英语人>词典>汉英 : 罐装的 的英文翻译,例句
罐装的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
canned  ·  tinned

更多网络例句与罐装的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"I like the beer in cans best."


B:Let's try the draught.


Krill are already in some fish products, such as fish sticks and canned crab.


Fetch a certain number of fresh or canned pineapple piece, mincing become small.


Don't you remember we once ate potted shrimps with a paper knife?


Don't you remember we once ate potted shrimp s with a paper knife?


I'm a button pusher, Spam in a can.


In the Czech Republic, a total of 350 pubs serve Gambrinus from a tank. In comparison with European or even with worldwide standards, Czechs are leaders in workmanship and in distribution of their national drink served from tanks. While their interest in beer from tanks is growing steadily, it is increasing the number of pubs which serve beer from tanks. Gambrinus could be an example of this. Currently about every tenth Gambrinus beer comes from a tank. Restaurants that offer this beer will from now on have specific signs, which say,"Here we serve unpasteurized Gambrinus from a tank."

捷克国内,共计有350家酒吧提供大罐装的Gambrinus啤酒,相比欧洲甚至世界各地,在大罐啤酒供应方面捷克的技术是处于领先地位的,当消费者对大罐啤酒的兴趣递增的时候,供应这种啤酒的酒店数量也进一步的增长,Gambrinus就是最好的例子,当前大约1/10的Gambrinus啤酒采用这种大罐装形式,现在供应这种啤酒的餐馆都会有特别的标记,上面写着:&本店供应 Gambrinus 的大罐储藏纯生啤酒&

Typical lend-lease foods that would be OK for reenacting would be flour, dried peas and beans, sugar, canned meats, particularly Spam or a facsimile of Tushonka (a kind of stewed pork product in gelatin) butter, vegetable shortening, oil and margarine, canned or dried milk, dried eggs, grits, and coffee.

援助的食品物资包括面粉、干碗豆、豆类、糖和罐装肉类。其他的还有 Tushonka 黄油〔一种由凝胶沉淀捣碎制成的东西〕、蔬菜、油、人造黄油、罐装的或块状干牛奶、干鸡蛋、粗面粉和咖啡。

Canners can can what they can can but cannot can things that can't be canned.


更多网络解释与罐装的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

canned beer:罐装啤酒

因扎啤在饮用时可从扎啤机里直接打到广口玻璃杯(jar)里而得名. 啤酒根据麦芽汁(wort)的浓度可分为高、中、低浓度型三种. 按包装容器,还可分为瓶装啤酒(bottled beer)、桶装啤酒(keg beer)和罐装啤酒(canned beer).

bottled gas:罐装液化气

bottlebrush 洗瓶刷 | bottled gas 罐装液化气 | bottled 瓶装的

canned heat:罐装燃料

90年代的"布鲁斯旅行者"(Blues Traveler)和"智囊团"{Spin Doctors)也都是不错的成功乐队. 这些情况说明,"布鲁斯摇滚"的听众们依然热爱这种风格,而且不会随着时间的流逝而改变. 8.u罐装燃料"(Canned Heat )

canned heat:小罐装的化学燃料

canned fruit juice | 罐头果汁, 果汁罐头 | canned heat | 小罐装的化学燃料 | canned mango | 芒果罐头, 罐头芒果


Dried fish 鱼干 | Canned罐装的 | Black Pudding 黑香肠

canned food:罐装食品

9.为避免耽误时间,请将信直接寄给我们在新泽西(New Jersey)的分公司.从贵国驻北京的大使馆的商务参赞处获悉,贵公司是一家食品(foodstuff)出口商.作为一家专营罐装食品(canned food)的零售商(retailer),我们特致函贵方,希望能建立贸易关系.


Potier's reactance 保梯电抗 | potted 密封的,罐装的 | potted capacitor 密封式电容器


shut up 你一定在开玩笑吧! | sixer 一盒六罐装的啤酒 | skag 丑女孩

British Iron Ration, carried in the field:英军前线罐装食物(一线配给标准)

1 oz. gur. 1盎司浓缩甘蔗汁(糖的替代品) | British Iron Ration, carried in the field英军前线罐装食物(一线配给标准): | 1 lb. preserved meat; 1磅咸肉罐头肉

canned corned beef:罐装咸牛肉

canned butter concentrate || 含水分低的罐头奶油; 罐装无水奶油 | canned corned beef || 罐装咸牛肉 | canned crushed corn || 玉米碎粒罐头, 罐装玉米碎粒