英语人>词典>汉英 : 编辑者 的英文翻译,例句
编辑者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bookmaker  ·  compiler  ·  compilers  ·  redactor

更多网络例句与编辑者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is also equipped with a new GN Bazooka as its stand weaponry.


Secondly, an integral and complete planning is required for textbook editors to ensure the elements and order of ability structure. A versatile type of questions should be designed to improve learning and diversify the format of practice question in order to apply in daily life.


There are some editors who are as nice as your next door neighbor and others who are not.


Having just a procedure INTERFACE or EXTERNAL declaration will allow the compiler to continue without error, but the linker will not be able to resolve your call to an address or reference to a variable because there is no procedure code or variable space reserved.


Although a mechanism that allow multi-user to edit the same data file can improve the data updating performance and promote the creating and cooperation of geographic data, the so-called version updating conflict problems that arise from the inconsistency of geographic data due to different editing behaviors must be considered beforehand.


English actor and an editor of the First Folio...


Ambrosius Aurelianus (incorrectly referred to in the Historia Regum Britanniae as Aurelius Ambrosius ) was a leader of the Romano-British, who won important battles against the Anglo-Saxons in the 5th century, according to Gildas and to the legends preserved in the Historia Britonum.


Most graphics editors are capable of creating and storing images files in several standard graphic file formats, which include Windows Bitmap file, Graphics Interchange Format file, Tagged Image File Format file and Joint Photographic Experts Group file.


The news desk editor,took the story and began to work on all the stories and photos until all the pages were set.


TASKING is a world-leader in compiler and debugger technology for embedded software development.


更多网络解释与编辑者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

booklover:喜爱读书的人 爱好书的人

booklore | 书本知识 | booklover | 喜爱读书的人 爱好书的人 | bookmaker | 著作家, 编辑者, 出版者, 以赌赛马为生的人

bookmaker:著作家, 编辑者, 出版者, 以赌赛马为生的人

booklover | 喜爱读书的人 爱好书的人 | bookmaker | 著作家, 编辑者, 出版者, 以赌赛马为生的人 | bookmaking | 著作, 编辑


bookmaker 著作家 | bookmaker 赌博业者 | bookmakercompilerredactor 编辑者


hormonologist 内分泌学家 | chronologist 年代学者,年表编辑者 | geochronologist 地质年代学家

compiler language:编辑者语言

compile data 编制资料 | compiler language 编辑者语言 | complacence 自得


copycat /无主见的家伙/复印机/ | copydesk /编辑者用的办公桌/ | copyfitting /版面调整/


cyclopedic | 百科辞典的, 广泛的 | cyclopedist | 百科全书编辑者 | cyclopenin | 圆弧(青霉)菌素


gypsographer 石膏雕刻师 | hypsographer 地形测绘学家 | glossographer 书籍注释者,词汇表编辑者c


这词在这节出现不必是后来编辑者(redactor)加插的. 吉兆宾(Gispen)指出西乃山律法是为将来进入迦南地安居而设,所以本地的民就是住在应许之地的以色列人. 41然而摩西用这名词,可能要显明神恩及外邦,寄居选民当中的人,只要诚心敬拜神,


172.actor 男演员,行动者 | redactor 编辑者,校订者 | reactor 引起反应作用的人