英语人>词典>汉英 : 缓和 的英文翻译,例句
缓和 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abate  ·  abatement  ·  alleviation  ·  appease  ·  appeasement  ·  assuage  ·  assuagement  ·  bate  ·  detente  ·  disarm  ·  dull  ·  easement  ·  mitigate  ·  mitigation  ·  moderation  ·  modify  ·  mollification  ·  mollify  ·  palliate  ·  palliation  ·  relax  ·  relaxation  ·  relaxing  ·  remission  ·  remit  ·  salve  ·  season  ·  seasons  ·  soothe  ·  subdual  ·  abirritate  ·  anesis  ·  appeasing  ·  disarmed  ·  duller  ·  abated  ·  abates  ·  abating  ·  appeased  ·  appeases  ·  assuaged  ·  assuages  ·  assuaging  ·  bates  ·  disarms  ·  dulled  ·  dulls  ·  mitigated  ·  mitigates  ·  mitigating  ·  modifies  ·  mollified  ·  mollifies  ·  palliated  ·  palliates  ·  palliating  ·  relaxes  ·  remits  ·  remitted  ·  remitting  ·  salved  ·  salves  ·  salving  ·  soothed  ·  soothes  ·  modifications  ·  remissions  ·  smooths

ease off · ease up · smooth over · tone down
更多网络例句与缓和相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With the strengthening of the economic and military forces of the Han Dynasty, the policy of appeasement was replaced by one of military pacification.


The aortic nerve stimulation produced depressor and bradycardic responses were elicited in urethan and chloralose aneasthetized rabbits.


The segment arrangement on circular curves has proven theoretical support;the segment arrangement on transition curves,however,has no theoretical support and is usually executed by means of VMT systems equipped on shield machines.


The segment arrangement on circular curves has proven theoretical support; the segment arrangement on transition curves, however, has no theoretical support and is usually executed by means of VMT systems equipped on shield machines. On basis of the relevant survey theories and the actual conditions of the turning rings, the author probes into the segment arrangement on transition curves in the paper.


In accordance with two independent rectangular coordinate systems, this paper discusses the complete coordinate formula of the middle spiral curve, the two groups' basic relation which is different to the general one and the significant intentions for averting chain breaking, which comes from the line parameter selected to compute the right coordinate of the curve points.


As two big countries which had more important influence on Northeast Asia, the mitigation of them changed the contrast of the original power in this region. It also made various power re-divided and combination, which brought huge impact on the structure and form of Northeast Asia. The old structure and form tended to break up.The mollification of the two countries' relation brings a chance to resolve the problems which were brought by Cold War.


The United States accepted the principle position in Taiwanese problem, they accepted the position of ""one china"". China resolved the Taiwanese Problem theoretically, which made the nervous situation in Taiwan mollify. In the korea peninsula, the mollification of the two countries' relation alleviated the hostile motion between the two Koreas. The two countries put forward their assertion about unification respectively, which pushed a beginning of the two countries' conversation.


This paper briefly introduces the area calculation problem of a block,the boundary of which includes the easement curve or its parallel curve .


Based on the characteristics of transaction curve and parallel line,the calculation formulas of boundary line parameters and length are derived,providing theoretical support for higher grade highway design,and determination,as well as practical formula for calculation,also providing mathematics model for dealing with linear data which are obtained through road survey.


It can offer treating the way to relax handstand movements oneself of a relaxation and simple and easy one, can draw back the interval of vertebra, and then lighten the pain of neural oppression of vertebra.


更多网络解释与缓和相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

assuage:缓和, 减轻, 镇定

ASST | American Society for Steel Treating 美国钢处理协会 | assuage | 缓和, 减轻, 镇定 | assuagement | 缓和, 缓和

assuagement:缓和, 缓和物

assuage | 缓和, 减轻, 镇定 | assuagement | 缓和, 缓和物 | assuasive | 有和缓性的, 镇静的, 缓和

easing motion:走锭纺机缓和运动;缓和装置

"松紧竖钩;松针","easing hook" | "走锭纺机缓和运动;缓和装置","easing motion" | "缓和运动","easing up motion"


擦剂 leniment | 缓和的,润滑的,缓和药,润滑药 lenitive | 晶体,透镜 lens


mitigation缓和 | mitigative缓和性的;缓和剂 | mitigator缓和


mitigable 可缓和 | mitigative 缓和性的 | mitigativeobtundent 使缓和


mitigative缓和性的;缓和剂 | mitigator缓和剂 | mitismetal可锻铁铸件


palliate /缓和/ | palliation /缓和/辩解/减轻/ | palliative /缓和的/减轻的/掩饰的/辩解/可斟酌的事情/

palliation:缓和; 辩解; 减轻; 掩饰 (名)

palliate 缓和; 辩解; 减轻; 掩饰 (动) | palliation 缓和; 辩解; 减轻; 掩饰 (名) | palliative 缓和的; 掩饰的; 减轻的; 可斟酌的 (形)

transition curve:缓和曲线

缓和曲线(transition curve)设置在直线与圆曲线或不同半径的圆曲线之间的曲率连续变化的曲线. 为使列车安全、平顺、舒适地由直线过渡到圆曲线,在直线与圆曲线之间要设置缓和曲线. 缓和曲线的作用是:在缓和曲线范围内,其半径由无限大渐变到圆曲线半径,