英语人>词典>汉英 : 罩住 的英文翻译,例句
罩住 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mantle  ·  mantling  ·  mantles

更多网络例句与罩住相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Black shoes, socks,trousers,lumber, gloves and balaclava.


Experts have recognized that the problem can not be thoroughly solved unless traditional way of suction be given up, that is, substituting soft brattice or blast suction air for rigid apron, and extending suction entrance near harmful substance or surrounding it.


We shall cover the seat of this old chair with chintz .


This brought his cowled face close to that of Moneo, who trotted beside the cart.


" And Jove answered,"Juno, you need not be afraid that either god or man will see you, for I will enshroud both of us in such a dense golden cloud, that the very sun for all his bright piercing beams shall not see through it.

" 听罢这番话,汇聚乌云的宙斯答道:"赫拉,不要怕,此事神和人都不会看见;我会布下一团金雾,稠匝浓密,罩住我俩,连赫利俄斯也休想看穿,虽然他的眼睛,那灼灼的目光,谁都无法企及。

I can't see anything, this bank of fog is hiding everything.


Hooded up with your mouth and nose when doubled it.


The shadow of the curtain fell on Hester Prynne, and partially concealed her.


ORONASAL MASK, An oxygen mask covering only the mouth and nose.


If you go after the followers, you will still have problems. You must go after the ringleaders. It is an exercise in dominance.


更多网络解释与罩住相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A shit boner:可笑的反应

It's like getting a stiff rod when you're taking a dump.|就像你上大号时... | A shit boner.|可笑的反应 | Yeah. Then you got to jam it into the bowl like it owes you money.|没错 你得像罩住你的欠债人那样用...


百叶箱应能满足下列条件日射感应部在半球形玻璃罩下面,外部以圆形铸铁槽盛装,感应器系以锰( Mangaan)及康铜( Constantan)作成之多数热电对连接而成,上面涂上黑色,半球形玻璃罩边以白色盖子罩住,以防辐射热影响测值.

spatial disorientation:空间定向障碍

那里在天气条件不太好的状态下极少组织飞行训练,所以几乎没有机会去体验严峻的空间定向障碍(Spatial Disorientation). 直到毕业的时候,卡萨斯所飞过的仪表着陆(用遮蔽物罩住飞机座舱,使飞行员只能依靠机载仪表控制飞机降落)次数还屈指可数,


骑单车运动的人,要先戴上头带(headband)和排汗性强的薄帽套,然后再载上头盔. 而且,颈套(neck gaiter)是一种非常好的御寒物,可以同时翻上来罩住脸和嘴,不仅防风,而且可以呼吸到暖气. 冬天运动的鞋袜也有讲究,袜子应有内外两层设计,


一付铁三角牌贴耳式耳机罩耳式(Circumaural)耳机一般来说较大,因整个发声单元(连耳绵)能完全将耳廓(pinna)盖住,所以佩带时相对舒适. 由於体积较大,多用室内,如录音室环境之内. 贴耳式(Supra-aural)则较小型,发声单元紧压著耳廓,


这些天线的基部装有很像从发信器传送信号给发射天线的导波管(WaveGuide),很可能就是用作发射欺骗式干扰信号的ECM天线. 珠海号在舰桥两侧装有外形像哈尔滨号上用圆顶型天线罩盖住中国现役主要军舰的电子战装备与西方国家相比比较落后,


? Coupled(食指和中指合并) | ? Cupped(罩住) | ? Fist(拳头)

Vaulted with all thy congregated might:罩住了混浊的云雾一片

Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre, 今夜这天空宛如圆形的大墓, | Vaulted with all thy congregated might 罩住了混浊的云雾一片, | Of vapoursr, from whose solid atmosphere 却挡不住电火和冰雹的突破,


小儿在麻醉诱导时因呃逆(hiccups)也可产生NPPE. 喉罩的使用不当或病人咬住喉罩引起NPPE也时有报道,特别是在使用喉罩时因体位变化可使喉罩移位引起上呼吸道梗阻. 这一点应引起麻醉医师的注意,一旦发生应立即进行气管插管.

She pushed all her hair under a headscarf:她把头发都让头巾罩住

* She crept in beside him under the bedclothes. 她钻进被窝, 躺... | * She pushed all her hair under a headscarf. 她把头发都让头巾罩住. | 3 in or to a position next to and lower than (sth) 在(某物)下方; ...