英语人>词典>汉英 : 耕者 的英文翻译,例句
耕者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Chapter 3 is the fundamental theory research part, and elaborates the theory basis of system about cultivator had its own field.


The perspicuity of this question will decide the system's receptivity, even the acceptance.


Both the first innovation of Land "Land-to-the-tiller" and the long-term insistence of "Deregulatory on the Transfer of Farmland" and "Agriculture Land in Agriculture way " policy cause the problems such as shortage of farmland transaction, small plottage, and the dearth of farmland capacity.


Its target was to realize "Land to the tiller."


"Land to the tiller" is the correct slogan for this policy.


Taiwanese Vermicelli originated early farming society and was made for farmers.


Second , the developed socialist economic cooperation on the basis of" Gengzheweijitian", subversed the traditional system of private land , by the established people's commune system by Cooperative and agricultural collectivization movement completely, The relationship between ownership of agricultural land had become disordered and unclear, hindered the development of agricultural production.


Under the land-to-the-tiller policy co-owned tenanted farmland was invariably also confiscated. However, in Taiwan the lion's share of privately owned farmland is co-owned land.


Finally they put the policy of land to the tillers into effect.


And truth is in the arms of the tillers of the soil.


更多网络解释与耕者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cultivation 培养 | cultivator 耕者 | cultrate 锋利的

The ploughman homeward plods his weary way:耕者归家,步履疲惫蹒跚

The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea, 牛群哞哞,在草地上蜿蜒... | The ploughman homeward plods his weary way, 耕者归家,步履疲惫蹒跚, | And leaves the world to darkness and to me. 把世界留给了我与黑暗...


成立新村,英政府称之为"再定居"(resettlement)计划,其真正用意,就是期望能一劳永逸切断共产党党员和垦耕者的联系. 然而,在这计划下,却有大量华人遭不公对待,甚至被遣送出境,妻离子散的悲剧不断上演......


tillage 耕耘 | tiller 耕者 | tilt 倾斜


cultivator 耕者 | cultrate 锋利的 | cultrated 小刀状的

cultrate:锋利且尖锐的, 小刀状的

cultivator | 耕者, 耕田机, 栽培者 | cultrate | 锋利且尖锐的, 小刀状的 | cultrated | 小刀状的, 锐利的

The ploughboy is whooping--anon--anon:耕者歌其号

On the top of the bare hill; 日日见消融 | The ploughboy is whooping-anon-anon: 耕者歌其号 | There's joy in the mountains; 山野乐何及

cultivator shovel:中耕机松土铲, 耕耘机松土铲

cultivator share || 耕耘机铲 | cultivator shovel || 中耕机松土铲, 耕耘机松土铲 | cultivator || 耕者, 耕田机, 栽培者