeans were got together Achilles rose and said, Son of Atreus, surely it would have been better alike for both you and me, when we two were in such high anger about Briseis, surely it would have been better, had Diana's arrow slain her at the ships on the day when I took her after having sacked Lyrnessus.

" 其时,当阿开亚全军聚合完毕,捷足的阿基琉斯起身站在众人面前,喊道:"阿特柔斯之子,说到底,你我的争吵究竟给我俩带来了什么好处?为了一个姑娘,你我大吵大闹,种下了痛心裂肺的怨仇。但愿在我攻破鲁耳奈索斯,把她抢获的那一天,阿耳忒弥丝一箭把她射倒,躺死在海船旁!

Detainees recalled the sound as ranging from ghoulish laughter,"like the soundtrack from a horror film," to ear-splitting rap anthems.


According to pathologic features, the intratemporal facial nerve neurilemmomas were classified as ingrowing facial nerve neurilemmomas (4 ears) which originated from the center of facial nerve,and outgrowing facial nerve neurilemmomas (13 ears) which originated from the perineurium at dehiscence of the facial nerve canal.


IUGR, tetraphocomelia, or hypomelia caused by mesomelic shortening of the limbs with radial defects and oligodactyly or syndactyly (the upper limbs are more severely affected than lower limbs), cleft lip/palate, large genitalia, congenital heart defects, cystic kidneys, characteristic face with hypertelorism, a prominent premaxilla, a mid-face capillary hemangioma, cloudy corneas or cataracts and dysplastic or small ears, micrognathia, beaked nose, ear malformations, and mental retardation


Cauline leaves petiolate or sessile, often auriculate or amplexicaul at base, sinuate, pinnately lobed, or pinnatisect.


Cauline leaves petiolate or sessile, auriculate or amplexicaul, entire, dentate, pinnatifid, or pinnatisect.


When electric fusion method was used for nuclear transfer, the fusion rate (46. 0%), cleavage rate (53. 9%) and blastocyte development rate (10.9%) of adult ear fibroblasts were significantly lower than that of fetal fibroblasts (64. 5%, 70.1%, 21. 6% respectively), fetal skin cells (71. 5%, 70.8%, 22. 1% respectively) and ovary granulosa cells (88. 2%, 79. 1%, 25. 5% respectively). There was no significant difference among other donor cells in the cleavage and blastocyst development rate of resconstituted embryos.

当用电融合法进行核移植时,成体耳部成纤维细胞的融合率(46.0%),卵裂率(53.9%)和囊胚发育率(10.9%)均显著低于胎儿成纤维细胞(64.5%,70.1%和21.6%),胎儿皮肤细胞(71.5%,70.8%和22.1%),以及卵巢颗粒细胞(88.2%,79.1%和25.5%);另外三种细胞间的卵裂率,囊胚发育率无显著差异,但卵巢颗粒细胞的融合率显著高于胎儿成纤维细胞和胎儿皮肤细胞(88.2%vs 64.4%,71.5%,P<0.05)。

Methods 203 cleft palate patients(406 ears)were investigated by pure tone audiometry,acoustic immitance audiometry and auditory brainstem response.21 cleft palate patients with SOM underwent palatoplasty and myringotomy with tube insertion at the same time.

方法对 2 0 3(4 0 6耳)例腭裂患者进行年龄分组,采用声导抗,纯音测听或听性脑干反应检查判断中耳功能。2 1例腭裂伴分泌性中耳炎患者在作腭裂修复术的同时,行鼓室置管术,术前术后作听力学检测。

By means of acoustic impadance and otoscopic examinations the middle ear function and incidence of secretory otitis media were demonstrated in 43 cases of cleft palate children pre-and post palatal closure.


Cauline leaves attenuate or auriculate at base, subentire, dentate, pinnatifid, or pinnatisect.


更多网络解释与耳裂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


\\"关节软骨\\",\\"cartilage,articular\\" | \\"披裂软骨\\",\\"cartilage,arytenoid\\" | \\"耳软骨\\",\\"cartilage,auricular\\"


Little club moss 卷柏 257 | Liverleaf 三裂樟耳细辛 385 | Living baseball 布纹球 41

coloboma:缺损 耳裂

colmation 放淤 | coloboma 缺损 耳裂 | colobomaauris 耳廓裂


有人根据形态把它们和陆生食肉动物分列为两个亚目:水生的鳍脚亚目(Pinnepedia)和陆上的裂脚亚目(Fissipedia). 但也有人根据分支系统学的观点把有耳海豹(Otariidae)和海象(Odobenidae)与浣熊及熊归在一起,而把无耳海豹(Phocidae)和鼬类归在一起.


裂面蝠科 NYCTERIDAE | 裂面蝠(属) Nycteris | 大耳裂面蝠 Nycteris macrotis

Nycteris macrotis:大耳裂面蝠

裂面蝠科 NYCTERIDAE | 裂面蝠(属) Nycteris | 大耳裂面蝠 Nycteris macrotis

otic placode:耳板

腭裂 cleft palate | 耳板 otic placode | 耳泡 otocyst

B. pedatifida Levl. Pedatifid Begonia:掌裂秋海棠

掌裂秋海棠 B. pedatifida Levl. Pedatifid Begonia | 蟆叶秋海棠 B. rex Putz. Assamking Begonia | 虎耳秋海棠 B. rex-cultorum Bailey.

Dryopteridaceae Polystichum:耳蕨属

羽裂鳞毛蕨(新拟) Dryopteridaceae Dryopteris integriloba | 耳蕨属 Dryopteridaceae Polystichum | 吊罗山耳蕨 Dryopteridaceae Polystichum tialooshanense

pterygomaxillary fissure, point Ptm:翼上颌裂点

porion, Po 耳点 | pterygomaxillary fissure, point Ptm 翼上颌裂点 | basion, Ba 颅底点