英语人>词典>汉英 : 网络结构 的英文翻译,例句
网络结构 的英文翻译、例句


network structure
更多网络例句与网络结构相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The relationship between the topology and convegence of networks is approached and the reason causing overtraining and overfitting is analysed. Then the redundant weights and nodes in the network are defined by using improved activity function and a new algorithm called the BPNSO for determining the network structure for any application is proposed, which use dual optimization objective function combining the mean squre error of the network output with network complexity penalty function.


The designed network is not only parsimonious but also has better generalization performance.


The idea of provincialism of artificial neural network is introduced to describe the structural difference of various kinds of ANN.


Thus a new structural reliability measure to measure the uniformness of the network, which is called Network Structural Para-Entropy , is given in this thesis.


An approach of Radial Basis Function Neural Network optimization based on support vector machine was proposed to solve the randomness of the network structure and the unstableness of the network's performance.


A Multi-Species Cooperative PSO algorithm is developed using the ideas of species dividing in the bionomical world. The algorithm is shown to have guaranteed convergence to the global optimum. Furthermore, the training strategies of RBF network structures and weights based on the MCPSO aigorithm is proposed. Simulation results show that the algorithm is effective in such fields as chaotic time-sequence forecasting, system identification, speech signal processing and etc.


ICCs in these domain appeared as a network structure. On the contrary, the number of ICCs was significantly decreased or even disappeared in between the muscle layers of the ganglionic segment in HD.


Taking the significance of knowledge ineconomic growth in to account,it is necessary to establish a network includinggovernments at all levels,knowledge-generating sectors,knowledge-transmittingsectors,material-transforming sectors and consumer groups.


The process of establishing neural network is as follows: input parameters of network are selected from thickness, preheat temperature, heat input, welding position and sampling point, output parameter of network is impact ductility CVN, two-layer neuronic network configuration, S-type active function and back-propagation learning algorithm are selected.


The network structure is significant in characterizing the performance of the feedforward network, such as network capacity, learning speed, generalization ability Standard back propagation performs gradient descent only in the weight space of a network with fixed topology, in general, it is useful only when the network architecture is chosen correctly With a bad structure we potentially run into problems like underfitting, overfitting or wasting computational resources, so algorithms than can find an appropriate network architecture automatically are highly attractive.


更多网络解释与网络结构相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Network architecture:网络结构

我们将计算机网络层次结构模型和各层协议的集合定义为计算机网络结构(Network Architecture). 网络体系结构是对计算机网络应完成的功能的精确定义,而这些功能是用什么样的硬件和软件实现的,则是具体的实现(implementation)问题. 体系结构是抽象的,

Service area:服务区

HFC网络结构引入了服务区(Service Area)的概念,将一个大网分解为许多物理上独立的子网(每个光节点的同轴电缆分配网),每一个子网允许采用相同的频谱安排而互不影响.

network break-in:接入网络

network architecture 网络结构 | network break-in 接入网络 | network capacitance 网络电容


微蜂窝"(Cellular)是CFDA中的一个基本结构单元,根据实际应用环境的情况,整个CFDA系统可以由一个或者多个"微蜂窝"构成. "微蜂窝"内的网络结构称为"内网",多个微蜂窝小区构成平台的"外网",具体定义如下:外网(Marco Net ):指在一定的地域内,


他们采用护卫(convoy) 这个概念,想象社会支持网络结构就象护卫舰一直围绕着个体,这个带有比喻意义的标签意味着每个人在终生发展过程中,身边都会有一些给予他们帮助或者接受他们帮助的与他们有关的人.


结节之间的联系有强有弱,它们之间靠同义、析取(disjunction)等关系串联起来. 这说明当一个节点或连接受到激活,激活就会向各个方向扩散. 网络结构决定触发提取. 我们可以将这一模式与联想搭配记忆相联系起来. Deese(1958)的实验充分说明,

network structure:网络结构

该定义的四个要素是:网络结构(network structure)、伙伴关系、信息技术和智力资本. Anonymous(1998)认为,虚拟人力资源是指"网络技术使人力资源能自动化". E一人力资源模式使用局域网和互联网,不仅可以完成求职、沟通等简单处理,

Network structure model:网络结构模式

四端网络模型:Four-terminal network model | 网络结构模式:Network structure model | 分层网络模型:Hierarchical network model


全面解释和阐述网络通信协议,包括传输控制协议/网际协议(TCP/IP)、广域网(WAN)、局域网(LAN)技术. 语音网际(VOIP)协议存储区域网络(SAN)协议思科(Cisco)协议IBM 系统网络结构(SNA)和协议DECnet、微软(Microsoft)和 Xerox 协议

