英语人>词典>汉英 : 罗斯金 的英文翻译,例句
罗斯金 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与罗斯金相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gandhi still is in in those days south Africa, he prepares to take long-distance train, he has a friend to send him a book, after waiting for him to issue the train, he feels his life was changed from now on, all nonresistant concepts come from that book after him, that book is John Luosijin " character of the person that give future ".


His aesthetics look backwards to the aestheticism of Pater and the moral sensibility of Ruskin, and they look forward to Modernism.


These personal judgments can be generalized as an expression of values. According to the contradictions of Pugin's values, the fusion of Ruskin's values, and the relative importance of Viollet-le-Duc's values, we can infer the ideology of the theorists who encouraged the Gothic Revival.


Pugin considered that the meaning of the Gothic Style is religious symbolization. Ruskin considered that the meaning of the Gothic Style is a perfect combination of beauty and human nature. Viollet-le-Duc considered that the meaning of the Gothic Style is the rationality of construction technology.


Pugin, Ruskin, and Viollet-le-Duc are representative of the Gothic Revivalism theorists who gave impetus to the Gothic Revival by their work. A review of the literature shows that the superiority of the Gothic Style derived from different kinds of interpretation, such as religious spirit, social reform, esthetic taste, practical function, economic considerations, and construction technology. These interpretations originated in different kinds of values. The main reason why these theorists promoted the revival of the Gothic Style came from personal factors. Their differences in personal values illustrated that the Gothic Revival was the result of various motive forces which gathered together.


Along the other thread, I will analyze the classicism theory "s influence on Ruskin, raveling out the way Ruskin detecting the formal elements" language characteristic which is based on the "visual arts" functional aims.


Gathers because of a common goal in the middle of same place this 38individual, each enlistment reason is all dissimilar: Comes from布雷恩 Rawlins is for redeem to Texas 回抵 presses for the bankranch; The family extends the woods in Nebraska state William, then isfor maintain the family honorable tradition; Bragg Si fatigueSwitzerland in order to evade the too severe father; The eddy is feelsself-important compared to the standard, is unable confidently theperson which passes facing oneself; Eugene 斯金纳 is here onlyblack, his arrival is for "feels grateful", because France not onlyallows him to participate in the boxing champion to strive forhegemony the match, but also gives him the most reasonable treatment,but in US, the public place all does not allow him to enter......This was afterwards illustrious "the Lafayette flight element" the embryonic form, their party chief was reedcard Si enlightens, a senior pilot, although 28 year-old a


A:Would you ask her to call Larry Ruskin at 836_2550?


Ruskin's artistic thought has the dual nature of typical beauty and vitality.


Mr Albanese and chairman Paul Skinner, who has agreed to stay on to see the group through its difficulties – potentially scuppering a move to become chairman of BP – now face a week of fraught briefings with shareholders.


更多网络解释与罗斯金相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anglia Ruskin University:安格利亚罗斯金大学

.阿伯泰邓迪大学 University of Abertay Dundee | .安格利亚罗斯金大学 Anglia Ruskin University | .巴斯大学 University of Bath


最近这个叫 罗斯金(Ruskin)的外国经济学家说,中国的统计数字不可靠. 他说百分之七,百分之八为什么不可靠. 他用一些中国的能源消耗的数字去推算,说如果是能源消耗降低了多少,然后这个国民收入增加了多少. 这些数字互相是矛盾的.

Ruskin:罗斯金; 拉斯金

Rusk 腊斯克 | Ruskin 罗斯金; 拉斯金 | Russell 拉塞尔; 罗素

John Ruskin:约翰?罗斯金

英国学者约翰 罗斯金(John Ruskin)说:"严格地说它们根本不能算是书,而只是一些印刷精美的书信或新闻而已. "指的也是这种情况.

John Ruskin:罗斯金

比如,罗斯金(John Ruskin)和莫里斯(William Morris)的所推动的当代改革运动,就是以此模式为取向的,他们大力推销手工艺品. 然而,工业劳动的发展却在不断远离这种整体制作模式. 既使马克思最终也放弃了这种把过去作为样板的手工实践模式.

John Ruskin:(英国作家罗斯金)

When a man is wrapped up in himself he makes a pretty little package. 一个只顾自己的人不足以成大器. | -John Ruskin(英国作家罗斯金) | -George Bernard Shaw(英国剧作家肖伯纳)

Ruskin, John:罗斯金

在巴黎,这种融化的美就像圣心大教堂,被罗斯金(Ruskin John)在>中用诗一般的语言赞美着:白云、高山、阳光,拜占庭装饰中光的弥漫. 中世纪以后,人们不断地在各种经典建筑中添加装饰,甚至添加到无以复加的程度,

ROSING, Hans Pavia:汉斯.帕维亚.罗辛

ROSHAN-RAWAAN, Mohammad Eshaq;穆罕默德.埃斯哈克.罗尚拉万;; | ROSING, Hans Pavia;汉斯.帕维亚.罗辛;; | ROSKENS, Ronald W.;罗纳德.罗斯金斯;;

Gary Quarles, Grover Dale Skeens:加里.考拉斯、格罗佛.戴尔.斯金斯

Joel R. Price, Deward Scott 乔尔.R.普莱斯、迪华德.斯科特 | Gary Quarles, Grover Dale Skeens 加里.考拉斯、格罗佛.戴尔.斯金斯 | Benny Willingham, And Ricky Workman 本尼.威灵汉姆以及里奇.沃克曼

Ruskin, John:罗斯金

在巴黎,这种融化的美就像圣心大教堂,被罗斯金(Ruskin John)在<<建筑的七盏明灯>>中用诗一般的语言赞美着:白云、高山、阳光,拜占庭装饰中光的弥漫. 中世纪以后,人们不断地在各种经典建筑中添加装饰,甚至添加到无以复加的程度,