英语人>词典>汉英 : 羽管键琴 的英文翻译,例句
羽管键琴 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cembalo  ·  harpsichord  ·  cembalos  ·  harpsichords

更多网络例句与羽管键琴相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The concerto is well suited throughout to showing off the qualities of a fine harpsichord and the virtuosity of its player, especially in the lengthy solo 'cadenza' to the first movement.


Development of V-I cadences, subjective, notation, continuo


Squire Western likes to hear Sophia play on the harpsichord every afternoon.


Takae Ohnishi is a Japanese harpsichordist who has been invited to perform frequently in major cities in Japan and in the U.S.

大西孝惠(Takae Ohnishi,日本羽管键琴演奏家。她经常应邀在美国和日本各大城市表演。

Boris Berman studied at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow under Lev Oborin, graduating with distinction both as pianist and harpsichordist.

贝尔曼在莫斯科柴科夫斯基音乐学院随Lev Oborin主修钢琴和羽管键琴,并以优异成绩毕业。

In addition to about 400 recordings with London Symphony Orchestra, his recordings with the London Virtuosi include Mozart's Oboe Quartet, a Telemann Trio for flute, oboe and harpsichord with James Galway and for RCA Haydn's Divertimento for oboe and strings, while for Naxos he has recored Albinoni's Oboe Concerti Op. 7 and 9, Handel's Oboe concertos Nos. 1-3, Air and Rondo, Suite in G Minor and a CD of Italian Oboe Concertos.


First, those works were combined which the editors felt were mainly serving educational needs or were originally intended for the pedal harpsichord - the organ trio sonatas as well as the passacaglia and fugue in c minor, then large-scale and smallscale preludes and fugues, finally chorale arrangements of smaller and larger dimension, each in alphabetical sequence.


Some hold that all piano works can use the pedal, just having some problems such as more use, less use and how to use. Some hold that since Bach's work were created for harpsichord and ancient piano, using pedal would influence the works' original style.


Harpsichord 羽管键琴:A stringed instrument resembling a grand piano but usually having two keyboards and two or more strings for each note and producing tones by the plucking of strings with plectra.


Harpsichord羽管键琴】A stringed instrument resembling agrand piano but usually having two keyboards and two or more strings for each note and producing tones by the plucking of strings with plectra.


更多网络解释与羽管键琴相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


CEMB | Communications-Eletronics Meterological Board 通讯电子与气象局(空军) | cembalist | 羽管键琴演奏者 | cembalo | 拨弦古钢琴, 羽管键琴

cembalo:[音]拨弦古钢琴, 羽管键琴

prepayment of taxes 预付税款 | cembalo [音]拨弦古钢琴, 羽管键琴 | inactivation 灭活, 失活, 钝化(作用)

cembalo:拨弦古钢琴, 羽管键琴

cembalist | 羽管键琴演奏者 | cembalo | 拨弦古钢琴, 羽管键琴 | cembra | 瑞士五针松

a cembalo:[意]用拨弦键琴(羽管键琴)

a cemb.a cembalo之缩写. | a cembalo[意]用拨弦键琴(羽管键琴). | acemtuado[西]加重的,加重音的.

das Cembalo:羽管键琴

die Orgel管风琴 | das Cembalo羽管键琴 | die Trompete小号,喇叭


管风琴 orgue | 羽管键琴 clavecin | 吉他 guitare

Piano Clavecin:羽管键琴

Piano 钢琴 | Piano Clavecin 羽管键琴 | Orgue 管风琴

Pieces de Clavecin:羽管键琴曲

JEAN PHILIPPE RAMEAU 让.菲利普.拉莫 | Pieces de Clavecin 羽管键琴曲 | 04 Les Cyclopes 独眼巨人

Nouvelles suites de pieces de clavecin:羽管键琴新组曲

9: 小步舞曲Menuet 01:17 | 羽管键琴新组曲Nouvelles suites de pieces de clavecin | 10: 阿勒芒德舞曲I. Allemande 06:44


其后的 250 年里,羽管键琴 / 拨弦古钢琴( harpsichord )靠拨动而不是弦槌敲击使弦摆动. 有众多拥护者的击弦古钢琴( clavichord )亦是如此,它的严重局限性是手指触键后声音缺乏层次变化. 17 世纪晚期,