英语人>词典>汉英 : 翻译 的英文翻译,例句
翻译 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
decipherment  ·  interpret  ·  interpretation  ·  rendering  ·  rendition  ·  translate  ·  translation  ·  transliterate  ·  version  ·  interpreted  ·  interprets  ·  translated  ·  translates  ·  translating  ·  transliterated  ·  transliterates  ·  transliterating  ·  transcriptions  ·  translations  ·  transl

更多网络例句与翻译相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is three 汉语翻译英语转换器 types of doped semiconductor combination.


translation is a cultural activity;it's more than the transformation between two languages.what translation should achieve is to explain and spread culture between two languages.under the guidance of susan bassnett and andre lefevere,urger and impeller of'cultural turn',translation has been elevated to the height of cultural construction.culture discussion has become one of the newest headings in translation research.traditional chinese medicine is the embodiment and one of the most important parts of traditional chinese culture.as a result,in the procedure of translation of traditional chinese medicine,translation of culture characteristic is the most important thing.translation research of traditional chinese medicine has always been focused on what method should be used,such as the discussion about literal translation or free translation,the discussion whether use foreignizing method or domesticating method in the translation of traditional chinese medicine.it is only the argument of whether convey traditional chinese medicine culture in english translation and how much the culture should be conveyed.

翻译本身是一种文化活动。翻译不仅是两种文字的相互转化,翻译活动所完成的是将文化内涵在两种语言之间阐释和传播。在翻译研究"文化转向"的两位主要倡导者和推进者susan bassnett和andre lefevere研究进展的启发之下,翻译被提到文化构建的高度。从文化角度研究翻译成为翻译研究的前沿课题,为翻译理论的发展注入了新的活力。中医体现了中国传统文化,是其重要组成部分,对文化内涵的处理得当与否决定了翻译的好与坏。中医翻译学术界在操作层面上一直有直译与意译之争,归化与异化之争,说到底不过是对中医传统文化在英译文中是否体现以及体现多少的争论。

The various parameters observed were the following : modification of the skin status, coat, eyes, mucous membrane, apparition of secretions or excretions and neurovegetative reaction (tears, piloerection, variation of the pupillary diameter, variation of the respiratory rhythm…), walking modifications, changes in the posture, reaction to manipulation, presence of clonic or tonic movements, stereotyped or unusual behaviors, sensorial reactivity to various stimuli (auditory, visual, proprioceptive), prehension strength and moving activity.


Information Network Engineering Limited will continue to use their own advantages and accumulated experience, based on the Internet, mobile networks and power grids, and other three-platform, integrated broadband technology and resources, covering computers, mobile phones, television, telephone, PDA, and other Termin


Tigrans,Nomad,Yaka不需要翻译 Tigran - The newest race on the Blessed Continent these savage hunters employ the powers of the great cats to stalk their foes.

不要相信前面那些翻译,糊弄事的,很多都不通顺。 Tigran-Blessed Continent(字面义为&天佑的大陆&)上最年轻的种族。这群凶残的猎手依靠the great cats的力量潜步跟踪它们的仇敌。

Material: Luo Zhixiang personal record file Nickname: Small pig Blood-group: A Constellation:(狮子座不会翻译,对不起) Year in which one was born as represented by an animal: Sheep Height: 180cm Body weight: 70kg Birthday: On July 30, 1979 Hobby: Plays the basketball, the swimming Specialty: Beats a drum, dances, sings, the diving, choreographs adance Motto: Grasps each small opportunity Likes matter: Dances, buys clothes, window-shops Likes female student type: Filial, is clever, has the compassion

资料:罗志祥个人档案绰号:小猪血型:A 星座:狮子座生肖:羊身高:180cm 体重:70kg 生日:1979年7月30日嗜好:打蓝球、游泳专长:打鼓、跳舞、唱歌、跳水、编舞座右铭:把握每一个小小的机会喜欢的事:跳舞、买衣服、逛街喜欢的女生类型:孝顺、乖巧、有爱心英语老师让我们用英语介绍自己的偶像,但我又不知道怎么翻译成英语,所以到这里来麻烦各位猪迷帮帮忙~!谢谢拉。

But two questions are still harrying the translation teachers: what translation theoretical knowledge should be taught in class? And how to combine the theoretical content with students' translation activities in their teaching? This paper argues that, first of all, a scientific, systematic and practical system of theoretical content to be taught should be specified and brought into the framework...


