英语人>词典>汉英 : 耕土 的英文翻译,例句
耕土 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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It is concluded that, first, geochemical data of the surface soils can clearly distinguish two kind of soils, that is, juvenile soils, for example, purple soils, which inherits most geochemical characteristics of the parent rocks or materials, and anthropic soils, the geochemical characteristics of which have been greatly changed as the results of intensive impact from variety of agricultural uses. Second, different soils have typical indicator elements association respectively due to different parent rocks or materials and utilization, such as purple soils, yellow soils (low alkali and alkaline-earth metal contents and pH value), paddy soils (high organic element and heavy metal elements contents) and fluvo-aquic soils (high rock-forming accessory mineral elements contents) and so on. Consequently, it can be suggested that elements association is an important indicator for two key factors (parent materials and anthropic activities) of soil classification. Third, some differences exist between soil genesic classification and result of cluster analysis, because geochemical characteristics of surface soils can not completely represent the foundation applying to soil genesic classification, that is, condition and process of soil-forming, and soil property.


BUnder the condition of three different field surface treatments-one no till,one completedeep loosening,one strip trenching,the discrepancy by total amount of accumulative infiltration byboth field test and FEM methods during 630 min was less than 10%.


The result showed that these typical profiles belonged to Ferri - Udic Luvisols, Arp - Udic Luvisols, Haplic - Stagnic Anthrosols, Ochri - Aquic Cambosols, Haplic - Aquic Vertisols and Cab - Udic Luvisols.


In the traditional experimentation of farming , we must do scarification,shoveling, pressing the time between every two working procedure is long,the efficiency is low,and it will also expand a large number of the labour order to work out this problem ,we should create a new kind of can take the place of -speed digital multifunctional soil bin carriage is one equipment which can acord with these can do scarfication,shoveling,pressing at the same time ,and it can control each working procedure shortens the time between every two working procedure,and improve the efficiency.


According to the tillage quality was guaranteed for the minimal tilth depth and the sgnthesize property was guaranteed for the specifed tilth depth.


Aunder the condition of trenched field surface,the wetting front plotted in the laboratory ex-periments showed a good agreement with that by computer simulation,for example,after 600min,the largest error of the wetting front by two methods was less than 8cm.


The increased amount of non--exchangeable NH4^+-N during the incubation indicated as the following tendency, namely, Eum-Orthic Anthrosols 〉 Los - Orthic Entisols 〉 Hap-Ustic Isohumisols 〉 Ust-Sandiic Entisols. Organic material influenced significantly the increased amount of non-exchangeable NH4^+-N (P was 0.0002, 0.0004 and 0.0003 when incubated at 20 d, 50 d and 60 d, respectively). NH4^+-N increased remarkably when Stlpa bungeana and Medicago sativa were added compared with no addition. The contents of non-exchangeable NH4^+-N increased significantly when added (NH4)2SO4 compared without addition at 20 d, 40 d and 60d of incubation and P was 0.0037, 0.0033 and 0.0027, respectively. It was the result that the NH4^+-N from (NH4)2 SO4 was fixed within the soil. The increased amount of non-exchangeable NH4^+-N increased significantly for different soils, on which different vegetation types grew before the collection of soil samples, when incubated at 20 d (P=0.0434), but not significantly at 40 d and 60d (P=0.7378 and 0.5375). The increased amount of non-exchangeable NH4^+-N in the soil, on which crop straw and nitrogen fertilizer had been incorporated for a long-term period, was larger than that of no addition, but it was not significantly different among these two fertilization models. Soil clay, total N and organic matter were positively correlated remarkably with the contents of non-exchangeable NH4^+-N, the increased amount of non-exchangeable NH4^+-N had no correlation with soil clay, whereas it had significantly positive correlation with total N and organic matter.


The placement of 11 taxa, formerly sorted on the subgroup level of the Chinese Soil Genetic Classification System, in CST was elucidated in the paper. All these soils studieds are classified into 5 CST Orders: Anthrosols, Ferrosols, Argosols, Cambosols and Primosols, 5 CST Suborders: Stagnic Anthrosols, Udic Ferrosols, Udic Argosols, Udic Cambosols and Orthic Primosols, 15 CST Group and 23 CST Subgroups.


The total content of Poaceae pollen in the rice field is 36%~88%,and the content of Oryza- type pollen is 30%~84%,averaging 57.41%.


Its main advantages are: 1 Ploughshares former can Geng Sada narrow, sharp-angle, and then a small field can be competent. 2, spiral Ploughshares high-speed rotation, tillage Shulan soil formation, may omit rake mud, soil and other pressure Suitu site preparation process. 3, spiral Ploughshares work will push the soil later, will pull the machine forward traction, it can effort can be smaller engine-driven. 4, the spiral Ploughshares work itself traction to overcome the original style, to break through resistance to the plow, the machine tray can be fitted with the lower part of farming feet deep mud paddy field. 5, the spiral Ploughshares put on the handling round, you can use the drive shaft Ploughshares handling round, 20-30 cm wide in the small mountain ridge or drive to complete removal. 6, according to the plane of principle, can also be designed as a multi-Ploughshares, or a variety of forms, suitable for large-scale farming machinery Plain.


更多网络解释与耕土相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How jocund did they drive their team afield:驱驾于南亩,耦耕欢时务

Their furrow oft the stubborn glebe has broke; 瘠土硗薄地,犁沟... | How jocund did they drive their team afield! 驱驾于南亩,耦耕欢时务. | How bowed the woods beneath their sturdy stroke! 千斤挥巨斧,群...



tiller rotor:耕耘旋转锄 旋耕器, 碎土器

hand size 人工尺寸 | tiller rotor 耕耘旋转锄 旋耕器, 碎土器 | triangular acceleration 三种促进剂组合 三合促进剂

soil tilth:土壤耕性,土壤适耕性

soil tiller 土翻拌机 | soil tilth 土壤耕性,土壤适耕性 | soil tone 土色


cultipacker /碎土镇压器/ | cultivable /可耕的/可栽培的/ | cultivar /栽培品系/

pulverizing harrow:浅耕松土耙

pulverizer 粉碎机 | pulverizing harrow 浅耕松土耙 | pulverizing mill 磨碎机

thawed soil:融土

szik soil 盐渍土,盐碱土 | thawed soil 融土 | top soil 表土,耕植土

waste bank refarming:弃土反耕

弃土堆||waste bank | 弃土反耕||waste bank refarming | 汽车||motor vehicle, automobile

Subsurface tillage:亚裹土耕松

亞表土 Subsurface soli | 亞裹土耕松 Subsurface tillage | 亞化育層 Subhorizon

tillage doesn't reach the B horizon:耕不到B层土

tillage crop ==> 中耕作物 | tillage doesn't reach the B horizon ==> 耕不到B层土 | tillage equipment ==> 耕作设备