The conductor is formed into 中英翻译软件lingoes, which is placed on a pivot between the poles of the permanent magnet.


This process improves the appearance of a worsted fabric by removing fibrous material from the surface.a two-cylinder cutting machine is 英语翻译 in plate 51,whilst the principle of the action of the cutting parts is 英语翻译 in fig.43.the essential features arethe cutting—mower,together withthe ledger—blade,both andbeing positioned in a 商务英语报告格式,andthe bed over over which the cloth passes.there are also drawing rollers to pull the piece through the machine,a setting—up roller and several guides and tension meshanisms.the flocks shorn from the cloth are removed by a suction device.


Smith的翻译:……gazes in astonishment at the passionate head of Archilochus, the warlike servant of the muses, as he is pursued wildly through existence


更多网络解释与翻译相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


我们先期打造了"计算机辅助翻译"(CAT)在线服务平台,研发了SOHOCAT计算机辅助翻译系统,为全球的翻译人员提供计算辅助翻译在线服务. 每位用户的生命和时间如此宝贵,都值得我们去尊重,都值得我们倾力付出,

Baker, M. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation:换言之:翻译教程

Translatology翻译学 | Baker, M. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation换言之:翻译教程 | , R. T. Translation and Translating: Theory and Practise翻译翻译过程:理论与实践


斯洛伐克语翻译 (Slovak) 保加利亚语翻译 (Bulgarian) 老挝语翻译 (Lao) 泰语翻译 (Thai) 波兰语翻译 (Polish) 罗马 尼亚语翻译 (Romanian) 土耳其语翻译 (Turkish) 波斯语翻译 (Farsi) 马来语翻译 (Malay) 西班牙语翻译 (

Lesson Two Text:Rip Van Winkle:翻译技巧学习:语篇翻译(二)

Lesson 0ne Text:Jane Austen in Defence of the Novel翻译技巧学习:语篇翻译(一) | Lesson Two Text:Rip Van Winkle翻译技巧学习:语篇翻译(二) | Lesson Three Text:落花生 翻译理论学习:西方翻译理论简介(二)

cotranslational secretion:共翻译分泌[蛋白质边翻译边通过内质网膜的过程]

cotranslational integration 共翻译整合[蛋白质边翻译边整合于内质网膜的过程] | cotranslational secretion 共翻译分泌[蛋白质边翻译边通过内质网膜的过程] | cotranslational transfer 共翻译转移


阿尔巴尼亚语翻译 (Albanian) 荷兰语翻译 (Dutch) 塞尔维亚语翻译 (Serbian) 阿拉伯语翻译 (Arabian) 捷克语翻译(Czech) 斯洛伐克语翻译(Slovak) 保加利亚语翻译 (Bulgarian) 老挝语翻译 (Lao) 泰语翻译 (Thai) 波兰语翻译 (P


translate phase 翻译阶段 | translater 翻译程序,翻译机 | translating machine 翻译

ultural Differences and Untranslatability:文化差异与不可译性","翻译

ultural Differences and Untranslatability文化差异与不可译性","翻译" | "The Context in Relation to Translation语境与翻译","翻译" | "Female and Translation 女性与翻译 ","翻译"

translational intron:翻译内含子[翻译过程中被绕过的mRNA部分编码序列]

translation hop 翻译跳步[翻译时越过某些密码子] | translational intron 翻译内含子[翻译过程中被绕过的mRNA部分编码序列] | translocation 运输,转运;易位,转位

translational intron:翻译内含子[翻译过程中被绕过的

translation hop 翻译跳步[翻译时越过某些密码子] | translational intron 翻译内含子[翻译过程中被绕过的 | mRNA 部分编码序列]